
I almost regretted demanding my Luna ceremony be so soon, because I never wanted to leave Leo and the bed. He gave me the best day, and night, of my life. But, I knew it was time for me to officially join the pack and I was more than ready.

Leo left early that morning to take care of some of the arrangements and left me alone to get ready. He said something about asking his mother to come over so we could finally meet. I think I was more nervous about that than the actual ceremony.

I went into the large walk in closet which, suddenly, houses all of my clothes. I had no idea when Leo had time to do it, but I was grateful that he did. I grabbed a white sundress and brown sandals. I found my way to Leo’s large attached bathroom. It was twice as big as the one I had in the cabin. It had a huge wall to wall vanity with two sinks and a mirror just as big. There was a porcelain soaker tub fit for two and a ginormous shower; I mean seriously, you could throw a party in that thing.

I ran through the shower quickly, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. I pulled on the sundress and sandals, admiring myself in the full length mirror. Satisfied with how I looked, I left Leo’s bedroom. I didn’t know my way around the packhouse very well, besides how to get to Leo’s office. I found the elevator and rode it to the bottom floor. I wandered around until I heard some familiar voices.

“Fern?” I poked my head into the kitchen to see Fern and Mallory helping the staff. They both let up and ran towards me,

“Austyn!” Fern cheered, giving me a huge hug,

“It’s so good to see you. I’m so glad that you’re okay!” She cried.

“I’m glad you’re back, Luna.” Mallory grinned at me from behind Fern.

“Thank you both. I’m okay.” I smiled, stepping away from Fern’s embrace to see fresh tears in her eyes.

“Really, I’m fine, more than fine. I met Selene the Moon Goddess in a dream and she gave me back my wolf. I shifted for the first time yesterday.” I told them.

“Oh, Austyn, that’s amazing! I told you that she had a plan.” Fern smiled smugly.

“You’re always right, Fern.” I sighed,

“My Luna ceremony is going to be today.” I added.

“I know, that’s why we’re here. The Alpha asked me to help the kitchen prepare your favorite meals.” Fern said.

“Really?” My heart swelled at Leo’s kind gesture.

“And he sent for me to help get you ready. He said you moved into the packhouse with him, now.” Mallory said.

“I did. What about Emma and Amber?” I wanted them to be involved in this, too.

“They are out shopping for your Luna dress. The pack has a boutique in town that they shop at for all their dresses. They know how to handle a Luna. We figured you wouldn’t mind if they chose something for you.” Fern said,

“Alpha Leo told us about the red dress you wore so they are using that as inspiration.” Mallory added.

“That’s perfect.” I agreed.

“I heard that Madeline is Jacks’ mate.” Fern raised her eyebrow at me in question. I sighed,

“That’s also true.” Mallory’s eyes widened as well.

“And he accepted her?” She gasped.

“No, not yet. He wanted to reject her but I told him to give her a chance.”

“Why?” Mallory asked plainly. I laughed at her,

“Becuase everyone deserves to have their mate.”

“You’re too kind, Luna.” Mallory said.

“Speaking of which, I think I’ll go find Jacks and see how that’s going.” I said, leaving the kitchen before they could argue with me.

I found my way up to the third floor, the one other place I knew how to get to since meeting Amber. I skipped the door marked with Gamma and knocked on the Beta’s door. Jacks answered,

“Oh, Luna, how are you?” Jacks seemed suprised to see me.

“I’m okay, I just wanted to see how things were going here.” I smiled.

“They’re….going.” Jacks sighed and I could tell that he was stressed,

“Madeline is staying in the guest quarters.” He nodded towards the door across from his. The Gamma and Beta apartments each had their own guest quarters for visitors, friends, and family of the ranked members.

“Is it you or her?” I asked accusingly. Jacks smirked,

“I’m apprehensive, I’ll give you that.”

“You’ve got to give her a chance.” I said.

“I know and I will, after your ceremony. I want to get through that first and see how she reacts to you officially becoming the Luna.” Jacks said.

“Alright, I’ll stay out of your business and let you do things your way.” I raised my hands in surrender.

“Yeah, right.” Jacks snorted.

“I’ll try, at least.” I shrugged innocently before skipping away. The Gamma door opened, revealing Nick,

“I thought I heard your voice.” He bellowed,

“It’s good to see you back home, Luna.”

“It’s good to be back home, Nick. You know I don’t blame you, right?”

One of the many discussions Leo and I had after I came home was me reprimanded him for how he treated Nick and my guard wolves. I was surprised to know that he had already handled it, reinstating all the wolves. Of course, apologizing was out of the question, but at least he fixed his mistake.

“I know, but I blame myself.” Nick shrugged with a guilty expression. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug. He froze in shock before returning the embrace.

“Well don’t.” I said simply,

“It’s ceremony day, it’s time to celebrate.” I grinned pulling away.

“You’re right.” Nick returned my smile. Then, his eyes went black for a second before returning to normal,

“Leo is looking for you. He’s in the kitchen.” I felt a rush of emotions at the mere mention of my mate’s name,

“Coming!” I sang, running towards the elevator.

I danced out of the elevator and excitedly skipped towards the kitchen. The second my eyes landed on Leo I rushed into his arms.

“Hello, my love.” Leo chuckled deeply, holding me close and planting a kiss on the top of my head.

“Hello.” I sighed, feeling content in his arms.

“We have some things to discuss.” He said, pulling just far enough away to see my face.

“Fern told me what you have the girls doing.” I said.

“Yes, that okay?” He asked.

“Sure.” I shrugged, pretty much okay with whatever as long as it ended in me being linked with the pack officially.

“I mindlinked the entire pack and they are more than thrilled, despite the short notice. The kitchen is obviously already at work under Fern’s direction. I helped the staff clean up what was left of my mess this morning,” He gave me a pointed look like he was waiting for a cookie or something. I just raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to continue,

“They’re working on setting up for the ceremony outside as we speak. Amber and Emma are back with your dress and setting up in your room. A pack elder is coming to perform the ceremony since…since Frank isn’t here as the past Alpha.” Leo’s face contorted at his father’s name. I quickly jumped in to change the subject,

“And your mom?”

“Oh, yeah, she’s going to come over in a few hours to meet us for lunch.” He cheered up at that.

“That sounds perfect, Leo.” I reached up on my tippy toes to give Leo a kiss.

“Do you want to see where the ceremony is going to be?” He asked. I shook my head slowly.

“No, I want to be surprised.” I decided.

“Whatever you want. The ceremony starts at six. We’ll have food and socializing afterwards. A few of the pack members have a band so I’ve asked them to come and perform afterwards.” He said.

“You didn’t have to do all of that, Leo.” I said, feeling guilty for all of the work and effort he was putting into it so last minute.

“I know but I wanted to. I want it to be perfect for you, my little Luna.” He smiled lovingly down at me.

“It will be no matter what.” I returned his affection.

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