Their eyes stayed locked on each other as he made his way towards her. His heart melted when he saw her sweet smile directed at him. When he got to her he stood behind her, his arms going around her waist as she leaned back against him.

“What were you and your father talking about? It looked intense.”

“Nothing much, just that he and Mom are happy that we patched things up and are living together. Are you having a good time?” He kissed the side of her face. “You smell good. Let’s sneak away to the barn and make out like a couple of horny teenagers.”

She laughed as she unfolded his arms from around her waist. “Behave yourself, mister. Now go help the men with the barbeque while I go in and help your mom and Dakota with the salads.” She grabbed the beer from his hand and took a drink before handing it back.

When she was alone with Dawn she felt the need to ask her a question. “Dawn, are you OK with me and CJ?”

“What do you mean dear?”

“Us living together. I know we haven’t known each other very long and it might seem too early to be living together.”

Dawn laid down the plates and taking Sam’s hands in hers smiled. “I’m very happy that CJ has found someone as sweet and kind as you. He loves you and there’s no doubt in my mind that you love him. So yes, I’m OK with it. He’s a good man and he’ll never hurt you. But he’s still a man and will make mistakes, just be patient with him.”

“I will, thank you,” Sam said, giving her a hug.

They took the plates and salads outside just as the meat was coming off the grill. Plates filled with burgers and salad they all found spots to sit down. Out of chairs, Sam sat between CJ’s legs which he didn’t mind one little bit.

“So CJ I guess now that you’re settling down you won’t be out playing every night,” one of the men said and everyone laughed.

He just smiled back at them and leaning in he whispered in her ear. “Oh, I’ll be playing every night.”

She looked over her shoulder at him. “Behave yourself.” And when feeling his arousal behind her she blushed.

Someone put on the music and many got up to dance. CJ took her hand and pulling her close started swaying to the beat of the music. His one arm went around her waist, his face resting against the side of her head. Words could not explain how he felt when he held her close. He loved the way her arms felt around his neck, the way her body fit into his as if they were made for each other. He also loved the way her bottom lip quivered when she was mad and how she crossed her arms, giving him the death stare.

“I’m so happy CJ.”

“Me too baby.”

When the kids went home with Dawn and Calvin, the adults continued to party. CJ enjoyed watching Sam laughing and having a good time. He knew she was getting drunk but didn’t say anything, he just hoped she wouldn’t regret it come morning.

By the time everyone left to go home she was wasted and he had to carry her up to bed and undressing her put her to bed. When he climbed in she jumped on top of him.

“I love you CJ and I’m going to make love to you,” she said, slurring her words. “I’m going to make you grunt, groan and moan like never before.”

He laid back, enjoying the way she was kissing his neck. “Oh yeah baby, I like that.” His manhood got hard and he was so horny he wanted to fling her onto her back and take her. “Why are you stopping?” he asked when she laid still, her face in the crook of his neck. Hearing her even breathing realized she had fallen asleep or passed out right on top of him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, letting her sleep on top of him. Yes, he could sleep this way every night, it felt good having her naked on top, her beautiful, soft hair fanned out around him.

Sam slowly opened her eyes, her head was pounding and her mouth felt dry. Lifting her head up she saw that she was on top of CJ. Oh my God, did I sleep on him all night? As quietly as she could she slid off CJ and made a B-line to the bathroom, her stomach was churning and she knew she was going to be sick.

CJ could hear Sam throwing up in the bathroom and rushed in. There she was, her head in the toilet. He held her hair back, gently rubbing her back.

“Go away, I don’t want you to see me this way,” she cried out, her throat felt raw and dry.

“Hey, you’re my girlfriend, it’s my job to hold your hair back when you’re sick. Also, I’m a doctor and I’ve seen it all before.” When she was done emptying her stomach he carried her back to bed and laying her down covered her with a blanket. “You better stay in bed, I’ll get you some water and something for your head.

He came back with a glass of water and two aspirins, handing them to her.

“Thank you,” she said, swallowing the pills and drinking the water. She rubbed her head and moaned. “Why did you let me drink so much last night?”

“I don’t own you, you can do and say whatever you please.”

She looked at him, loving him more for saying that. Jonathan always tried to control her, telling her what to do, who to talk and how to behave. “Last night is a blur. Did I do anything stupid?”

“No. You had a good time, you danced, made jokes.”

She placed her hands over her mouth and gasped. “Oh no, I embarrassed you in front of your friends. They must think I’m a right nut case.”

“They adored you, said you were a breath of fresh air.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and smiled. “You get some rest and when you’re feeling better I’ll make you something to eat.” He kissed her cheek and was about to walk out.

“CJ,” she called out.

He turned to look at her. “Yes, baby?”

“Why was I laying on top of you naked?”

He ran his thumb along his bottom lip as a grin appeared on his face. “You took off your gown and jumped on me, said you were going to make wild love to me and when you started kissing my neck you passed out.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. So why didn’t you move me off you?”

