
“Are you okay?” I asked my mate as we left the cells. She was quiet and deep in thought. She casually snatched up my hand and I smiled down at her.

“I’m good.” She said with conviction.

“Did you really mean what you said? About me picking their punishment?” I asked.

“You’re the Alpha.” She shrugged.

“Well, yeah, but you’re the Luna, Austyn, you can deal out any punishment you see fit. I’ll always support you.” I squeezed her hand.

“I know, and I’ll always support you, Leo. I got what I needed. What happens to them next doesn’t affect me, but I know it will affect you.” She said.

“I love you so much, you know that?” I stared at my mate in disbelief.

“I know.” She smirked.

“I’m going to kill them.” I added.

“I know that, too.” She said. I searched her face, trying to determine whether she was truly okay with that or not. Nothing about her expression showed any hesitation or doubt.

“And Madeline?” I asked. Her face soured slightly,

“I hate that situation, I won’t lie, but Jacks doesn’t deserve to suffer. I hope she straightens up her act for the sake of her mate.” She mumbled.

“It was big of you to leave it in Jacks’ hands. You even defended her. He would have rejected her, you know?” I said as we walked back outside.

“I know and that’s fine if it’s what he eventually decides, but I didn’t want him to make that decision for me. I won’t be responsible for his rejection.” She answered firmly.

“You’re better to people than they deserve. I’ve never seen a heart like yours, my love.” I admired her lovingly.

“I just never want anyone to feel beaten down like I was,” She shrugged,

“Besides, I trust Jacks. He’s probably going to be even harder on her than we would be. If he is able to trust her, I’ll know that she’s been redeemed.”

“Whatever you want, baby. I trust you.” I dropped her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist, needing to feel closer to her.

“Alpha?” Nick mindlinked me.


“Elder Jacob is here.” His tone sounded irritated.

“Oh, great. Put him in my office.”

“He put himself in your office.” He grumbled.

“I’ll be there soon.” I sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Austyn asked, noticing my dark eyes.

“Elder Jacob is in my office.” I said, turning us back towards the packhouse entrance.

“I don’t like them.” Austyn mumbled.

“Neither do I, baby.” I agreed

“What if he knows what the Moon Goddess said to me?” She asked nervously.

“He doesn’t, there’s no way that he could.”

“But, Selene said that the Council sent the rogues after me.” I argued.

“I guess that’s true. Did the Moon Goddess mention if they knew you were the royal descendant or if they were just being cautious?” I suddenly felt nauseous and very angry with the elder sitting in my office.

“I’m not sure. A little bit of both maybe?” Austyn answered.

“I won’t let him or anyone else hurt you, never again, baby. But, I’ll understand if you don’t want to meet him with me.” I said, pausing in the packhouse entryway.

“No, I want to come. This is my pack.” She had a determined expression on her adorable face.

“Yes it is.” I smiled adoringly at her.

“And I want a Luna ceremony. Tomorrow.” She said suddenly.

“Tomorrow?” I looked at her with wide eyes.

“Yes, I don’t want to be separated from you or the pack ever again.” She nodded.

“Then, it’ll be done, love.” I said. She smiled again and we continued walking towards the office.

I braced myself for whatever Elder Jacob had in mind as I opened my office door. He was sitting in one of the oversized chairs in front of my desk. Nick was hiding in the corner, glaring at the older man with white hair and a jeweled cane. Elder Jacob turned when he sensed our approach. I held Austyn close to my side.

“Elder Jacob, thank you for coming.” I said, stretching out my hand. Elder Jacob stood with the help of his cane and shook my hand.

“I was curious about your situation here, Alpha Leo.” Elder Jacob said. His eyes shifted over to Austyn and I didn’t miss the change in his expression.

“And who is this?” He asked.

“This is my Luna, Austyn-Rose Merriweather.” I introduced my mate. Austyn smiled and bowed her head before holding out her hand for the elder. He eyed it like it was poisonous but had no choice but to accept her handshake.

“I didn’t know you found your mate.” Elder Jacob said.

“It was only just recently that we met. She comes from Dark Moon. She’s the daughter of their late Beta.” I explained. I walked behind my desk and sat down, pulling Austyn onto my lap. She blushed brilliantly but I held her close, refusing to let her move.

“Oh?” I eyed Elder Jacob closely, trying to determine what he knew. His expression was guarded.

“Victor, Michelle, and Kayden’s offenses were against my Luna.” I said.

