Chapter 29

Julia can be stubborn when she’s mad. This is the first time I’ve ever seen her this way. She hasn’t spoken to me all day, except when required for her job. I never want her to be mad at me again. I am in my Alfa Romeo, Julia is in the Maserati, the two Escalades are to her right and behind her. Julia made reservations for a popular, yet casual restaurant; Chili’s.

Julia walks ahead of me as we enter the restaurant. “Draven, table for eight.” The guards all look at each other awkwardly. The hostess leads us to a table in the very middle of the crowded restaurant. I have no doubt she arranged it this way. Julia stops at the head of the table. I pull the chair out for her. I almost think she’s going to go somewhere else, but she takes her seat. I sit beside her, then look to my guards. They’re all waiting for a signal that it’s alright for them to sit. “You guys are all in the way. Sit down already.” Julia rolls her eyes and opens the menu. They find their seats as a waitress walks by carrying a large tray.

I need a scotch. This is not a situation I’ve ever had to deal with. Our waiter walks up to the table. “Welcome to Chili’s our special is our Dr. Pepper ribs. You look like a lively bunch. Are we having a business meeting?”

Julia smiles to the flamboyant man. “Not exactly, but we did just come from work.”

He quickly realizes who is in charge of this little get-together. “I bet you’re the boss of all these hunks,” he says with a wink. They both giggle. “Let’s start with some drinks.”

I raise my finger. “I’ll take a scotch.”

Julia co cks her brow at me. “Oh really?”

S hit. She’s pi ssed at me, but I need alcohol if I’m going to get through this alive. I really don’t want to make thing worse though. “I guess not.” Corey, Darius, James and the server all snicker to themselves. I look at my men. Their faces go solemn, but I can see it’s with great difficulty.

Corey raises his finger. “I’ll take a beer.” Everyone orders their drinks in turn.

Julia takes my hand under the table which I graciously accept, but I know better than to assume we’re good. She orders one of every appetizer. She personally goes for the spinach artichoke dip, while the guys dig in to everything else. It looks revolting, all of it. I have yet to try something bad following her lead. I dip some bread in the gooey concoction, which doesn’t taste bad at all. I have no idea what Julia’s plan is. I thought we would talk over dinner, just the two of us, but this. I’m at a complete loss.

Julia turns her head toward me, finally. I look at her and wait for her to speak. She looks to everyone at the table in turn. “You are all on my s hit list, just so you know.” The guys all get quiet and look to Julia. Everyone hangs their head, except for me.

I sit up straight and reply to her. “I’m sorry, love. It won’t happen again.”

Corey speaks up. “Sorry, miss Jules.” Everyone else takes a turn to apologize. She nods then continues to munch on her appetizer.

Our food is brought to us and everyone digs in. Julia has yet to say anything else to anyone at the table. The guys are all conversing quietly with each other while they eat. This has got to be the most awkward, uncomfortable meal I have ever had. I guarantee she knows it too. Julia finishes her meal then takes my hand again. “How was Anthony when you saw him this morning, by yourself?”

I clear my throat. “He’s stable. The doctor said the first 24 hours are the most critical. Since he got through them, they are hopeful.”

She squeezes my hand. “Good. What about Ivan and Li?”

I rub my thumb over the back of her hand, then reply. “Li will be back to work next week. Ivan will be released tomorrow morning, but he has to recover from his injuries. It will be another six to eight weeks.”

She has a sad look on her face as she closes her eyes. “I miss them already. I’m relieved that Ivan and Li are okay. I’m still so worried about Anthony though.”

Corey raises his beer. “A speedy recovery to our guys.”

Everyone raises a glass or bottle and drinks. Julia looks at her watch. “Everyone about done? We need to get to the airport soon.”

I scrunch my brows in confusion. “Why are we going to the airport?”

Julia rolls her eyes like I should know the answer. “To pick up Anthony’s family.”

Oh. I assumed Brianna would do that. I guess not. Julia gives her keys to Corey and takes the passenger seat in the Alfa Romeo. I hold her hand as we drive to the airport. She still does not speak. “Julia, my love. Are you still refusing to speak to me?”

She glances to me then back to the front. “Yes, Mr. Draven. My husband is in the dog house right now.”

I k*ss her fingers. “Well, Mrs. Draven what must your husband do to be forgiven?”