“I didn’t want to, I liked you being on top of me. I could sleep that way every night.” Get some rest now.” **********************************

She woke up after having slept the whole morning. Not finding CJ inside she went outside and found him feeding the horses.

“I’m never going to drink that much again, I feel like crap.”

He put his arms around her when she leaned into him. “There’s nothing worse than a hangover. I’ll go into town and pick up some takeout and we’ll spend the night in. Maybe watch a movie.”

“Oh, you are the best,” she said, lifting her face up to kiss him.

The next three months went without a hitch, they were happy. This one afternoon when CJ came home from work he was greeted by Sam. She came running out of the house and practically knocked him over when she jumped into his arms.

He picked her up off her feet, his arms wrapped tightly around her, his kiss lasted what seemed like forever. When he finally broke free and set her down was when he noticed she had a large brown envelope in her hand. “Now this was a nice welcoming home surprise. What’s in the envelope?”

Her eyes were brimming over with pure joy and they sparkled when she looked at him. “I’m free CJ. Jonathan has signed the divorce papers. I’m no longer tied to that sick bastard. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

He drew her back into his arm, hugging her. “That’s wonderful, I think this calls for a celebration. Let me take you out to a nice dinner.”

“I’ve got a better idea. Let’s invite Dakota and Parker to go with us, I’m sure your mom will love to babysit. We could go to dinner and then to the bar.” When she saw him scrunching up his face she knew he was tired and didn’t want a late night. “Please CJ, we don’t have to stay out late.”

Seeing how happy she was he knew he couldn’t deny her anything, so putting a smile on his weary face agreed. “OK baby, let’s do it. I’ll call Parker and then take a shower.”

She pulled her bottom lip in and gave him a sly smile. “I already invited them, they will be here in a couple of hours to pick us up. You’re not mad are you?”

“I could never get mad at you, let me get cleaned up.” Putting his arm around her waist they went in to get ready. Coming from the shower wearing nothing but a towel around his waist he stopped to stare at her. She had on a sexy red dress, her hair flowed down over her shoulders. “You look amazing in that dress.”

She turned to smile at him, twirling her finger around a strand of hair. “I’m glad you like it. it’s new.” She walked over, put her hand on the towel and pulled it off him, leaving him in all his glory as she walked away. “Now hurry up and get dressed, Parker and Dakota will be here any minute,” she said as she glanced over her shoulder before walking out.

“Just wait till I get you home tonight,” he said as she disappeared.

They enjoyed a lovely meal at the same restaurant they went to on their first date. CJ was thrilled to see how happy and at ease she was with finally having gotten her divorce. He thought about telling her the reason, and he would but not tonight. He knew she would be mad at him and he didn’t want to ruin this night for her.

They then stopped at the bar in town for a couple of drinks. CJ sat with his arm around Sam’s shoulder, after the second beer he yawned.

Sam, having noticed took his chin in her hand, running her thumb along his bottom lip. “I think I better get my man home and into bed,” she said loud enough so that the other two heard. But they were interrupted when a woman walked over to their table.

“Well, look what we have here. If it isn’t CJ and his little tramp.”

“Get lost Donna,” Dakota snapped.

But she paid no attention to Dakota, directing her focus on CJ and Sam. “I’m really surprised you lasted this long. But mark my words, soon he will start to stray.”

CJ felt his anger rising, his eyes narrowed when he glared angrily at her. “Walk away Donna, you’re not wanted here.” He turned to Sam, his hand caressing her shoulder. “Let’s go home baby, we don’t need to stay here and listen to her shit.”

They all stood and started to walk out, they almost made it to the door when Donna ran up and grabbing Sam’s arm swung her around. “As soon as CJ is finished with you I’ll be waiting for him.”

Sam was no longer the shy and scared woman she was when she was with Jonathan. She was no longer going to let anyone intimidate her. She moved so quickly, taking everyone by surprise when she gave Donna a hard shove, knocking her on her ass. “Stay away from my man,” she yelled at her.

“No one pushes me,” Donna hissed. “When I get up I’m going to kick your ass.”

Sam smirked. “Bring it on bitch,” she said, motioning with her hands.

When Donna got up both women went to lunge at each other, and everyone in the bar stopped talking to watch the fight. Before they got too far someone grabbed Donna from behind and CJ wrapped his arms around Sam’s waist, holding her back, but not before she had grabbed Donna’s hair, pulling out some of her extensions.

“Let me go CJ,” she yelled out, struggling to get to her.

Picking Sam up he tossed her over his shoulder and walked out of the bar. She kept squirming, trying to get down. Parker and Dakota, with grins on their faces, followed behind.

Once he reached Parker’s car he put her down.

“Why didn’t you let me beat her fat ass?” She went to go back in but he grabbed a hold of her and pinned her up against the car.

His heart filled with admiration for his hot-tempered beauty. He felt a sense of pride when she called him her man. “She’s not worth it baby, let’s just go home.” He then drew her into his arms and kissed her.

“OK you two, break it up and get in the car,” Parker said as he and Dakota walked over to them.

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