Chapter 36

A loud beating sound shakes the tiny cabin. The door creaks open. “Miss Jules.” Baseball cap guy rushes in followed by a group of people. He stands me up and looks me over. “I’m Beans. I’m a detective here for Metro. We got paramedics for you and your friends.”

Cameras are flashing everywhere as Shannon and Corey are checked out. Corey is hauled outside and into an orange and black helicopter. Shannon is laid on a stretcher and taken away in an ambulance. “Beans, are they going to the same hospital?”

He nods. “Yeah. I told the paramedics to keep them together as much as possible. They’ve been through enough.”

I nod. “Yeah, they have.” I swipe away a tear as I remember watching Corey get shot.

“We have an ambulance for you too. I’ll get your statement at the hospital.” The police are buzzing all around. I am still so shaken up. I give Beans the key to the rental car. He promises to return it for me. I’m put onto a gurney and rolled into an ambulance.

The long drive is quiet. My mind is going so fast from everything that happened, I can’t relax. I need Fredrick. I need to be in his arms. I pull the phone from my pocket and check the time. It’s late back home, but I give Darius a call anyway. “We’re all safe. Jesse is dead. How is Fredrick?”

He lets out a breath. “I know, miss. Beans called me. Mr. Draven’s condition is unchanged.”

I let out a breath. “Thank you Darius, for everything.”

His voice softens. “I like you, miss.”

I smile. “I like you too Darius.”

After scans and x-rays, I’m given a clunky brace for my injured knee. I have a big bruise on my abdomen and a split l*p, but otherwise, physically, I’m fine. Beans meets up with me in the ER. “Darius filled me in on a lot of what was going on. I’ve been trying to find this guy since Darius tracked your friends phone. But I still need your statement.”

I tell Beans everything that happened. “Beans, how did you get that name?”

He smiles. “My first day on the job I chased a suspect into a store. I pushed him into a stack of canned beans. The guys have been calling me that ever since.” He rolls his eyes.

I smile. “Thank you, Beans, for all of your help. If you’re ever in New York, stop in and see us.” I k*ss his cheek and he leaves.

Brianna and Daniel take me back to the hotel. They escort me to my room. “I’ll get you clothes and food. Daniel will be on guard for first watch.” I thank them both. I take a hot bath and come out of the washroom to a fresh set of clothes. I throw on a t-shirt and panties. I munch on a little of the food, but the pain relievers and my b*dy’s exhaustion takes over and I’m able to sleep. I wake up and quickly dress. I open the door to Brianna standing guard. “Afternoon, Miss Jules.”

I nod. “Hi.” I check my phone. Only just after noon. “I’m going to the hospital to see Shannon and Corey.”

She nods. “Sure thing. Would you like me to drive?”

I nod “Yeah. Let’s get her some clothes first.” We stop at the shops inside the hotel and pick out a few items to suit Shannon then head to the hospital. Shannon’s door is open. I knock on the frame. “Shan?”

She sits up in her bed. “Hey doll. Get in here.”

I give the bag to Brianna and rush to Shannon. I throw my arms around her. I’m so happy to see her. “How long do you have to stay?”

She pulls back. “They’re already discharging me. I’m just waiting for the paperwork.”

I look back to Brianna. She walks forward with the bag. “Shan, this is Brianna, Anthony’s sister and my new personal guard.”

Shannon hugs Brianna. “Thank you for helping us.”

Brianna hands the bag over to Shannon. “I didn’t do much. It was all Jules.”

Shannon peaks inside the bag. She pulls out the toiletries. “Oh, I love you, doll. I’m going to shower and change.” She k*sses my cheek and jumps off the bed heading straight for the shower.

Shannon finishes in record time. She comes out looking fresh in a cute summer dress and sandals. The three of us walk to the nurses station and await Shannon’s paperwork. We head to Corey’s room. He’s asleep with a cannula in his nose. Shannon k*sses his cheek. Corey stirs and opens his eye. He smiles when he sees Shannon. “There’s my girl.”

Shannon caresses Corey’s cheek. “Hey, Sweets. How are you feeling?”

Corey adjusts his bed so he’s sitting more upright. “Relieved that you’re okay.”

Shannon shakes her head. “Da mn it Corey. If you were worried about me, imagine how I felt watching you get shot and beat.” Shannon tears up, but continues her tirade. “You had me worried to death. Why did you keep talking to him. You couldn’t just shut your mouth. You a ss.” Corey smiles at Shannon. He pulls her on to the bed with him and k*sses her sweetly. They’re so cute together.

I think of my sweet husband and how he was on the bed with me in the hospital and again how he pulled me in the bed with him. I close my eyes. Oh Fredrick, please wake up. I love you. Shannon starts laughing, bringing me back to the present. “Corey, do you know how long you’ll have to stay in the hospital?”

He looks to Shannon. “I’m out tomorrow.” I’m sure all of us ladies get the same puzzled look on our faces. Corey chuckles. “They gave me some blood to make up for the gun shot wound. Otherwise, they just want me resting.”

I tilt my chin up to his face. “Then what’s with the nasal cannula?”

He pulls it off. “They said my O2 was a little low while I was sleeping. I tend to snore, so I had to sleep with it on. Nothing major.”

All three of us roll our eyes. I walk around to the Shannon-free side of the bed. I give Corey a k*ss on the cheek and sl*p the box into his hand. “I’m glad you’re alright, Corey. I’ll get you some clothes and shoes.”

He nods. “Thanks miss Jules. For everything.”

Brianna and I get clothes for Corey, then Daniel meets up with me and Brianna at a nearby restaurant. “So when do you plan to go back, miss Jules?”