She bites her l*p as she thinks. “I’m not sure yet, sir. I believe in honesty. But my husband lied to me and kept things from me. I need to know I can trust him again. I trusted him completely from day one. Now it’s gone.” My heart is pierced by her words. I failed her. It’s my job to protect her, yes. But she needs to know she can trust me. I swallow then let out a deep breath.

Julia’s POV

I think about what I just said to Fredrick. I feel bad and want to take back my words. I do trust him. I always have. It just really hurt that he didn’t think I needed to know what was going on. I understand his motives. I was going through a lot, but it was all linked. I just want him to know that I’m upset with him. I don’t want to hurt him nor push him away. I love him more than anything. I guess I just want to be mad. He did apologize, but was it just for show because the guys were there? That can’t be. He’s a better person than that. I let out a deep breath. Fredrick squeezes my hand. “What is it, love?”

I guess now is a good time to start clearing the air. “What happened with the elevator?”

Fredrick’s hand goes to the back of his n*eck. He doesn’t say anything. I turn away and look out the window. “It fell.” I turn back to face Fredrick. I wait for him to continue. Finally he speaks. “The cable was cut and the hydraulic piston was damaged. I was in it when it happened.”

OMG! “Fredrick…?”

My mouth is hanging open as he continues to speak. “I was able to climb out the top and get to the maintenance ladder. That’s how I got the bruises.” He squeezes my hand and looks at me. “That was the only time I have ever been glad you weren’t there.”

I close my eyes and try to get a grip on what he just told me. He could’ve been killed. I open my eyes and look at the man next to me. “I’m glad you were able to get out in time. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He k*sses my hand and doesn’t say anything more.

Brianna meets us at the airport. I greet her then give her an envelope. “Brianna. How are you holding up?”

She and I have become more acquainted today. I had to speak to her throughout the day to get all of the arrangements made. “I’m better, thanks. Mama and Papa are glad they can be here while Anthony heals.”

I look at my watch. “They should be arriving soon. I can’t wait to meet them.”

Brianna smiles. “They want to meet you too. Mama wants to have you over for dinner as soon as they get settled in.”

I nod in excitement. “Absolutely.”

An older couple exits the terminal. Brianna runs up to hug and greet them. Fredrick and I walk up together to meet them. After introductions I introduce them to Corey. “Corey will take you to where you’ll be staying.”

Fredrick grunts beside me so only I can hear it. I c ock my eyebrow at him, waiting for him to contradict me. Corey looks to Fredrick for guidance. Oh yeah, Corey. I’m pis sed at you too. Fredrick nods. He pulls out his card and hands it over to Anthony’s parents. “Please contact me if you need anything.” Corey leads the Lorenzi’s to the Maserati. Everyone piles into the separate vehicles and we part ways.

It’s been a long, trying day. I take a long soothing shower, taking the time to rub out my sore muscles. Fredrick exits his closet just as I leave the washroom. He’s only wearing his navy blue satin pajama pants. His perfect b*dy is on full display. I stop in my tracks and stare at him. “You like what you see?”

I bite my l*p and look up to his perfectly sculpted face. I haven’t checked him out in a while. I really like looking at him. I married me some eye candy. “I don’t know. Turn around so I can see the whole package.”

He smirks at me, but slowly turns around. I almost forgot how hot he is. His back muscles are ripped. His biceps and shoulders are beautiful mounds. His pecs and abs make my hands crave to touch him. I feel like it’s been forever since we were together last. “Well?”

I bite my l*p and nod. “Yeah, I like what I see. Who wouldn’t?”

He takes my hands and places them on his chest. He whispers in my ear. “It’s all yours.”

I swallow. “Husband, I am still upset with you.”

He smirks. “Then let me make it up to you.” Fredrick picks me up and sets me down gently on the bed. He k*sses my l*ps then looks straight into my eyes. “I’m going to taste you until you squirm. Then I’m going to pleasure you until you beg for a release. After that I’m going to make love to you, wife.” I’m breathless as he removes my peach robe. He watches me as he slowly sl*ps my panties down. His hands move up my legs. He k*sses my thighs one by one, then my belly, his eyes never leaving mine. His finger caresses my slit. “Hmm, you’re already wet.” I swallow as his tongue follows the path his finger just made. He spreads my legs and delves deeper. His tongue ravishes my most sensitive parts. He flicks his tongue, then pulls my nub into his mouth and begins to suck. His eyes never leave mine.

