Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Bettina’s POV cont’d

I’ll have to get ahold of Rebecca. 111 have her bind her powers again, and that

abomination of a wolf. Then when she’s pathetic as a human 111 take my time in

tormenting her. Maybe I’ll give her to my husband. He wasn’t her real father after

all, she was from a one night stand with a random Day-walking Vampire at a bar

two towns over. He’s been staring at her since she grew her breasts in at thirteen.


I remember seeing my husband walking up the stairs to the third floor one night, I

didn’t think anything of it at first. Then I noticed he did it a lot, always at night,

Enter title…

when we were all supposed to be asleep. So I followed him, he had left the door

open to the s luts room, and there she

was laying in the moon light,her shirt up to her neck showing her breasts, the

blanket at her waist.The w h ore.

He was standing over her his back to me, his pants around his knees. He was

grabbing his balls and jerking himself off while looking at her. The sl ut was

seducing my husband. Like those other wh ores had. That’ s why I had my affairs,

it was one that got me pregnant with that mistake, that b itch. One night I was so

p issed off at both of them I decided to drug his alcohol with an aphrodisiac. )

I got him so worked up, then I turned him away from me. It hadn’t been long till he

couldn’t take it anymore and went to the third floor. I followed, I thought I would

get my revenge on both of them that night. I would watch him rape the little b itch

and I would hold it over both of them.

I would use it against him, he didn’t know she wasn’t his daughter. I could torment

him for ages with that.

Besides, while Rebecca was working at the Pack Clinic, she magicked a sample

of Alora’s real fathers blood on file, taking the place of Allister’s. So if his blood

was tested it would show him as the father. I had gotten to the door that night, it

was open. He had had her on her back holding her down as she begged him to

stop, like she really wanted him to, the s lut.

Unfortunately he hadn’t gotten to far before that abomination of a wolf took over

and struck at him. If I hadn’t taken her desk chair to the back of her wolf and

knocked her to the floor she would have killed him. Fortunately Allister had

passed out from blood loss and the drugged Alcohol he didn’t know my part in

that night.

She didn’t either because she never saw me when I knocked her away from

Allister with that chair, it had knocked her out for a moment at least. Long enough

for me to drag Allister out of there and to his spot in bed. The bi tch had escaped

that night, she had started to lock her door after that. It wasn’t long though before

Allister had a key made so he could get back to his pe rverted habit, until she

started to put the chair under the k nob.

Some nights he was out f uck ing some s lut in a bar ally way. He always stank of

the who res juices when he came back, it was sickening. Sometimes he would

force himself on me still covered in them. Those were the nights I would take a

whip to that wretch if she was still in the basement. Or I would find a reason to

take her down there the next


I was taken out of my thought when the Alpha spoke to us again, da mn that

wretch for this! “Now,” the Alpha growls. “There is something I want to know, and

one of you two WILL tell me.” he demands in a tone we can’t disobey, we didn’t

have the power to. “Why have the Frost’s and the Northmountain’s bred and

mated with only another blond hair and blue eyed wolf these last ten generations.”

No! We’re not supposed to tell.

It’s banishment from the clan to tell, I try to fight it, tried to stay silent. It was

Allister, the weakling, who caved first. “There was a prophecy made saying to a

tenth generation couple of a Northmountain and Frost with blond hair and blue

eyes, a pup will be born with the power to be an Alpha of Alpha’s.” he said. 2

Thank goddess he stopped there,

before revealing the rest of it. The intent had been so that the two Clans could

then become the most powerful pack on this continent. Then something started to

bug me, no, I wouldn’t think of it. That wretch is worthless, the thought just as

worthless. “Sit, all three of you.” The Alpha demanded, we did.

“Alora will be removed from this household as of today. She will be adopted by

mine. You are no longer her family.” The Alpha decreed. “Is that understood.” he

growls, demanding an answer, one we had to give “Yes Alpha.” is said with our

heads bowed in submission. Dam n that wh ore, one more thing for her to pay for,

I’ll rip her heart out myself!

Having to suffer this humiliation in front of the children of filthy Mountainmovers

and the Alpha’s youngest whelp is beyond baring. I

could feel the hate engulfing my chest in flame. I feel the fire in my glare as the

wh ore who brought this all on us comes down the stairs with two large duffle bags

and a back pack, that whelps mate carrying another two large duffle bags and

large backpack. 2

Those bags look new, I’ve never seen them before, she must have been planning

this all along. She thinks she can escape me she is wrong. I will hunt her down,

there is no where she can go that I won’t be able to get to her. I’ll let Sarah have a

run at her, she deserves revenge for her own humiliation caused by this wretch.

Especially after trying to steal the male I selected for her.

I killed that brown skinned human that was supposed to be her destined mate. He

wasn’t worthy of her, and he would have been an embarrassment to the Clan. I

did it behind her back

though, no use having her cry over a worthless pathetic human with the wrong

coloring. If he had been blond haired and blue eyed I might have considered

letting it happen.

“Go ahead and run for now you little b itch, but I will catch you. And when I do I will

make you suffer for every little transgression you little w h o re. I will make you pay

for it all! I snarl at her internally.

Alora’s POV

It didn’t take me or Serenity long to pack. I had bought the bags a few months ago

when graduation and escape had gotten closer, now it was here. It was a heady

feeling, but at the same time there was a ni ggling in the back of my head. It felt

like reality wouldn’t let me go. I may be free of my family now, but I knew. I knew I

would never be free of them.

They were going to haunt me however they could, they were vindictive. I’ll have to

become more aware of what was going on around me. The were going to come

after me. I had something they wanted, and to them I’m the reason for their

situation and humiliation. Now that I know they used Dark Magic to bind me, I

wouldn’t put it passed them to use it again. O

We gather all my school books, my writing journals and my sketch books. Add in

all my clothes and I had four large duffle bags and two back packs worth of stuff,

and the necklace. The Alpha had gotten that back for me, and I was grateful, it

was special to me. Damien had given it to me the last day I was at the pack

house, recovering from that drowning.

I had just been a little girl. He told me I was a special she-pup and should have

something pretty to

remind me of that. I had been touched by something so nice, I had known almost

nothing but abuse. So to have someone give me something so pretty and telling

me I was special, stuck with me. I think half of the crush I had on him back then

came from him being so nice to me.

It’s not like my crush could have gone anywhere. Darien told me he still doesn’t

have a mate. But that doesn’t mean I should even dare to hope that I’ll be his

mate. That’s a wish I couldn’t let myself have. Because it would hurt me like

nothing else to give into that hope and then to have it stripped away if his mate

turned out not to be me.

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