Who is Magpie?
Chapter 86- Three Alphas

Back in her room, Jessamine took a roll of support wrap to the bed, binding the swelling ankle since she left the brace outside.

“Where was this goddess when I needed help, but she shows up now to make my sex life a top priority?” Jessamine muttered, before screaming into a pillow.

“Not your sex life, your happiness and safety,” Ezekiel said softly, approaching the bed beside her head.

She had felt him enter the room, but didn’t think he had heard her mumbling to herself.

“I bet I can make her happier,” Bronx returned and she felt a hand run up her leg.

Her face was instantly red and she was torn between hiding it and glaring at Bronx. She settled for a little bit of both, pulling it down to stare at him over it. His hand didn’t stop running up over her shin and, at her knee, shifting to run up the inside of her thigh

She flinched, moving to pull her dress back down, but Ezekiel stopped her hands. “What are you doing?” She questioned.

“We can feel what you want Jessamine,” Ezekiel breathed, moving both of her hands into one of his and tossing the pillow aside. “You’re worried about being correct, but we are wolven, we live how we feel, and right now you want us almost as much as we want you.”

“This… I hate that you can feel my emotions.” Exasperation thickly coated her words and she twisted her hands around to wrench them away from Ezekiel.

He chuckled at her even as she smacked Bronx’s hands away as well. “No you don’t, you love it, and I know you love feeling mine.”

Crossing her arms over her chest she huffed and moved up the bed away from them. Ezekiel caught her shin and pulled her back, Bronx then moving to sit on the other side of her.

“Why are you doing this?” Her brows pushed together as she looked between them. “You were ready to fight each other to the medical bay an hour ago.”

Ezekiel slid his hand along her back and undid her bra. “We realized we were both acting out of love for you. I was upset that he kept the truth from us and hurt you.”

“And I was trying to do what I thought was right. I have cared about you for so long, and I thought you were dead for years.. As long as you are happy and doing what you want, I will be happy.” Bronx flipped her hair over her shoulder to see her better.

“Ezekiel?” Jessamine turned to him, feeling like this was a different sort of trial.

He leaned in to kiss her feverishly, tucking his hand into her hair. “We all slept better those nights with you in the middle. I think this is why our wolves didn’t show themselves before, they were waiting for us to figure it out. Could have been sooner if someone had answered you honestly.

Bronx chuckled, returning his hand to her thigh. “If I’d have known it was possible, or that you would understand…”

“Didn’t think it was worth your own happiness if it could risk it for others?” Jessamine asked, too knowingly. “I feel like I’ve heard that defence before.”

Ezekiel moved his hand onto her other leg. “Jessa, it’s okay. I’m not testing you…”

“She’s uncomfortable,” Bronx interrupted. “Why don’t I give you two some time alone to talk…”

As he moved to stand, but Jessamine grabbed his hand before it left her thigh. “Don’t go,” she rushed out, face flushing again. “I’ve missed you these past days.”

He leaned in, the hand slowly sliding up under her dress, cool fingers brushing over the skin of her thigh in small curling circles. The dress slowly pulled up with the arm, revealing more of her to their eyes, and she could feel goose bumps appearing as their gazes gave her shivers.

“I’ve missed you too, but for a lot longer than these past few days,” Bronx returned, moving to kiss the top of her head.

She tipped her head toward him, smelling his scent softly. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you.”

“It’s okay, I’d make you fall in love with me again a thousand times if you chose to be with me,” he returned as her hand slipped over his and did the same to grab Ezekiel’s.

“Am I selfish?” She asked, giving their hands a squeeze.

They both chuckled softly, Ezekiel’s lips moving to the mark he’d already made on her neck and Bronx’s to where he wanted his.

“Only as selfish as me,” Bronx whispered to the spot, his warm breath sending sparks through her skin.

Ezekiel nipped at her lightly. “I like knowing there’s another person who cares about you as much as I do looking out for you, and taking care of you. As long as you don’t mind when we get competitive over you.”

“Competitive?” She questioned, losing her train of thought as their kisses ran up and down her neck from either side.

“See, he thinks he can make you orgasm longer, but I say it’s not about the length of the first one, but about how many you have.” Bronx’s hand moved back down her leg over her knee and back up.

Her face flushed with his blatancy, but her and her wolf rather liked the idea of being fought over. They felt her interest being peaked and pulled her in towards the middle of the bed, easing her to lay down between them.

She heard a slight tear at her chest, shooting Ezekiel a deadly look. “Don’t you dare!”

He tore the fabric a little more before tearing it straight to her navel, and just as she was about to snap at him, Bronx tore the bottom half to meet the same point.

He tsked his tongue against his teeth. “Shouldn’t have torn the dress.”

Ezekiel was nibbling on her ear when he returned, “I love seeing her chest rise and fall when she’s aroused. It’s even better when you can see her…”

“Ezekiel!” Jessamine gasped, heat rising further at what she knew he would say.

“Tits,” he finished anyway, reaching his hand into her bra to squeeze her nipple.

Bronx’s hand trailed up her inner thigh and he slipped a finger inside her, shocked by how easily it slid in passed her wet folds. “Is she always like this?” He asked, examining the fluids on his fingers.

Ezekiel returned his smile. “Yes.”

A yearning sort of growl sounded in Bronx’s throat and Ezekiel chimed in with a similar sound of his own. Soon four hands were on her, holding her hands up out of their way, clutching her breasts, and feeling her soft skin.

She bucked her hips up at at a particularly sensitive sensation, sending Bronx’s fingers deeper inside her suddenly.

She moaned encouragingly and, not to be outdone, Ezekiel pulled her further into the bed by her wrists then captured one breast with his mouth and the other in his hand. She was pulled away from Bronx’s touches and he made a reproachful sound to Ezekiel before sliding up the bed, kissing up her body until he reached the other side of her neck.

“Mine,” Bronx whispered into the skin, sending shivers through her.

Ezekiel stopped what he was doing to move to his already marked spot, whispering the same. Jessamine pulled and squirmed against their holds as each brother took a wrist and their other hands ran up and down inside her thighs.

Her chest arched up off the bed as their finger tips neared where she currently wanted them most, but they skimmed right passed it to the sides of her breasts. Her hips and legs moved up and down in frustration, but a leg from each man over hers halted any further such complaints. Their fingers continued to dance over her, sometimes mirroring the movements, sometimes moving as opposites to keep her guessing.

She knew they could smell and feel her arousal as it grew, their fingers sometimes moving between her legs where she had soaked the bed in wanting. Jessamine quivered at their touch as two middle fingers slipped over her clit and dipped inside her.

“Ahh, mmmmm…” she moaned languidly and they both moved from watching where their hands went to her face. “Please my darling, my forest, you’re torturing me.”

Ezekiel made a gruff sounding laugh against her neck. “For you I’ll make an exception.”

Jessamine continued struggling against their holds, wishing in the least that they were half as naked as her. She felt exposed and vulnerable under their gazes and touches, seeing them watch her face for her reactions to their touches or watching her body move under every caress.

Their fingers dipped inside her together and she gasped unevenly, hips jerking back at the intoxicating sensation. At the sound something in Ezekiel changed, and his irises shifted to black.

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