He makes good on his word. I am squirming and bucking under his mouth. “Fredrick!” A smile reaches his face. He inserts two fingers, hitting the perfect spot. I or gasm hard. I am in ecstasy. Fredrick pulls away for a few seconds but then goes right back to it. His fingers continue to work in and out of me with the perfect amount of pressure and speed. His other hand reaches up to caress my breasts. His mouth takes one of my n*pples. He nibbles and sucks until I’m biting my l*p to keep from screaming. He moves to the other breast and continues his oral assault while still using his extremely skilled fingers. I’m already still high from my previous o rgasm. In no time at all I’m coming down from a second wave. He doesn’t let up. He uses his mouth and his fingers to bring me around again. I can barely keep my eyes open from the pleasure my b*dy is receiving.

After my fourth o rgasm, Fredrick slides his pants off. His erection stands at attention. He enters me slowly. He doesn’t have S** with me, no. This is pure love. His eyes are clear as his perfect l*ps reach mine. I can feel every emotion he has for me. Every desire, doubt, fear, passion is shared through his k*ss. My eyes tear up. I know he loves me. He continues to make love to me as I soar higher and higher. I burst around him. He pauses for a moment, then continues to make love to me.

I’m a sweaty pile of mush, still he doesn’t let up. “Julia.” He says in between slow thrusts. “I love you.” I can feel that he means it. “I never. Never meant to hurt you.” He k*sses me gently. “I’m so sorry.”

I swallow because I know he’s telling the truth. I wipe my tear stained face and nod. “I love you Fredrick. I forgive you.” He lets out a breath of relief. He picks up speed. Soon, we’re both almost there.

“Pull out, Fredrick. I can’t get pregnant now.” He nods then thrusts a few more times making me reach my ultimate climax. He pulls out and ejaculates on my abdomen. The warmth spreads across my b*dy in a sensation that is provocative and alluring. I like it, very much.

He lays beside me catching his breath. “I’m sorry, love. I wasn’t really aiming.” He tells me when he sees me touching his sweet nectar.

I smile. “It’s fine. It was a pleasant surprise.”

He brings my face to his and k*sses me deeply. He scoops me up, surprising me. I giggle as I’m lifted in the air. He takes me to the washroom and turns on the shower. He washes my b*dy where his fluids landed on me. He k*sses my tummy, then goes lower. “I can’t get enough of you.”

I tilt his face up. “You can worship my b*dy tomorrow. I can barely stand as it is.” He smiles then pecks my lower l*ps one more time before standing back up. He k*sses me gently and takes me back to bed.

Fredrick’s POV

I watch my Angel as she almost immediately falls asleep. I cover her and scoot in behind her as close as possible. I relish in the feel of her skin against mine, the warmth, the smooth softness, her perfect s exy curves. She’s so beautiful. I give other men a stare down when they watch her, which happens often. She’s the perfect woman. Not only because she has a great b*dy, but she’s so intelligent, so silly, so kind hearted, so witty. She’s everything.

She inches closer to me. I hold her tighter. I lay my head down and smell her still damp hair. I can’t imagine what I would do if I lost her. If Jesse would have succeeded… I shake my head and let out a deep breath. I’d kill for her and not even blink an eye. She’s still not out of the woods. Shelby is still hanging around. I shake off the thought and close my eyes.

I dream of Julia. She’s tied up in thick ropes with duct tape over her mouth. She’s in an elevator that is swinging loosely from a shredded cable. The orange lights flicker, then everything goes dark around her. She’s on the floor with tears in her eyes as she looks at me through the opened door. I try to reach her, but I can’t seem to move. I’m held back by a rope of my own. The elevator creaks. She looks up and the cable snaps sending the elevator free falling to the ground far bellow.

I jolt up awake, screaming, covered in sweat. My heart is beating out of my chest. “Fredrick. Honey, what happened?” Julia places both hands on my face and turns me to look at her. Her thumb caresses my cheek as she places a k*ss on my l*ps.

I wrap her in my arms and pull her to me. She’s striding my lap, her breasts against my chest. I k*ss her face, her n*eck, her l*ps, then bury myself inside of her. I need to feel her, to touch her, to know she’s really here. Her arms wrap around my shoulders as I continuously thrust inside of her. I pull her off of me just before I release. I keep her on my lap holding her to me. “Angel. I love you.”

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