"It's about time," I heard someone's voice, I think.

I might be going crazy right now. Everything was still black but I could hear mumbles and people moving around. How long has it been this way?

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurred but it started to focus. I was not laying down, I was sat up against a wall. A concrete wall.

I was in the basement, the last place I remember being before I was knocked out. My hands were tied with a rope behind my back. My head was pounding and I tried to focus on what is happening in front of me.

"Oh, look who's finally awake!" Colleen laughed.

"W-What's happening?" I asked. I was so confused and my head really hurt a lot.

"I don't think I need to answer that. Everything is right in front of you." She said and gestured towards the room.

The man was not screaming anymore. His eyes weren't even open. Was he alive? He was still rested on the metal table and Colleen had a knife in her hand.

Where were the others?

"You..You killed him! How could you–" I was so scared and I knew the same thing would happen to me, I think.

"Oh hush. I did no such thing." She chuckled and brought the knife to the man.

"You're a sick bitch! Is this what I've been hearing lately? You murdering innocent people?" I couldn't believe what I was saying. I just hoped it was all a dream.

"Oh hush. I wouldn't be running my mouth, especially the one who's tied up and can't run anywhere." She laughed once more and stabbed the man. The sound of the knife entering the man's body made me sick to my stomach. How is this all real?

"You know someone's gonna find you. Do you think you can just get away with this?" I had so much to say but I could barely breathe.

"Really? No one found me. I've been doing this for over ten years. I don't think anyone's found me yet." Colleen began slicing, like, actual chunks out of the man's body. I looked away and I knew the bile was rising in my throat.

Colleen noticed I was purposely looking away and left the knife next to the man's body. She came over to me and knelt down, level with my eyes.

"You want to know everything? It might be a little too much for you." Colleen smiled.

"Oh? As if this isn't already enough for me?" I said and looked into her evil fucking eyes. Why did I even agree on coming back here?

She just laughed lightly and sat down, cross-legged opposite of me and I sat there, weak as she stared at me.

"I've just always had this craving that was never satisfied. I've had it for as long as I could remember," she said and traced the outline of my jaw with her thumb. "It's crazy, but maybe it isn't. No one understands fully except for me, and my sisters."

I arched a brow and my heart was beating fast in my chest.

"I was in a foster home with many other kids. Helen, Nadine and Anne were there too. We made a little promise, and we got adopted together. That's when I finally had my craving satisfied, but they don't taste as good when they're dead." She said.

Then she tugged at the collar of the shirt I was wearing. "The clothes you're wearing?" She then threw her head back in laughter. "They're the clothes of my victims."

She's fucking crazy. I struggled to get the rope untied so I can get the fuck out of here and call the cops.

"You thought you were staying for a while, then you'll be free. It was so easy getting your hopes up. We just had to make sure you weren't gonna leave." Then she looked back up at me.

"I mean, it doesn't taste as bad as you think. I mean, you've had it before."

My eyes widened and I knew I was gonna throw up any second. "What?" I said, more like whispered, my voice was barely audible.

"Every dinner you've had here was made with human. People. You were eating people too. You didn't seem to complain." She said. "Now that everything's explained, I have to finish this poor guy. We're not gonna go starving now are we?" She smiled and got up and continued to do what she was doing.

I was sick all over the ground in front of me and I couldn't even wipe the evidence off my mouth. I looked for something, anything, to free me of this torture chamber. I looked behind me and saw a blade resting on the shelf. It wasn't too high up and I tried lifting myself to get it. When it fell down, I spent a while until I was free of the rope.

Colleen turned around and I was already up the stairs, entering the kitchen. I sprinted past the rooms until I was in the living room. Helen, Nadine and Anne frowned at me as I was covered in sweat and tears and couldn't breathe.

"What's wrong Blake?" Helen asked, and I pointed to the other room.

"Colleen..she's—" I began to talk, but I had to catch my breath and the girls looked behind me.

"Right behind you." I heard Colleen finish my sentence.

The girls grabbed onto me, except for Anne.

"Come on Anne! Fucking help me." Colleen said as she struggled to hold me down.

The doorbell rang, startling all of us.

"Shit!" Colleen whispered, then Helen and Nadine dragged me to the other room and kept me against a wall out of sight. Anne just stood there, frowning and seemed out of place. Why isn't she trying to help her other psychotic sisters kill me?

"Hey..." Colleen answered the door awkwardly.

"Good evening, dear. Is Blake here?" It was Nancy.

I could hear the confusion in Colleen's voice. "Uh...no, he's um, he's at work. Why?"

I struggled to break free of the girls and they threw their hands to cup my mouth when I squirmed and yelled, "HELP!" But it was muffled.

"Oh. Well he seemed like a nice kid when we talked earlier and I just wanted to tell him something, it's about his family. I think I recognized him. Anyway, when he gets home, will you let me know?" Nancy said.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Colleen shut the door and stomped towards us.

"Let's get this over with, okay?" Colleen said and they tied me back up, dragging me back to the basement.

"NO!" We all jerked our heads behind us to see Anne. Her hands were in fists at her sides.

"Anne..?" Colleen cleared her throat.

"I am not letting this happen anymore! You're fucking sick! And we're all tired of you doing this to us. You don't have control over us anymore!" Anne yelled.

Colleen dropped me and half of my body fell to the floor, the other half was being held up by Helen and Nadine.

"Excuse me?"

"You fucking heard me. You've killed so many people Colleen, and blamed it on us. From the little girl at the foster home, and countless of innocent people in the basement of this house. And now him. You think you're all normal but, you're not!" Anne said and Colleen stomped over to her and slapped her across the face.

"I could have easily killed you three. But no, I picked you guys to be safe forever. As long as you're with me, you won't get hurt. Now you're doing this!" Colleen yelled back.

"I won't let you kill another innocent soul in this basement. You're done, Colleen! And I'm calling the cops!" Anne turned around and stomped up the stairs. Colleen ran after her, pulling her back and falling into her arms at the end.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Colleen said through grit teeth.

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