
After Austyn went to our room to try on her ceremony gown, I went to my office to meet Jacks and Nick. We had our own uniforms for the night. Emma and Amber had brought back our suits with ties to match our dates’ dresses. Austyn was wearing a red dress, Amber a blue, and Madeline was in green. Jacks wasn’t sure about inviting Madeline to the ceremony at first, but I encouraged him to do it as a way to judge how she reacted to Austyn as the official Luna.

We tried on our suits. They were all exactly the same, apart from the tie and the size. They were pitch black with a white undershirt and the pack symbol on the cufflinks. Everyone’s suit fit fine, so we hung them up in the office until it was time for the ceremony.

“Nick, I want you to make sure that all of the warriors are on this along with doubling the patrol and border patrols. I don’t want any funny business.” I ordered.

“Already done, Alpha.” Nick replied proudly. I nodded once, my expression grateful.

Nick had really stepped it up the last couple of days, trying to make up for his indiscretion with Austyn’s protection. Of course, my mate harshly chastised me for how I treated Nick and the guards, but I wasn’t about to apologize. They deserved to have the fear of the Goddess put in them. Whatever I needed to do to keep my mate safe would be done.

“Jacks, I want the situation downstairs handled before the ceremony. Austyn and I are meeting my mother for lunch so let’s get it done this morning.” I said. Jacks nodded,

“Sure thing. What’s the plan?” Jacks nodded.

“We’ll talk about it on the way, let’s go. Nick, hold things down here. Austyn is upstairs in our room with Amber and Emma.” I said. Nick nodded and left the office at the same time as us. He went towards the elevator and we went towards the basement steps.

The basement steps were secured by a keypad code and finger scanner that was set up to only allow myself, Jacks, and Nick entrance. Once Austyn’s ceremony is complete, I’ll add her to the security program as well. I typed in my code, the same as the parking garage, my new favorite date: May 15th. It was the day that I met the love of my life. I pressed my thumb on the scanner and the door clicked open.

Jacks pulled the door open for us and flicked on the lights. The stairwell lit up from lights on the wall and on the steps. At the bottom was a secured gate that required a different code to enter. The gate creaked open. When I brought Austyn down here earlier we entered through the outside door which had the same security precautions just on the other side of the cellar.

Halfway down the cells was a large interrogation room. It was also the room where executions were carried out. This is where Kayden, Victor, and Michelle were waiting, attached to chains that were hanging from the ceiling. Jacks and I entered the room which was guarded by six Warriors.

“What do you want to do, Quinn?”

“Let me out.” He barked, clawing at my head.


“Quinn wants a peice of them.” I said to the room.

They all bowed their heads and stepped towards the door, giving me space. I carefully took off my clothes and folded them in the corner. I didn’t want to show up to lunch bare ass naked. I narrowed my eyes at the traitors and felt them turn black. Quinn howled once before demanding control. He ripped through my body then I was on all fours.

Quinn snapped and snarled at the traitors, playing with his food. He ripped down one person at a time, leaving them bloody on the ground. He mangled their bodies just like he did to Frank days ago. Once his need for vengeance was satisfied he let out a vicious growl and relinquished control. I shifted back and picked up my clothes,

“Jacks, finish them.” I ordered my Beta, not wanting to deny him his right as my second in command which included the privilege of being the executioner.

I walked out of the cells to the sound of Jacks’ wolf ending the Nice family. I felt a small pang of guilt for Amber. She was just made a siblingless orphan. But, I knew from my conversations with her that she was loyal to our pack, to Austyn, and that she was full of hate and vengeance as well.

It had taken less time than I thought to carry out the Nice family’s sentence. I had enough time to shower and check on the ceremony’s progress. I knew my room was off limits, so I used the bathroom connected to my office. I quickly showered and shaved, taking extra time to make sure I was presentable. Then, I went outside to the backyard.

It was already transformed, looking positively breathtaking and fit for my Luna. There were string lights decorating the trees and lanai. The lanai was turned into a mock stage with white curtains elegantly draped as a backdrop. There was a makeshift asile covered in flowers, rows of white folding chairs on either side of it.

Across the yard was the reception area. White tables detailed with red table clothes, floral centerpieces, and fancy dining ware were strategically placed around the yard. Included with the center peices was a single picture at each table. The pictures were from our impromptu photoshoot in the city before dinner. A dance floor was created in front of the band which was already set up. The band mates were testing out their instruments and the speakers to make sure that everything was perfect.

I grinned like an idiot thinking about making Austyn my official Luna tonight. The only thing that was going to make me happier was the end of the ceremony when I suprised her by asking her to be my wife as well. It wasn’t traditional for werewolves to get married, but I wanted to be tied to her in every way possible. Besides, we weren’t a traditional couple anyway.

I purchased a beauitful vintage ring that had a ruby in the center in an oval setting with small diamonds all around it. It reminded me of her red dress from our first night together.

“What do you think, Alpha?” A member of the staff smiled, walking over towards me.

“It’s perfect, Harriet, honestly.” I adorened.

“Oh, I’m so glad you like it. I hope our Luna feels the same way.” She gushed with love in her eyes for my mate.

“She’s going to love it, too.” I was proud at how well my pack was accepting my mate and at how amazing she was at being their Luna.

One of the patrol guards mindlinked me about my mother’s precense at the packhouse. I said goodbye to the staff and hurried to meet my mom.

“Hi, Mom.” I greeted her in the entryway, kissing her cheek.

