Flutters explode inside my belly and then drop lower. The moment we make contact feels like a rip in the universe. There’s nothing soft about this kiss. Ras’s mouth grinds against mine, his tongue snaking its way inside and claiming territory.

He tastes like the whiskey he drank at the club.

He kisses like he wants to conquer me.

Suddenly, we’re moving. One hand gripping my hair and one molded to my waist, he walks me backward in the direction of the main bedroom, his mouth never leaving mine.

I’m oxygen. He’s a man starved for air.

For a second, I wonder how he knows where to go. Did he map out this place while I was with Cleo? But the thought becomes irrelevant when my back slams against the wall, and he drops to his knees before me.

My breath hitches.

He’s still in his suit, but as he stares up at me, he slowly undoes his tie—a frustrated, beautiful beast taking off his leash.

He shucks off the tie and drops it to the floor. “Take off your dress,” he directs, his voice a low rasp.

Fingers trembling, I reach for the hem and pull the entire thing over my head. It feels inelegant and awkward, but when the dress hits the floor beside his tie, my embarrassment is forgotten.

Ras’s gaze burns a trail up my body. Reverent. Worshipful. Hungry.

I’m wearing a black thong and no bra.

The cloud of frustration he has swirling around him seems to dissipate slightly as he takes me in. His eyes linger on my breasts for a few moments before he closes the distance and presses a kiss to my stomach.

Another to my hipbone.

Another to the little bow at the waistband of my thong.

He said he wouldn’t be gentle, but it’s as if he can’t help himself.

I shut my eyes in response to the sudden ache inside my chest.

His palms land on my ribcage and move skyward until they’re wrapped around my breasts. An appreciative breath escapes him.

“Fuck, these feel good,” he rasps against my skin, his lips still pressing kisses to my abdomen.

Warm pleasure slips through my veins at what he’s doing to me. How he’s touching me.

He drops one hand to my thigh, lifts my leg, and slings it over his shoulder.

I grab onto him to try to find my balance, but his hands tighten on my legs, and he lifts his gaze to meet mine. “You’re not going anywhere unless I let you, Peaches.”

There’s a steady drumbeat inside my chest.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

When his lips brush over the thin fabric of my thong, it speeds all the way up.

He hooks two fingers around the fabric, pulls it aside, and presses the flat plane of his tongue against my wet entrance.

“Oh God,” I moan as my pussy begins a slow, insistent ache that only grows with each pass of his tongue.

He licks around my opening, slow and unhurried. His fingers delve into my folds, pulling me apart so that he can drag his tongue over every exposed inch. Goosebumps spread over my flesh as he gets closer and closer to my engorged clit.

Need pangs inside of me. “Please.”

He understands. The first swipe he makes directly over my clit sends my pussy fluttering. I let my head fall back and shut my eyes, focusing all my attention on the pressure building between my legs.

The waves come slowly and then faster and faster. My nerve endings sing. Ras is making noises, satisfied and unashamed sounds, and they’re doing something to my head.

His lips wrap around my swollen clit, and he sucks. Hard.

I sob. My fingers dig into his scalp, pushing the hair tie down until it falls somewhere on the floor.

I’m right at the edge. My hips start moving, fucking his tongue.

“More, just a bit more,” I whine, feeling like an animal in heat.

He slips two thick fingers inside of me and curls them forward.

The orgasm crashes through me. A full-on collision. For a few seconds, I can’t breathe. All I can do is move my hips to the rhythm of the contractions deep inside my core while he pumps his fingers in and out of me.

When my movements slow, he pulls out of me and sucks my juices off his fingers like it’s his favorite dessert.

A shiver runs through me.

Ras nudges my leg off his shoulder, sits back on his heels, and lets go of me. Without him supporting me, my legs won’t hold. He watches me slide against the wall. My wetness coats his lips, his beard. When I land on my ass and my legs fall open on their own accord, his gaze latches onto my pussy. I’m trembling, panting, baring myself to him, and he’s feasting on the sight like he could stare at me forever. Like he’s worked for this, and now he’s enjoying the fruits of his labor.

After a minute, he stands up, straightens out his slacks, and pulls down the sleeves of his shirt. It’s like he’s getting ready to walk out of here and pretend his tongue wasn’t just deep inside my cunt. He glances down at me, doesn’t offer a hand, and walks to the bed.

I follow every movement through hooded eyes, waiting for him to make his next move.

Ras sits down on the edge of the mattress and starts undoing his cufflinks.

He’s quick. Efficient. The cufflinks go on the nightstand. Then he makes quick work of the buttons on his shirt. When he pushes the fabric over his shoulders, it’s my turn to gorge on the sight of his bare skin.

