Chapter 15

Julia is so s exy. She took control and rode the drugs out of my system. I hold her to me refusing to let her get away. She’s tracing letters on my chest. S -E-X-Y. H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E. I never realized before that it’s letters she traces on my chest, until she wrote yes on my leg yesterday. Now I’m paying attention. O-M-G. I smile and k*ss her head. “Tell me you love me.”

She hums and says; “you first.” She then traces a heart over my heart. I wonder if she does love me. I wonder if I love her. I’ve never felt so close to anyone in my life before. I’ve never cared about anyone as much I care about her, not even by half. We’ve been married for such a short time, is it possible to fall in love so quickly? I k*ss her head, but its not enough. I tilt her chin up and k*ss her again, then take her one more time.

Julia wakes up after an hour long nap. I have my laptop open as I’m working in bed. She stretches her limbs. “Mmm, what time is it?”

I check the corner of the screen. “Almost 5.”

She sits up and leans on my shoulder. “We should get ready to go.” She says as she yawns. I close my laptop and pull her into the shower with me. Water flows over us as I enter her beautiful b*dy. Having her pinned against the wall, holding her leg up at my hip as I pound into her soft, warm flesh is so hot. I release when she does. I then wash her gorgeous b*dy. While I’m in front of her, I place a gentle k*ss on my baby. I look up at her and she smiles a smile of pure bliss. I k*ss my baby again, then finish washing her.

I never thought about having children, not really. I’ve always been too busy to think about it. Now everything is different. My wife is the perfect woman. She’s kind, smart, witty. She’ll be a good mother. Hell, I wouldn’t mind having a few kids with her. “Fredrick, are you okay?” Julia brings me out of my thoughts.

I smile as she turns around for me to zip up her dress. “Yes. I’m fine. I was just thinking about you.”

She sits on the bed to put her shoes on. “What were you thinking about?”

I begin adjusting my tie. “About how you’re going to be an amazing mother to my children.”

She straightens my tie. “Just how many kids are you planning on having?”

I tilt her chin up so she’s looking me in the eye. “I want as many as you are willing to give me.” Her face turns a soft rosy color. I k*ss her l*ps and take her hand as I lead her out.

Julia is dressed up tonight. She’s wearing one of the dresses I picked out for her. It’s a short skirt with a n*eckline that enhances her perfect breasts. S he’s also wearing make up. I’m pretty sure it’s the first time I’ve seen her in makeup and, wow, is she stunning. I almost want t o j ust s kip the show and entertain her myself. I would worship that b*dy of hers for hours. I have never thought of S** as much as I do n ow. It’s all her. She has me hypnotized and under her spell. She’s the only one. The only one I want. Other women can’t compare to her.

Corey and Jesse flank us as we reach the elevator. “Sir, Miss Preston paid the c ocktail waitress to drug you. The girl has been fired and arrested. Miss Preston has flown to California after spending the night with Jesse. Anthony reported earlier. Li will report at the venue. There are snacks and water in the car for Miss Julia.” Corey whispers so only I can hear him. He is excellent about giving me important information. I don’t blame Jesse for getting an easy lay, but my confidence in him is quickly fading. I nod to show Corey I heard him. He drives us up the strip while I point out the snacks for Julia.

As we’re walking through the casino, Julia is covering her nose and mouth. “Julia?”

She turns into my chest and breathes in. I hold her to me as we keep walking. We arrive at the theater before she finally pulls back. “Sorry, the smell in the casino was making me sick. You smell really good.”

I pull her back into my chest and wrap my arms around her. She makes a humming sound. My fingers glide through her silky hair. “You apologize to me too much. You don’t ever have to say you’re sorry for something so little. It’s my job to protect you and make you feel safe. You and our little one.”

Julia’s eyes begin to glisten. “You do care about me.”

My thumb wipes away a stray tear. “Don’t cry, silly girl, you’ll smear your makeup. Of course I care about you. You’re my life now.”

She sniffles and wipes her eyes. “Stop saying such sweet things, you’ll make me ruin my makeup.” We both chuckle.

Julia and I have VIP seating. The show is actually quite entertaining. The acrobats are performing amazing feats I never would have imagined possible. Julia is cheering and singing along with the music. She gets excited when a woman, spinning down some ropes, stops herself just above our heads. Even I admit that was pretty cool. As the show comes to a close, I ask “do you have any more shows in mind?”

Julia grins. “I’ll look.” I nod as I escort her out. I’m worried that my pregnant wife hasn’t eaten. As soon as were back in our suite, I order room service. “Fredrick, that show was amazing!” She says as she sits on the sofa to scroll through her phone. I lean in the doorway and just watch her. She kicks off her shoes and sits back with her feet tucked under her. “Oh, this one looks fun. Oh, this one too. There are so many shows to choose from. I think we’ll do these two next week.” She looks up at me with a happy grin. She walks toward me. “Why are you standing there?” She unbuttons my jacket and pushes it over my shoulders. “Much better.” She stands on tip toe and k*sses my l*ps. I pull her in to me.

“What have you done to me?” I ask her as I pick her up and place her back on the sofa.

