Chapter 33 The BBQ Diner Is Open 

Greyson went back to the apartment, Paloma was wearing pajamas. 

She just took a shower. It was rather late. She didn’t expect Greyson to 


The pajamas looked so silky. At one glance… 

Greyson knew she wore no bra. 

Greyson felt somewhat embarrassed. “Could you please change your clothes?” 

Paloma said, “Never mind, There’s no one else.” 

She glanced at Greyson with charming eyes and teased him. “It is a good thing to have a beauty in your place. I am not embarrassed. Why are you?” 

Greyson was stunned. 

Greyson was not a dirty man. 

Greyson turned on his computer and began to make his plan for tomorrow. 

Paloma brought him a cup of coffee. Then she quietly stayed beside him. 

Greyson checked the two Second–board shares he bought yesterday. Tomorrow, the price would soar and then drop. 

Then he began to write the plan for Paloma. 



One of the shares would witness a soar of 13.66%. 

The other would witness a soar of 16,72%. 

Then the price would drop. 

Second–board shares could rise by the daily 20% limit, so the price drop might be sharp. 

Greyson happened to find an amazing stock. 

The company was called Eastern Bull. 

It achieved seven consecutive daily limits. 

Greyson’s hand was shaking. It was on the Second–board market. 

If the stock price rose by 10%, seven daily limits could lead to doubling the investment. 

A price rise of 20% would be even more awesome. 

Greyson studied it carefully. He found that the total market value of the stock was a little over 1 billion dollars, but the daily trading volume in the past few days had reached 50 million dollars. 

There would be a sharp change. 

He would buy the stock. 

Greyson wrote down the transaction plan and handed it to Paloma. 

“As usual, you sell these two stocks tomorrow and build in this one. 

“Buy this stock in batches without disturbing the dealer. 

“By tomorrow, we should have more than 15 million dollars. Bet all the money on this stock.” 


“Got it.” 

Paloma bore these words in mind. 

Greyson was about to leave after drinking his coffee. Paloma said, “Stay here, alright? It’s so late.” 

It was indeed late. Greyson had to climb across the fence if he wanted to go back to the dorm. 

He glanced at Paloma. Paloma looked embarrassed. “Why are you looking at me like that? I won’t mess around.” 

Words failed Greyson. 

Greyson pointed to the bedroom. “Then go to sleep, I’ll lie down on the sofa.” 

Looking at Paloma’s sexy figure as she walked into the bedroom, Greyson gritted his teeth. 

He would tell Rebecca the truth tomorrow. He could no longer wait. 

Otherwise, he would die because of abstinence. 

He was twenty years old this year. There was no need to continue being a virgin, right? 

The preparation for the store had been for almost a week. The stock price also rose for a week. 

The long–term stock had been activated, rising 59% in seven trading lays. 

After Greyson told Paloma to buy the shares of Eastern Bull, it vitnessed a soar with seven daily limits. 

The total market value million dollars. 

Doing business in the stock market, Greyson’s wealth grew exponentially 

But the more funds he got, the more difficult the operation became. 

Greyson couldn’t use all the funds to catch the daily limit. After all, that was unrealistic. 

He could only focus on the long–term investment, and the money needed to be divided. One couldn’t put all the eggs in one basket. 

But these were not problems. Greyson could continue to recruit people. 

After completing the short–term tasks, Greyson gave Paloma a bonus of 13,750 dollars. 

Paloma checked the money transfer on the phone. “Boss, I’ve asked for last month’s salary in advance. Why did you give me a bonus again?” 

Greyson said, “Take it, and cherish the present time.” 


Paloma burst into tears. “You want to drive me away? 

“You don’t want me to stay?” 

She had been with Greyson for less than a month, and yet Greyson gave her 20 thousand dollars. 

Where else could she find such a job? 

Seeing Paloma cry, Greyson smiled and said, “Why are you crying? 

“Are you stupid or not? 


“I mean you should enjoy it while you can make money now 

“Who knows about the stock market?” 

Only then did Paloma burst into laughter. “You’re so bad. I thought you didn’t want me anymore. 

“If I don’t do well, you can just scold me.” 

Greyson said in embarrassment, “You are good in everything. You are just too beautiful.” 

Paloma didn’t know what to say. 

She blushed and looked at him resentfully. 

“Boss, do you have a girlfriend?” 

“Of course.” 

“I see.” 

She pouted. “Don’t worry. I won’t cause you any trouble.” 

Greyson glanced at her appreciatively. She was clever enough. 

He transferred another 150 thousand dollars to Paloma. “Go buy a car on the weekend.” 

Hearing that Greyson wanted to buy a car, Paloma nodded excitedly. 

“Then I’ll buy a business car. How about a Benz E300?” 

Greyson didn’t care. “Whatever. As long as it suits you. 

“A car is just a means of transportation anyway.” 

Paloma wrote down his orders in a small notebook. 

“I’ve written it all down. Is there anything else?” 


After discussing the work, they sat down to chat. 

Greyson asked, “Why were you fired back then?” 


“Can I not answer this question?” 

Paloma was very embarrassed. 

“You have to.” 

“Okay!” Paloma bit her lip. “They always want me to accompany the leader to social gatherings, and they have bad intentions.” 

Greyson looked at her strangely. “You don’t seem conservative, do you?” 

“Yuk! What are you talking about? 

“I just can’t hold back my desire in front of you. 

“After all, who doesn’t like handsome guys?” 

Greyson was speechless. 

He felt a little embarrassed. Teasing Paloma made him feel embarrassed. 

Paloma raised her head, blinked her eyes, and said, “I mean it. I won’t bring you any trouble. 

“Just let me know if you want to…” 


“Let’s just keep it professional! 

“You know that I am not short of girlfriends.” 

“Okay,” Paloma said bitterly. 

This weekend, the barbecue diner would be open. Rebecca told Greyson that she had told the dance team, and they were willing to support the business without any charge. 

But they had a request that they be given a discount on the barbecue. 

Greyson laughed. He thought the request would be harsh. 

As long as they came, it would be on his treat. 

The members of the dance team were all beautiful and had good figures. 

The business would be successful with their presence. 

They asked what name the diner had. 

Greyson said that the signboard had been made. It was called Golden Youth. 


Everyone was stunned. 

Golden Youth? 


Greyson was the boss here. 

No one objected 

After the new diner was opened, they printed no leaflets. They just posted a large number of advertisements in the alumni group. 

A stage was set up at the entrance of the diner. A set of audio worth hundreds of thousands was installed. Diners could enjoy the performance while eating barbecue. 

Diners could also go onto the stage to sing a song. 

The BBQ diner was opened this weekend.

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