
It took us way too long to find the cabin. We approached just as Alpha Victor and Luna Michelle were leaving. I couldn’t control myself or Quinn anymore, I shifted immediately. Quinn launched out of the armored vehicle and the rest of the wolves followed. Howls could be heard from all around us, where some of Dark Moon’s warriors were hidden in the woods.

I snapped and snarled at Victor who had shifted to protect his Luna. Although, that was short lived when he realized how much we outnumbered his men. He ditched his Luna and only worried about saving himself. I sniffed the air and caught my mate’s faded scent just as my name echoed off the trees. I threw my head back and howled, recognizing Austyn’s voice.

“Leo, I got him, go find her.” Jacks said, nudging me away from Victor.

“Nick, on me!” I ordered.

Nick barked in agreement and followed me inside the house. It was easy to pick my mate’s scent out from the others. I ordered Nick to stand guard while I searched for her. I had no idea what her condition would be and I didn’t want anyone else to see her or touch her, Quinn couldn’t handle it right now.

Her scent led to a closed door. I nudged it open with Quinn’s head and ran inside. Austyn was sitting upright on a dirty mattress. She had what looked like the remains of her clothing clasped to her body for cover. She was covered in dirt, bruises, and blood. I could see the shackle around her ankle had rubbed her skin raw, both dried and fresh blood were dripping down her foot. She had her right arm clutched to her body and I noticed how mangled her wrist looked.

I growled at her appearance and she recoiled from me. I chastised Quinn for being so harsh and we both softened. Quinn trotted towards our mate and flopped down in front of her, showing her that she was safe. She sighed loudly and her entire body relaxed. She grabbed onto my fur with her left hand and smiled at me.

“Get me out of here, please.” She begged in a wispy voice. Quinn jumped up and nodded. He slammed his paw repeatedly into the chain and it released her ankle. Then, he crouched his backside down and motioned for Austyn to climb on his back. Austyn hesitantly did, wincing and groaning in pain.

“We’re coming out. I have the Luna. I’m taking her home. I trust the rest of you to deal with this. I want Kayden, Victor, and Michelle imprisoned or dead.” My orders were short and concise.

I raced through the woods, desperate to get my mate back home where it was safe. I knew my way now, so it didn’t take nearly as long as the trip here did. I cursed at myself for taking so long to save her. I swear, I was going to make all of them pay for what they did to my Luna. The entire world will burn to see her avenged.

I slowed as we approached her house. I felt her tugged on Quinn’s mane and he turned around to see what she wanted.

“Take me to your room. I don’t want to be out here.” Her voice was so broken and frail, my heart was shattering at her feet.

Quinn nodded his head and ran towards the packhouse. The members gasped as we trotted down the hall, still in wolf form. I didn’t feel safe enough yet to shift. Luckily, the house was built to accommodate werewolves. Quinn pounded up the steps, taking them a staircase at a time. When we finally reached my room, Quinn knelt down to let Austyn off.

Austyn stumbled to the bed and I shifted. My little mate was too heartbroken and scared to even be embarrassed over my naked body. I quickly threw on a pair of sweatpants and slowly approached the bed.

“Austyn?” I wasn’t sure what to do. The last time this happened, she shoved me away. Her words and reactions were so hurtful that I didn’t want to experience them again.

Austyn took one look at me and broke down crying. She was sobbing uncontrollably, hiccuping as she gasped for air. I ran to her side and sat down next to her. I gathered her up in my arms and pulled her towards my chest. She cried out in pain.

“What hurts, baby?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

“He broke my wrist.” She whimpered.

“You need to go to the infirmary.” I started to stand from the bed but Austyn protested.

“No! I don’t like doctors.”

“You need help.” I argued softly.

“Bring one here,then, please.” I tucked her back into me, stroking her hair,

“Okay, baby.” I minlinked the pack doctor and ordered him to the Alpha suite.

“I’m so sorry, Austyn, I’m so sorry.” I just kept apologizing, I didn’t know what else to say. She sniffed and pulled away from my chest, looking up at me.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you away. You were right to keep me from Frank,” I growled at the sound of my father’s name leaving her bruised lips,

“You were just trying to keep me safe. I overreacted. I made this mess for myself.” She ducked her head shamefully.

“No, you didn’t.” I gently tugged at her chin, not wanting to injury her any further,

They took your choices away. They did this to you. You are not responsible for any of this, do you understand me? And every single person who is responsible will pay with their lives.” I spoke to her sternly, willing her to believe me. She nodded just as the doctor knocked on the door.

I let the doctor in and gripped Austyn in my arms as he examined her. I was incapable of letting her out of my arms, let alone out of my sight. I was barely able to stay in control long enough to let another man touch her.

“It’s definitely broken. I don’t need an x-ray to tell me that. I can put it in a sling temporarily, but she’s going to need a cast.” The doctor said,

“Then go get a cast.” I growled.

“We don’t have them here. It’s not something werewolves typically need.” The doctor replied.

“Get what you need from the local hospital, then. The very best. Give the hospital a large donation.” I ordered, dismissing the doctor from the room.

Austyn shifted in the bed, trying to adjust to the sling her arm was now in. She winced again. She was in so much pain. I looked over her body. She was malnourished and possibly dehydrated. She looked just like she did when she first arrived.

“You need a warm bath.” I said, but Austyn clung to my arms, not wanting me to leave.

“Leo.” She sighed my name and I melted. I hugged her closely,

“Yes, baby?” I hummed.

“I love you, I never want to be away from you again.” Her words were music to my ears. I hated that it took this experience to make her say them, I wish I could take all of her pain away, but Quinn couldn’t help himself when he yipped in excitement.

“I love you, too, baby. I’ll never leave your side, I promise. Let’s get you into the bath.” I scooped my mate up in my arms and carried her to the bathroom. I sat her on the bath mat while I started running warm water.

“Leo?” She asked again.

“Mhm?” I was distracted by adding bubbles to the tub.

“When Kayden took me I felt something. I felt…I felt…” Austyn’s voice was shaking again, fresh tears welling in her eyes. I hurried to her side and cupped her face in my hands,

“You felt Madeline kissing me. It was just a kiss. One that ended as soon as it began. She’s in the cells.” I swiftly defended myself.

“Okay.” Austyn sighed in relief.

“You believe me?” I asked. Her eyes pulled together in question,

“Of course I believe you. You’ve never lied to me.” She said.

“I’ll never lie to you, baby, I promise. But, I am sorry that you felt like I was controlling you.” I ducked my head, embarrassed by my actions. It was Austyn’s turn to grab my face. She pulled it up to hers,

“You weren’t controlling me. You were protecting me. I said so many things that I didn’t mean.” Her bottom lip was quivering.

“Shh, baby, that’s all over now.” I shushed her. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I had no idea what traumas she had endured.

I resisted the urge and picked her up again, laying her gently in the tub. She pulled off the remains of her clothing and tossed them out of the tub. I stood from the floor, moving towards the door.

“Won’t you stay with me?” Her little voice whimpered. I scurried to her side,

“Of course, baby.” I grabbed the washcloth and began massaging her back.

“I love you so much, my little Luna.” I purred.

“I love you too, my Alpha.” Her words excited me.

I looked at her face and saw her eyes closing softly. Soon she was sleeping, little snores filling the room. I picked her up from the tub and wrapped her in a towel. I carried her to the bed and dressed her in a clean set of night clothes. Tucking her into bed, I settled myself beside her. I didn’t have the willpower to leave her.

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