Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 13

Chapter 13

We are all cringing in sympathetic pain. Boris clears his throat. “I believe, Andrew,

that your son’s mate, has thoroughly taught my son a lesson.” His mate looks up

at him, her face has a multitude of expressions, like she couldn’t decide what to

think at this point, but she wasn’t angry anymore, in fact I think she was feeling

almost the same as her mate. I look at mine, the look is hesitant.

“I think…that I should agree with Boris on this dear, what about you?” looking at

Boris and Lissanna I nod in affirmation. “I will still be giving him a lecture, I want to

make sure he knows well how badly he messed up.” said Lissanna. “So he

doesn’t ever

Enter title…

make this mistake again?” asked my mate. “Exactly that Ember.” Lissanna

agrees. We fall silent for a while watching the rest of the Elite’s battle.

It got interesting, the top two ranking wolves were twins, and Serenity’s brothers.

The Boy’s were too evenly matched, this resulted in a tie between them. When it

came to battling her brothers for the top two ranks, Serenity forfeited, saying she

was content with third rank. Looking at her I believe if she truly wanted to, she

could have probably won first rank.

But to do that she would have to cause injury to her brothers, and I sensed that

was something that little she-wolf couldn’t stand the thought of, looking at her

brother’s I get the same sense. They wouldn’t ever hurt their sister in that way.

Training was one thing, an actual battle was


Ember pulls my arm and is pointing at the screen. Now that the Elite Class human

fights were over, it was time for the Alpha class. “Look at Alora’s picture dear.” I

look up and I’m shocked. Alora is always in lose track pants and large hoodies,

even in the middle of the worst heat of summer she would stay covered. But in

this picture she’s not.

She’s in what looks like perfectly fine athletic shorts, they went to mid thigh, her

top looked like any other sports top most of my female warriors wore to train in. I

was just in shock of seeing her dressed like anyone of those other warrior she

wolves instead of covered up completely for the first time. But that wasn’t the only

thing different.

She was pictured standing in my

favorite fighters pose. One taught to me as a pup during my training, one I taught

my boys, and the one I taught her. All her long hair pulled back out of her face in

one high tail. Her eyes were glittering with her internal strength, an Alpha’s glare.

When had she developed that look? This was not the little girl pup I’ve known, this

was an Alpha she-wolf. O

I look at Xena, she’s braced in a standing attack position. Her long claws spread,

her head low. Her muzzle forward, her mouth drawn back in a fierce snarl

showing all her long, shiny, white fangs. Xena’s eye’s, a glowing lavender, had the

same Alpha’s glare her human had.

The combination of both side by side was a powerful image. “Darien took those

photo’s.” Ember states. I look down at my mate. “How do you know?” 2

She laugh’s, “Mate darling, our son has been taking photography courses at the

University as one of his electives. He came home all excited one day telling me

how he was getting to take the Alpha Class’s Tournament Day photo’s for the

finals.” she says brightly. 2

“Alora must have taken his, she might not be in the class, but Darien shows her

everything he’s learned. He told me if she’d been in the class she’d be the top

student. He said her pictures are pure art.” she pauses. “Of course it helps they’re

both very photogenic.” She’ say’s looking at both of there pictures.

I notice how good the other’s are, then I started to wonder. “Did he do any of the

other class’s photo’s?” I ask my mate.

“He did the Elite Class. The Mid Level Class and the Reserve Level Class

Photo’s were done by another one of his class mates. They were both given

permission to use them as Senior Projects for their Photography Finals.” I look at

the Photo’s again, my wife handed me the Tournament Guide Booklet.

It has all the Seniors and their Tournament pictures. I flip through the program

looking at the one’s my son had done. They were very good. “I would like to

assume he aced his finals, these are amazing.” I say to Ember. Boris and

Lissanna are looking at there own booklet nodding and making noises of


We look up when we hear our son Darien’s name announced, he was up against

Lexus Stonemaker. One of Boris’s nephews. Both of our eldest boys away at

collage. They are at the top Alpha’s University, only strongest

of Alpha’s and Beta’s even complete their training at this school. Few able to

complete all five years. Damien and Xander, however, were graduating First


They have stayed at the school most of this time. Rarely coming home. Only for

the few holiday’s werewolves celebrated that would be considered major, the

summer and winter solstice celebrations. There were the spring and fall, but

winter and summer were the two they chose to visit on each year, and only for a

night. So my mate and I would go to the school to visit them.

The match between Darien and Lexus was over quickly. Darien never lost his

smile the entire battle. I could tell he was having fun. I remember the text from my

son in that moment. And I look back at the Northmountain couple. They were

arguing still. I text Damien “I’ll talk to your mother.” he sends an acknowledgment

with “Okay.” I look up as they announce Alora’s match.

I nudge my mate. “Do you have your camera?” she takes it out of her


“You want me to record her fight?” she asks.

“Yeah, I want her to have a memento, and I think Damien would like to see it.” she


“You’re right.” she gets the camera set up and starts recording.

Alora’s descends to the Arena floor and up onto the platform, her stance and aura

that of an Alpha, spine straight, shoulders back, head held high, eyes glittering

like purple diamonds, Alpha’s glare in place. She was magnificent. “She’s all

grown up.”

Ember comments. I nod my acknowledgment. I now know what my son was trying

to tell me. She had told him she wouldn’t hold back anymore.

What I hadn’t realized, was how much she had been holding back. Who knew she

was this much of an Alpha. She steps up to the platform, takes off a really short

black cardigan, and a wrap around skirt. Leaving her in a pair of black athletic

capris and a short black tank with purple skulls on it. She takes the fighters stance

and waits for the signal.

She was fast, I didn’t know she had progressed to this level, and she was strong.

It only took her two hits and then her opponent was down and out, she was the

winner. The entire crowd was in shock at how abrupt the match had ended. Then

the announcer

declared her win. There was a roaring of victory that spread to the crowd, a tribute

to the victor.

Something is n ig gling at me, and I look down at the Northmountain’s again. There

fury and glares at Alora were murderous. The worry my son’s had expressed, was

now in me. “Ember my love,” she looks at me, then turns to look at the couple too.

“How do you feel about moving Alora into the pack house early?” she’s still

looking at Allister and Bettina. “I think tonight would be as good as any.” my phone

dings with a message.

“Dad, Darien thinks we need to move Alora in tonight. He said Sarah looks insane

with anger.” and then immediately after “Dad we need to move Alora tonight, I

can’t help but feel something bad is going to happen to her if we don’t.” this one

from Darien. I show them to Ember,

she looks into my eyes.

“Text them back to let them know that’s the plan. It’s no coincidence we were

feeling the same.” I do as my mate says. “We’ll take her to their house ourselves

after the exams are finished, you’ll help her pack her things, we’ll get her moved

tonight.” I look at my Beta, he’s looking down at his phone, Lissanna is looking

over to were his son is with worry. 2

“What is it Boris?” He looks at me. “My son sent a text telling me he’s worried

about what Sarah’s got planned for Alora, he said she looks maniacal.” He

pauses to swallow. “He said he’s going to try and keep her attention on him, and

asked if there was something I could do to make sure she was safe from her


I think for a moment. “Tell him the Alpha is already seeing to her safety,

attention on him, and asked if there was something I could do to make sure she

was safe from her parents.”

I think for a moment. “Tell him the Alpha is already seeing to her safety, and to not

be alone with Sarah, I don’t want anything happening to your son either.” He

nod’s and starts texting Matthew back.

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