Who is Magpie?
Chapter 80- De-briefing

[author's note; I have been informed not everyone likes to read smutty scenes, so going forward I will mark them with asterix *** begining and end, and summarize any plot points that occured.]

He went off to his parents room, only getting caught up for a short time to talk with them, but when he returned he was meeting Ezekiel in the hall.

“The gel?” Ezekiel asked, worry thickly coating his words. “Is something wrong?”

Bronx shook his head. “She rationalize that if she can treat the exterior injuries that she can have a bath with the busted ankle in the brace.”

“Oh does she?” Ezekiel teased. “You didn’t tell her no?”

Bronx shrugged. “Seemed a fair conclusion.”

Ezekiel looked a little too knowingly at his brother. “Is that all?”

Bronx gave a small chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. “She may have been pouting when she made the request.”

“There it is,” Ezekiel laughed. “Welcome to your knew home,” he added as he brandished his smallest finger. “We don’t yet have T-shirts but we do have a house motto, it is simply, ‘anything for Jessa’.”

Bronx chuckled lightly, considering Ezekiel hadn’t heard the conversation he had before. “Some things aren’t worth arguing about,” he replied handing it over to Ezekiel. “Here, you bring it to Jessamine. I’m going to review my own notes for the meeting.”

“Full naming her again? You haven’t done that in a few days, since before the attack. What did she do to upset you?”

Bronx let a different kind of chuckle rasp through his lips. “Nothing, but only you call her Jessa, it feels inappropriate.”

“She’s going to think you’re mad at her. Only people she gives permission call her Jessa,” Ezekiel corrected. “She has just only allowed the two of us.”

Bronx nodded like it didn’t really matter. “Regardless.”

Ezekiel took the flashlight but looked harder at his brother. “Are you alright? You seem off.”

Again Bronx nodded. “Just tired. I’m going to go catch a shower and change up before I review.”

Ezekiel had wanted to use his Alpha tone to get answers, but that was never the type of leader he wanted to be. Instead, he watched his brother, someone he had been raised with like they were twins, walk the short way away to his own room and go inside.

When he entered the bedroom Jessamine was not where he’d left her, and he found it funny that he thought she would be, calling out, “Jessa?”

He heard a strange gurgling sound coming from the bathroom, only to enter and find her submerged in the tub with her ankle dangling over the edge. She was blowing out bubbles under the water, but when she felt his feet pad on the floor she rose slowly to eye him. Jessamine wiped the water from her face and sat up against the edge, murky water full of epsom salts distorting her naked body.

She eyed the flashlight in his hand. “So he’s avoiding me,” she said sadly. “I messed up.”

“He just went to shower,” Ezekiel tried to assure her but seeing it wasn’t working moved over to kneel beside the tub. “Why do you think you messed up?”

She gurgled another long breath into the tub. “I won’t lie to you.” She looked at him considerately, but decided she was over it, and moved on, “… I thought I could feel his emotions, and him mine. I know that’s not possible, he told me that’s just for mates and he’s just being nice… I think I made him uncomfortable. He stopped calling me Jessa.”

Ezekiel let a light chuckle go and she huffed at him. “I told him as much,” he admitted. “He said it felt inappropriate when I was the only other one calling you Jessa.” She huffed again. “I’ll talk to him,” Ezekiel assured, feeling the ache she felt.

She slumped back into the water. “Don’t do that, it’ll only make it worse. We’ll get passed it, like when I put a knife through his plate. .. should have just kept my big mouth shut.”

He wanted to make her feel better, but not knowing what to say was his specialty. Instead, he toed off his shoes and climbed, fully clothed, into the tub. Jessamine began questioning him, even as he started taking the things out of his pockets and dumping them on the floor, before he moved her around to sit her on top of him. Her ankle still hung outside of the tub, but her bare ass was now pressed against his soaked pants, while his arms held her right to him, one above and the other below her chest.

“Don’t worry my love, everyone loves it when you open your big mouth and speak your mind. Something is going on with my brother, but that’s for him to figure out, nothing you need to worry about.”

“He said a similar thing about you earlier,” she mused, moving her hands up to hold his arms.

He kissed the back of her neck lightly. “It’s probably because we were raised together, we tend to turn the same phrase.”

Looking over her shoulder he could see her breasts floating in the water and despite himself, his cock twitched in approval. His arm, that was wrapped around her waist, slipped down over her hip to her thigh, rubbing the skin there gently. His hand wandered to the inside of her leg, squeezing it as he pulled her tighter against his chest.

A light moan sounded in her chest at feeling him harden beneath her, and at the firm touch in that sensitive area. The inside of her leg had become more sensitive since the day she had cut it to sneak Ezekiel a pin, and now, with his fingers running over the faint scar, she could think of nothing else.

“I still can’t believe you cut yourself to send me a message,” he mused, running his finger over the line. “It could have waited,” he lied, knowing the whole of her message had spurred him on.