She giggles, “What do you mean?”

I sit beside her, then change my mind. I pull her onto my lap. “I mean you have bewitched me. I can’t deny you anything. All I think about is you. I want you all the time. And you have me doing things I’ve never done nor cared to do before.” I run my fingers through her hair.

Julia’s POV

What do I say to something like that? I’m falling for him. Scratch that. I’m in love with him. I love him and I know it. He’s amazing and sweet. He’s smart and handsome. He treats me like a princess, he’s so attentive. When he holds me I never want him to let me go. I lean my head on his shoulder and inhale his delicious scent. I k*ss his n*eck. “It’s your fault. You spoil me. Do you want to watch a movie with me?”

A knock sounds at the door. Fredrick places me on the cu shion next to his and stands up. “Pick out a movie, I’ll get the door.” A server enters pushing a cart with several dishes covered with cloches.

Fredrick and I watch two classics before I start yawning on his chest. I love that he’s always holding me close to him, protecting me and taking care of me. I think back to my first day of work. I was so nervous that I stuttered every time I had to speak to him. I had never seen anyone as handsome as him. I instantly had a crush on my boss. He was straight forward and to the point, but never mean. Others in the offices would tell me how scary and cold he was. I never saw it. He was hardworking and didn’t have time for pointless distractions. I quickly understood his personality and was even more attracted to him. Now, I’m addicted. He is still hardworking, but he makes time for me. That must mean I’m important to him or he wouldn’t treat me so well.

Fredrick turns off the television. “Come on sleeping beauty. You’ve yawned about five times now.” He pulls me up to my feet and I yawn again. He chuckles. He helps me out of my clothes and tucks me in to bed. I’m asleep before he even lays down.

I wake up to a nauseated stomach. I rush to the toilet and retch. Fredrick is in the shower so I brush my teeth and rinse out my mouth, then step in behind him. “Good morning, handsome. Mind if I join you?”

He smiles, and pulls me under the water. “Not at all. You can shower with me anytime. I heard you come in. I was hoping you would join me.” He k*sses me, then makes love to me against the shower wall.

I’m dressed in a spaghetti strap summer dress. Fredrick puts on a t-shirt and jeans and I stop breathing. He is so gorgeous, but in plain clothes he looks more relaxed and easygoing. His shirt defines his perfectly sculpted chest and muscled biceps. He sees me staring so he smirks and bounces his pecs. I can’t help but giggle, then ask him. “Why aren’t you a model? You’re depriving people all over this world. It’s truly a shame.”

He laughs, and places my hands on his chest. “This b*dy is only for you, baby.”

I run my hands down his abs and back up. I remember the first time I touched his chest. I step up on my toes and move the collar of his shirt to the side. I lick his collar bone then begin sucking on the same spot I did in the past, marking him. He knots his fingers in my hair and tilts his head to the side allowing better access. I pull back to inspect my work. I look in his eyes. He smiles then turns my b*dy so my back is against his chest. He runs his nose along my n*eck and back down before he k*sses my collar bone. He bites down and begins sucking. I close my eyes and dwell in the sensation. His hands move to my lower abdomen. He steps out from behind me then squats down to k*ss my tummy. I’m so relieved that he’s happy about the baby. I was scared he would be angry.

Fredrick and I walk the strip like the tourists we are. We take pictures together every chance we get. We visit an aquarium, ride in a gondola, see a volcano erupt, pet dolphins, and watch a pirate ship. We eat whenever I get hungry and just enjoy the day. It’s already dark and we have one last attraction I want to see; the water show. Fredrick finds the best spot right in front of the middle of the pool. He’s holding me from behind so I grab a selfie of the two of us. People are beginning to crowd around, then the music begins to play. The water shoots from the fountains as it dances to the music of time to say goodbye. I know this song from college, I had to take a music theory class. It’s a really pretty song that sets the mood perfectly.

The water show comes to an end with the water crashing down in the pool with a sound like thunder. Finally everything stills and the speakers switch to a quiet, random song; Fields of gold. Fredrick stops walking and pulls me in to dance in the middle of the sidewalk. “I think we have a song, Julia.”

He whispers in my ear. I lay my head against his chest. “Mmm. It’s a good choice. Thank you for today, everything has been so perfect. It’s almost like a honeymoon.”

He raises my chin so he can see my face. “You deserve a honeymoon. I promise, I’ll take you anywhere you want to go. I’m sorry I didn’t even think of giving you one.” I smile at him, “getting married wasn’t exactly planned. I don’t need anything more. This is enough.”

Fredrick and I make our way back to the hotel. I’m so tired that Fredrick carries me to our suite. “I don’t know why I’m sleeping so much, but I can barely keep my eyes open.”

He sets me on the bed and points out the obvious. “It’s because you’re pregnant. You started napping a few days before we knew. It’s normal.”

I pull my hair out of a ponytail. “How do you know this?”

He holds up his phone. “Pregnancy apps. I’ve been doing my research.” I’m so touched, I can’t help the smile that grows on my face. He lays me down and tucks me in.

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