I swallow a bite of my milkshake. “I think after Corey gets out of the hospital. I want us all to go home together. Is there anything you two would like to do before we go? I don’t have any plans.”

Brianna looks at Daniel and shakes her head. “Not really.”

Daniel smiles. “I’ve never been here, can we walk the strip?”

I nod. “Sure. Let’s get Shannon to join us.” We take our time to enjoy the regular tourist sites. Shannon is hesitant at first, but Corey convinces her by saying he would just be sleeping. Daniel actually rides the roller coaster at the New York, New York. We visit the M&M shop, the forum shops at Caesars Palace, and my favorite the Shark Reef. We actually have a fun time, but I know I’m going to need to see a therapist once we get back home. I am so stressed. I keep looking over my shoulder, waiting for Jesse to pop up out of nowhere. I assume the same is true for Shannon and Corey. I’ve sent several texts to Darius throughout the day, checking on Fredrick. He’s still unchanged. We’re exhausted by the time we get back to the hotel.

Shannon stays in my room with me. Having each other helps us both sleep. Shannon tickles my nose first thing in the morning. “Hey, doll.”

I smile at my best friend from my pillow. Jesse’s words about not being a good friend enter my mind. I bite my l*p. “I’m so sorry for not getting here sooner. I should’ve called you. I knew something was wrong.”

Shannon takes my hand. “Stop. It’s not your fault. You had a lot going on. I’m the same way and you know it.” She wipes my tear away then asks. “How is Fredrick?”

I think back to the day everything started. “He threw a blood clot and sl*pped into a coma.”

Shannon closes her eyes and shakes her head. “Oh doll, I’m so sorry.”

I half smile. “I’m doll now?”

Shannon laughs. “Yeah. We’re not in college anymore and it suits you better. Besides, he sent you those texts and you didn’t know it wasn’t me…”

I know where she’s going. “Yeah. I like it better. Remember when you used to call me puddin’ in high school?”

Shannon laughs. “My Harley Quinn phase. Or remember it was peach before that.”

We both laugh. “No more foods, Shan.” We both go silent.

Shannon stands up to stretch. “Let’s go get Corey so we can get you back to Fredrick.”I nod and we quickly get ready.

Daniel drives us all to the hospital. Corey’s leg is wrapped in bandages. His face is still pretty beat up. The swelling went down a lot more on his eye, so he’s finally able to open it. He showers and dresses with the help of Shannon. She pushes his wheelchair to the awaiting Escalade. Corey takes the front seat so he can have more room. We don’t wait a minute longer, just go straight to the airport. We don’t have to wait long before we take off. The relief to be going back home is felt throughout the cabin.

The six hour flight takes longer than I remember. It might just be the excitement to be home. I can’t wait to see Fredrick and lay down beside him. Shannon falls asleep on Corey for a little while. Daniel and Corey catch up on old times. Apparently they’re old friends. Brianna sits beside me. “Miss Jules. Did you mean what you said yesterday about me being your new guard?”

I smile at her beautiful face. “Absolutely. You were amazing. You’re very capable and I’m comfortable with you. I’m confident in your capabilities. Fredrick and I have already discussed it before he went into the hospital.”

Brianna bites her l*p. “Does that mean I have to go to Taiwan?”

I’m at a loss. “I have no idea. But that is customary.”

Brianna nods. “Thanks, miss Jules.”

The plane finally lands. I ask Brianna to get the wheelchair for Corey. Once she’s back, we make our way through the terminal and out to the three awaiting Escalades. I giggle at the once obnoxious sight. Darius steps out of the front seat of the nearest one and opens the back door. I stop in my tracks as the most wonderful sight in the world greets me. Fredrick steps out of the vehicle. He’s dresses in his normal suit and tie. He’s cleaned up, but left a short trimmed beard. He smiles at me and I can’t breathe. All of my emotions come rushing to the surface. I practically fall into his outstretched arms and so b into his chest. “Fredrick.”

He comforts my back with soothing strokes. “It’s okay, love. I’m here.”

His hand cups my cheek. I shake my head. “You’re not real. This can’t be real.”

His thumb caresses my l*p. He leans down and k*sses me, fiercely. He pulls away. “I’m real.”

I run my fingers through the scruff on his face. “How…?”

Fredrick smiles his perfect beautiful smile. His fingers comb through my hair. “I woke up early this morning. Darius filled me in on everything that has happened. I’m not very pleased that my wife went running off to Vegas to face down my crazy half-brother, who kidnapped my head guard and your best friend, to take control of Draven Corp, to then be killed by my newest guard that happens to be an ex-s niper. Did I get it all?”

I shake my head. “Nope. We’re going to adopt your niece or nephew and raise that baby as our own. Shelby will have no choice.”

Fredrick takes a deep breath and lets it out. He smirks. “If that’s what my wife wants.” I nod.

We all load up into the vehicles and head out. Fredrick pulls me to his chest. I’m more than happy to let him. He wraps me in his arms and k*sses my head. I inhale his scent and can finally relax. “I love you. You had me so worried.” I pull out of his embrace. I get my serious face and stick my pointed finger in his face. “Don’t you ever, ever, ever scare me like that again.”

He bites down on my finger. I giggle. He lets me go and smiles. He gets his serious face. “Don’t you ever, ever, ever leave me like that again.”

I lay back onto his chest. “Deal.”

His arms wrap around me tightly. He k*sses the top of my head. “I love you, wife.”

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Absolutely loved reading this book.

When i started i couldn’t put it down.

It was just great book to read.

Thank you so much

6d agoLikeReply



I’ve been reading this book for 3 days now, that’s because I had to stop and take breaks but this story was awesome

4d agoLikeReply




Storyline is so great except for Darius “I like you, Miss” lol it’s cringe

3h agoLikeReply

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