“It couldn’t,” she agreed. “It was important to tell you that I was counting on you,… and that I was waiting.”

“But I hate that it left a mark on you,” he lamented.

She wrapped her hand over his. “Let it be a reminder that I trust you, more than just with my life, but that you will come for me, and that I will wait for you.”

“What about me? How do I show you that I trust you, with my life, with our future, and that I will always come for you?” He asked, palm covering the scar as he grip the leg.

She let her head fall to the side, exposing her mating mark on the stretched skin. “You already have.” Jessamine smiled, starting to feel better even as the water cooled.

Ezekiel scoffed, “so you get two scars for me?”

She giggled at him, wrapping her toes around the stopper to drain the water. “You have a matching one on your neck. A mark that everyone can see we belong to each other,” she offered, her hand squeezed his on her leg again, “and a secret one, just for you and me.”

Ezekiel bit back the words as he almost said, ‘and my brother, who went to help you when you did it’. Those words would not be helpful in distracting her from her earlier worries. Instead he helped her to stand, and she balanced on one foot with her other shin leaning on the edge of the tub.

While he still sat in the tub he moved in close, eyeing the thin scar thoughtfully. Ezekiel wrapped his large hands around her thighs, pulling them towards him as he kissed up the insides slowly. When he reached the scar he kissed all around the line on her skin lightly, his nose just grazing against an even more sensitive area of skin.

A tingling sensation ran through her at the close proximity to her labia. “Ezekiel! I can’t, not here.”


He looked up at her slowly, over the defined area of her stomach and her breasts, still dripping small amounts of water from their tips. He moaned approvingly in seeing her biting a curled knuckle in lust for him, but also saw her trembling legs in the awkward position. Her shin balancing on the edge to keep weight off her ankle gave him the perfect advantage point to play with her core, but, as he thought about how she trembled when she was close, he accepted it wasn’t a viable position.

He dipped his tongue between her folds, unable to completely resist, and was surprised to find she was already wet. “My moon, for me?”

She blushed at his discovery. “M'eudail, you had your hand on the inside of my leg, so close to my pussy.” She moved her hand away and bit her lip instead. “And I could feel how hard you are for me.”

Her eyes dropped to his crotch where his wet track pants clung around the firm bulge in his pants. He rose slowly, keeping his eyes on her as he took off his shirt and dropped it in the tub. When he stood in front of her she helped him to slide his pants down to join the shirt with a wet *thunk*.

With them both fully nude, Jessamine’s hands ran up his sides to wrap around his neck as he reached to cup her ass and lift her to wrap her legs around him. He stepped from the tub, moving to the bedroom as she ground his cock between them. She glanced at the pile of papers on the way to the bed and groaned.

She released Ezekiel slightly and sighed. “I should be a responsible Luna and read those notes over before…”

“I devour you?” Ezekiel offered and she smirked at him. “Can you multi task?”

She looked at him curiously as he grabbed the papers and tossed them onto the bed. He positioned her on all fours, facing the papers, and climbed into the bed behind her. He began by reaching around and rubbing her clit, then she heard a tearing package, and he moved his dick to her entrance.

“Start reading Luna,” he commanded slipping his tip inside her.

“Auguuuusst!” She gasped out as he slipped inside her fully all at once.

The rest of her debriefing went just as well. She would get a few words in and Ezekiel would change pace or how he touched her and she’d end up yelling a random word with unusual syllable counts.

“Jesahh-meeeeeen…. The Lunn-nnnnnna….. want toooo besto-ooooow….. connnn-graaaaaahh-tulantiooooooonnsss…”

It was slow going through the files and after three pages she was too sensitive to hold herself steady enough to read. Ezekiel continued to thrust into her, alternating between touching her tits and clit with his free hand. When she finally gave up, he took it as a victory, his wolf prancing inside his head. He knew there wasn’t a lot of time before the meeting, and wanted to be able to review the papers properly with her, so he needed to make her cum soon.

He pulled her up off the bed, pressing her back against his chest. He stuffed blankets under her knees to keep her in place, and shifted his hips to hit her deeper around her full ass. She gasped suddenly but that was the last time she had a free breath as one hand snaked up between her breasts to the base of her throat as he held her against him. His other hand wrapped over her hip to rub her clit as he thrust up into her.

It didn’t take long with the combined touches, watching herself getting screwed in the closet mirror across from her, to send her over the edge. Her hips grinding against his, and her pussy squeezing him inside her brought him the rest of the way. He slowly eased out of her loving the feeling of her quivering against him, watching her breasts shake in the mirror.


(She tried to review the paperwork, she did not succeed. He did what he came for though)


“Are you ready for your first meeting, my love?” He whispered in her ear.

Another shiver rose through her before she could whisper back. “If I had been stressed about it before, there’s no way I could be now.”

He kissed her mark gently, unwinding himself from around her and continued to kiss down her arm to her wrist, her hand, her finger tips. “Good, let’s review.”

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