Smooth, tanned, muscular back. Rounded biceps. When he moves, tendons dance beneath his flesh. He’s got a full-sleeve tattoo on his left arm, and another one nearly finished on the right. There’s a smattering of ink over his abs.

I want to get closer, but I realize I’m waiting for instructions. He’s in control now. He doesn’t need to say it. It’s in the air.

Ras tosses the shirt behind him onto the bed and then unfastens his belt, pulling the leather through the loops on the waistband of his slacks. He undoes the button and the zipper.

When he reaches in and takes out his cock, my mouth grows wet. It’s jutting out, bigger than I expected, glistening at the tip.

He doesn’t finish taking off his pants, just leans back on his palms, spreads his legs, and dips his chin toward his erection. “Get on your hands and knees and crawl to me.”

My breath catches. A gush of wetness runs down my thigh.

His eyes are taunting as he waits for me to do it. Maybe he thinks I won’t. Maybe he thinks it’s already too much for me.

It’s not. My body pulses with arousal, ready to do anything he demands from me.

When I start moving, his eyes become burning embers. He watches me move closer, my hands and knees pressing into the low-pile rug.

My cheek bumps against his leg. I drag it against his thigh until I reach his groin. His cock is an inch away from my mouth, hard and veiny, a drop of pre-cum sliding down his shaft.

I wrap my hand around the base and slowly lick above it. I do that a few times before I look up to see if I’m on the right track. A nervous energy swirls inside my gut. I know what to do in theory, but I’m low on practice.

Ras’s taking shallow breaths, his eyes glued to me. He drags his thumb along my jaw and pulls on my bottom lip. “Cazzo. You look so fucking good kneeling between my legs.”

I let his low, rumbly voice wash over me. His praise scratches an itch I didn’t realize I had inside me.

Suddenly, I’m determined. I’m going to do this well. I’m going to crush this.

His thumb leaves my lip. “Now, put it in your mouth and suck.”

I’m ready. I take his thick cock all the way in until the head hits the back of my throat. My gag reflex kicks in. I choke, eyes watering, but I breathe through it until the unpleasant sensation disappears.

Then I do it again.

He groans and curses in Italian. A hand lands on my shoulder and gives me an appreciative squeeze.

It’s not good enough. I want to hear the words.

The next time I take him all the way in, I add a swirl of my tongue and suck in my cheeks.

“Fuck, that’s it,” he groans. “Peaches, you’re taking it so well.”

There’s a burst of satisfaction in my chest followed by a pang between my legs. It shocks me. He just made me come minutes earlier, but when I squeeze my thighs together, I can feel my pussy’s getting even more wet.

I think I’m finally getting the hang of it when he pulls my mouth off his cock, his fist in my hair. A wave of disappointment crashes through me. What did I do wrong?

But when I look up, he doesn’t seem unimpressed. Not at all. He’s panting, trying to catch his breath, his eyes flicking to my lips even as it seems he wants to keep them fixed on the wall behind me.

“Why did you stop me?” I demand.

He lifts me off the floor by the waist and makes me stand between his legs. “Because I was about to come in your mouth, and I’m saving that for when I’m deep inside your tight little cunt.”

The lust in his eyes mirrors my own. Rough hands drag over my aching breasts before he drops them to cup my ass. “Straddle my thigh and show me just how badly you want me to fuck you,” he says harshly. He moves me again, putting one of my legs on the other side of his own, and then pushing me down.

I gasp when my swollen pussy makes contact with the fabric of his slacks. Everything is still so sensitive, and even the soft wool feels like too much. But when I move to rise, Ras won’t let me. He places one palm firmly on my thigh, grips my chin, and forces me to meet his eyes.

“Have you changed your mind?”


“You want my cock, don’t you?”


“Too bad. All you’re getting for now is this. So rub that sloppy cunt on me. Show me how you get yourself off.”

A gush of liquid trickles out of me, right onto his leg. My cheeks turn hot. “I’m going to make a mess.”

He takes my wrists and clasps them with one hand behind my back. My back arches, displaying my breasts to him.

He darts out his tongue and licks a circle around one nipple. “Yeah, you are. I want to be drowning in your juices, Peaches. When I think you’ve made a big enough mess, then I’ll fuck you.”

He sucks the other nipple into his mouth and scrapes his teeth over it.

I gasp at the sensation. My hips start moving on their own, my wet pussy rubbing back and forth against his leg.

His grip on my wrists doesn’t let up. “That’s it. Good fucking girl. Keep going.”

His praise sends me soaring. My hair falls into my face. I don’t know who I am. I’m not Gemma. I’m a wanton, greedy thing, ready to do anything this man tells me to.