“Hello, Leo.” She replied stiffly.

“Is everything alright?” I asked her.

“Yes, fine.” She nodded but I could tell that she was upset about something. My mother was a private women so I didn’t press it.

“Come on, we’re having lunch in the sunroom. I’ll get you settled and then go find Austyn.” I offered her my elbow and escorted her to the front sunroom. The staff were waiting to greet us, offering water, tea, and lemonade. I left my mother in their hands while I went upstairs to gather my mate.

It felt strange to knock on my own bedroom door but I didn’t want to see Austyn’s dress before it was time. Another silly human tradition that I wanted to uphold. Emma answered the door,

“What are you doing here? You can’t see the dress.” She was already nagging me.

“I know, Emma, I want to see my mate. It’s time for lunch with my mother.” I laughed at her.

“Oh.” She replied and disappeared back in the room. The scent of my mate hit me before I saw her. Citrus and daisies filled my senses just as her beauitful body appeared in the doorway.

“Hello my love.” I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her snugly to my chest. I kissed her deeply,

“I missed you.” I purred.

“I missed you.” She giggled, returning the kiss.

“Are you ready for lunch?” I asked, pulling away. She nodded and took my hand.

“How’s your mom today?” She asked nervously.

“She seemed a little off, honestly. Maybe just nervous?” I shrugged.

“I hope she likes me.” Austyn sighed, picking at her fingers.

“Are you kidding? She’s going to love you.” I squeezed her hand and gave her an encourging smile. We rode the elevator down in silence and I led the way to the sunroom.

My mother was seated at the table with a sweet tea and a frown. I sighed interanlly at her and prayed that everything went well. We walked up to her and I introduced Austyn,

“Mom, this is Austyn, my mate and Luna.” My mother didn’t even stand up as she looked at my mate. Her lack of respect shocked me. Austyn’s smile didn’t falter as she reached her hand out towards my mom.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Luna Sylvia.” She said. My mother didn’t shake her hand.

“Is it?” She said in a plain voice.

“Mom?” I was appauled at her attitude.

“Of course it is.” Austyn’s expression was puzzled.

“I was just wondering since you had my mate killed and all if you were gunning for me next?” Mother’s voice was cold as she spit at my mate. I instinctivally pulled Austyn behind me, sheilding her from any potential danger. Austyn’s face was distraught as if my mother had phsically slapped her.

“Luna Syliva…” She started but my mother inturpted her,

“I am not a Luna anymore, am I? Since you had Frank’s Alpha ranked stripped.”

“Just because Frank’s title was taken doesn’t mean you’re still not the Luna, Mom, you know that.” I snapped.

“You killed your own father, Leo.” She glared at me.

“After everything he did to you, why do you care?” I was seeing red, utterly fabborgasted by her reaction.

“He was still your father and my mate.”

“He was your choosen mate and you hated him.” I clairfied,

“And he was a shitty father.”

“You didn’t even care enough to give him a dignified funeral or to let me know personally what happened.” Her expression was sour.

Okay, she had me there. I should have called her and told her what happened with Frank. Instead, she had to hear it through the grapevine.

“You’re right, Mom, I should have told you what happened. I should’ve come to your house and had a conversation with you. But, my mate had been hurt and then she went missing. Times were a little stressful.” I reminded her.

“Your mate is the reason he’s dead. She tempted him with her body!” I felt Austyn shutter beside me at my mother’s words and a new anger rose up inside me.

“How can you say that?” I gasped.

“I didn’t do anything to him, Luna Sylvia.” Austyn spoke at the same time.

“Yeah, right.” Mother scouffed.

“That’s enough. Mom, I brought you here because today is Austyn’s Luna ceremony. I thought you two should meet and that you could help her with the transition. You will not come here and disrespect my mate and your Luna,

“I’m sorry that you lost your mate and that I didn’t realize how much you were affected by it, but this isn’t acceptable. Austyn didn’t do anything to deserve what he did to her just like you never did anything to deserve what he did to you. He has no one to blame but himself.” I defended my mate as Quinn growled in my head. I had my arm around Austyn’s waist backwards so she was still hidden behind me.

“I think I should leave now.” My mother stood from her chair.

“Mom, I don’t want it to be like this.” I sighed, not ready to lose both my parents. Even if they weren’t the best, they were still the only parents I had.

“I can’t be around her, Leo.” She glared at Austyn and a snarl left my throat before I could stop it. She looked at me with wide eyes,

“Don’t talk to her that way.” Quinn’s voice slipped out.

“It’s alright, Leo,” Austyn’s sweet voice calmed my wolf,

“She’s just hurting. I’m sorry that you lost your mate, Luna Sylvia, and I’m sorry that you feel like it was my fault. I understand that you’re hurting and need some time to heal. I hope that one day you feel well enough to be able to talk with me.” Austyn spoke so calmly and compassionately.

I felt nothing but pride and respect for my mate and how she handled my mother’s brutal attack on her character. Even my mother looked rattled. She nodded at Austyn and left without another word.

“I’m sorry….” I began but Austyn wasn’t having it,

“No need. It’s okay.” She smiled genuinely at me.

“I love you so much.” I looked at her in awe before crushing her lips to mine. I cradled her face and moved passionately against her. She giggled and pushed me away,

“If you keep this up we’re going to miss the ceremony.” Her voice was sultry, Ember nipping at her expression.

“Oh the things I’m going to do with you afterwards.” I growled, nibbling at her ear. She blushed deeply and I smelt the desire all over her body.

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