“What exactly happened?” Elder Jacob asked as he sat again. I explained all of the abuse the Nice family put my mate through along with the kidnapping and attempted assaults.

“I wonder what would prompt such harsh actions from Alpha Victor?” Elder Jacob said as I finished my explanation. I growled as he used Victor’s stricken title,

“He isn’t an Alpha any longer, Elder Jacob. There’s no excuse for his actions. Nothing excuses someone for abuse, kidnapping, and sexual assult.”

Attempted assault.” I didn’t appreciate the elder’s classification. Neither did Austyn,

“Does that matter?” She asked cooly. Elder Jacob glared at my mate and I held her closer.

“I’m not sure that your presence here is appropriate, Miss.”

“That’s Luna to you, Elder Jacob, and she belongs wherever I am.” I snapped. Austyn rubbed my arms, trying to calm me.

“I heard a rumor that Beta Jason’s daughter was attacked as well.” He ignored my outburst. I prompted Austyn to answer, wanting the elder to understand that she was my equal.

“I was. The rogues injected me with something to take away my wolf,” She explained. Elder Jacob’s face contorted and I swear he looked relieved,

“Luckily, the Moon Goddess is merciful and she gave her back to me.” His face changed again.

“Pardon me?”

“She gave me my wolf back.” Austyn stated.

“How lucky, indeed.” His words indicated that he thought the opposite.

“Back to the matter at hand. I would like to absorb Dark Moon’s territory and pack. I will take responsibility for all of the members.” I said, not wanting his attention on my mate any longer. Elder Jacob looked at me again.

“That will make you quite a large pack, Alpha Leo.” He said.

“We have the resources capable of sustaining it.” I said.

“Yes, and you have been an effective leader. Speaking of leadership, where is Alpha Frank?” I flinched at my father’s name.

“Frank Storm was stripped of his rank and executed.” I growled. The Elder’s eyes widened,


“He attacked my mate and was working in cahoots with the Nice family. I stripped him of his title and exiled him from the pack. Instead of heeding my warning, he sexually assulted his Luna.” I didn’t even attempt to control my voice.

“I see. Should I assume that you have the same punishment in mind for Victor and his wife and son?” He asked.

“Yes.” I replied simply.

“Of course, the punishment is rightfully yours since the assault was on your Luna….” I knew he wanted to say more but I cut him off,

“Actually, it’s up to my Luna. She dealt with them herself and has elected to allow me to see out the final punishment.” I said.

“I see.” He repeated.

“What of Dark Moon?” I was growing tired of this game.

“Well, as you have likely heard, we are having issues with some of our other strong packs.” He said.


“Many Alpha’s have chosen to take Luna’s who are not werewolves.” He scoffed.

“You mean the Moon Goddess chose mates for them that weren’t werewolves and they chose to accept the gift she gave them? I don’t see how that’s an issue.” I countered. Elder Jacob narrowed his eyes at me,

“It will weaken the Alpha bloodline of those packs. Since you have a mate who comes from a Beta bloodline with an intact wolf, I could see the benefits in allowing you to lead a larger pack.” Elder Jacob said and I resisted the urge to growl. He was going to give me what I wanted, but he was going to make it sound like I was an elitist.

“I’m not doing it for power and I don’t agree that a pure werewolf bloodline is the strongest. I believe that by absorbing Dark Moon I will be able to help its members.” I said.

“The large and strong pack it would create would be very helpful for the Council.” He completely ignored me.

“How?” I sighed.

“If the Council would need help settling a dispute, of course.” He said but I could sense the alternative motives behind his facade. His eyes flashed towards Austyn and back. He was trying to trap me and control Austyn, who he suspects is the largest threat against their rule. Of course, he’s right.

“Mhm.” I simply nodded.

“I will approve of this move.” He nodded.

“Great, thank you.” I stood, moving Austyn behind me. I made it clear that this meeting was over. I stepped up to the elder and shook his hand forcefully again.

“Thank you for coming all this way, elder, have a safe journey home.” Austyn smiled despite her irritation.

“I’ll be keeping a close eye on your pack, Alpha Leo.” He purposefully addressed me alone, not including my Luna.

We look forward to hosting you again.” I said, pulling Austyn to my side. Elder Jacob grumbled as he hobbled towards the tour.

“Nick, please escort the elder out.” I motioned for Nick to follow him and left no room for Elder Jacob to argue.

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