I chase my high, feeling it just out of reach. My breasts bounce as I hump his thigh, and drops of sweat slide down my spine. My legs ache from the effort, but I still keep going.

Ras’s gaze never leaves me. “God, I wish there was a mirror here so that you could see yourself,” he says. “So fucking desperate for it. Let that wet cunt leak all over me.”

My pussy clenches. God, I’m so close.

“You’re fucking perfect, Peaches. You’re doing such a good job.”

A wave of heat cascades over me. “Am I?” I pant, needing more of his praise.

“Of course, you are. Look at you, working so hard. You’re making a mess, baby. It’s seeping through the fabric. I can’t wait to put my cock inside that pussy. You’re going to take it so well, aren’t you?”

“Oh God,” I moan, nearly at the point of no return.

And then it stops. Ras lifts me off him, depriving me of that exquisite pleasure.

It’s agony. I let out a sob. “What are you—”

He presses a kiss to my lips and grabs my nape. “Look,” he growls, forcing me to look down.

There’s a big, wet, milky puddle on his thigh.

I should be embarrassed. Instead, all I can think about is how badly I want that thick cock inside of me.

The arousal in his gaze flickers. “Shit, I don’t have a condom.”

I barely think about it before I say, “I’ll deal with it later.” There’s no way we’re stopping now.

He seems to be of the same opinion because he only gives me a terse nod, and then he’s finally taking off his pants, grabbing my ass, and helping me straddle him on the bed.

He kisses me, pulling on my bottom lip. “Put my cock in you. Since you did such a good job, I’ll let you set the pace.”

I wrap my palm around his hard length and position it against my dripping entrance. Maybe I should be nervous right about now, but all I can think about is getting that orgasm he just stole from me.

That’s probably what he wanted, I realize. To get me so turned on that any worrying about possible pain would be an afterthought.

I lower myself onto him. Inch by inch, he disappears inside of me until there’s some resistance. I halt, breathing deeply as I get adjusted to his size. His hold on my hips is firm. He’s tense all over.

Our eyes lock. He’s hardly breathing. I think it’s taking all of his control to stay still.

“I just have to do it, don’t I?”

He kisses me. Licks my bottom lip. “You can handle it.”

I grasp his shoulders and impale myself onto him in one fell swoop.

Ras hisses while I gasp. The pain is sharp, but it only lasts a moment. I suck in air, my muscles trembling, and my heart pounding inside my chest.

“Peaches, you all right?”

“Fine,” I squeeze out, pressing my face into the crook of his neck.

His hands rub circles over my lower back. “Try to relax. You’re clamping around me.”

I slow my breathing and concentrate on getting my muscles to soften.

Seconds pass. The pain is nearly gone, flashing only at the edges, so I make a tentative rock with my hips.

Ras moans. “Fuck.” He makes a shallow thrust, meeting my next movement. I gasp and find a rhythm that works for me, riding him with more and more confidence.

I’m so full, but it’s good. So damn good.

Ras kisses me and then pulls back, looking down between us. “Cazzo,” he mutters as he watches his cock disappear inside my tight hole. “That’s my fucking girl.”

He grabs me by the ass, and I have the sense to wrap my legs around him right as he stands up. The move is so smooth, it’s like I weigh nothing.

We cross the room. He presses my back against the floor-to-ceiling window and slams into me, not holding back this time. I glance over my shoulder and feel a frisson of fear mix with the frenzied pleasure.

The glass is tinted enough so that no one can see inside, but I can definitely see out.

The city sprawls below me. We’re on the sixty-second floor.

Ras’s teeth clamp down on the side of my throat. From the way his rhythm is becoming broken, I think he’s getting close.

Then he shifts his grip on my hips, hits a new spot just right, and the flame inside me roars.

“I’m close,” I whine. “I’m so close.” My eyes flutter shut as I hurl toward oblivion.

“That’s it,” he grunts against my neck. “God, baby, that’s it. You’re doing so fucking well. Come on my cock.”

Everything shatters.

My pussy clamps down on Ras again and again, each spasm making my toes curl and my legs twitch. I’m delirious with pleasure as I grab onto him, my nails carving half moons on his muscular back.

He keeps going for another few pumps before he groans, spills himself into me, and holds me even tighter than before.

My forehead falls against his shoulder. I’m not sure where he ends and I begin.

“Fuck,” he pants. “It’s a miracle I’m still standing.”

I thread my fingers through his hair and press a kiss to his shoulder. There are no words.

Eventually, he pulls back and kisses me.

Takes me into the shower.

Cleans me.

Puts me in bed.

It all blurs in a tender, languid haze.

The last thing I remember before I pass out is him scooping me against his chest and his heart going ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum against my cheek.

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