Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 24

I slowly slide my fingers underneath that partially see-through black dress she’s wearing, her skin damp with sweat, body glitter making her skin look so goddamn edible I just want to take a bite.

I swallow back the lust, but it’s impossible to stop as my fingers slowly dip between her thighs.

I know I’m not supposed to do this because Ares wants to share her.

But I can’t help myself.

Whenever I’m around her, all I want to do is touch her, taste her, lick her, consume her, impale her on my rock-hard cock until she mewls my name.

Goddammit, what the fuck is happening to me?

I shake it off, but I don’t take the palm of my hand off her pussy.

She whimpers when I push the pad of my thumb down.

She hates me just as much as I hate her, yet …

I nudge her legs apart and circle around with my fingers, sliding across her panties until I can feel the wetness straight through the fabric.

She averts her eyes, but I can see her bite her lip, and the mere sight alone makes my bulge strain.

I straighten my jeans, but none of it helps to get rid of this growing need to hit the brakes, grab her face, and smash my lips on those rosy lips of hers.


What the fuck has she done to me?

I hit the gas even harder despite going far beyond the speed limit, but nothing’s gonna stop me from getting to my goal as fast as possible.

But my fingers have a mind of their own as they play with her, circling her damp panties until her breath comes out in short gasps. And fuck me, that sound alone could make me come right here, right now.

And I hate it. I fucking hate how much she makes me want her.

“You’re going too fast,” she mutters as I slip across the road.

But I couldn’t care less about safety right now.

“Unzip me, Crystal,” I growl.

She briefly glances my way with shock riddling her face.

So I push her panties aside and swirl around, making her squeak.

“What about the speed limit?” she mutters.

“Didn’t you hear me? Take out my cock.”

Her hand swiftly moves to my zipper, and when my hard-on is finally released, I groan out loud from the pent-up lust raging through my body.

“Are you going to slow down now?” she asks, swallowing as I slowly dip down her slit.

“Hold your hand below your mouth,” I command.

She does it while eyeing me like I’m going insane.


When she dribbles it, I command, “Wrap your hands around my shaft.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re driving,” she says.

I hit the gas even harder. “Fuck me.”

“All right, all right,” she mutters, finally wrapping her hand around my shaft.

As her fingers squeeze and move up and down, they are the closest thing to heaven I’ll get right now…

Before I’ll drive us straight into hell.

“Caleb,” she mutters, wriggling around in her seat from the heat as I push my fingers inside her. “You’ve gotta slow down.

“Fuck that,” I growl, swirling my fingers inside her and then on top of her clit, spreading wetness all over.

“We’re on the road,” she murmurs, struggling to jerk me off.

“Don’t stop,” I tell her.

Her thumb rolls across the tip, making it hard to focus on the road.

But at this point, I don’t even fucking care if we make it home.

Living on the edge like this keeps me sane.

Her thighs clench together as her body begins to shiver from my touch, but I swat them open. “Don’t fucking close your legs. Keep them wide open.”

“But someone might see if they drive by,” she says.

“Fuck it. Let them fucking see what kind of bad little slut you are for me,” I groan, my shaft twitching against her palm.

God, if I’d asked her to suck me off instead, I would’ve busted a nut within a second.

But I need to fucking resist.

I can’t.

I fucking swore it to him.

But this girl … this girl is going to be the death of me.

And if she’s the one to kill me, then fuck my life, I’m going to drag her with me.

A soft moan escapes her mouth. “Oh fuck.”

“Yes. I’ll fucking finger you any way I want, any fucking time I want.”

I flick her clit fast and hard. Feeling it thump underneath the pad of my finger is a fucking aphrodisiac, and I can’t fucking get enough.

I don’t want it. I fucking need it.

I need the rush so bad I can’t fucking live another fucking day if I don’t have it.

“Caleb … please,” she whimpers.

“Please, what?” I grit. “What are you?”

Her eyes almost roll into the back of her head, and fuck me, I physically have to hold back my orgasm. I want it so badly I could fucking scream.

But I want something else far more than just a quick release.

So I hit the gas as we head up the mountain and drive into the dark night.

“Caleb, it’s too fast. We’re gonna crash,” she whimpers while I dip my fingers right back into her wetness again.

“You’re gonna give me everything you have to give.”

“What?” She gasps.

“Your orgasm or your life.”

“Are you joking?” she squeals.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” I stare her directly in the eyes. “I’m gonna keep fucking driving until you give me what I want.”

“You’re insane,” she says, but her wet pussy clenching around my fingers begs to differ.

“Who’s gonna bust first, you or me?” I say as she jerks me off. “Because I’ve been edging for days now, and I still want your fucking orgasm more than mine.”

She sucks in a breath.

“What’s it going to be, slut? Make me come and die, or come for me and live?”

“Oh fuck,” she mewls as I pull out only to toy with her clit instead.

“That’s it. I’ll only go faster and faster until you surrender.”

She’s still holding it back, still trying to keep her body to herself, but she doesn’t understand what she traded us for.

A life for a life.

Hers belongs to us now … and I intend to use it as I see fit.

“Oh God.”

“Don’t fucking beg to him after you struck a deal with boys who came straight outta hell.”

“You’re a fucking demon,” she grits.

It only makes me laugh because she’s still jerking off this fucking demon like she’s on a mission to make me come even faster than her. “Fuck yes, that’s right. Hate me. Loathe me.”

She struggles to withhold her moans, but I know she’s getting close. I can feel it.

“Caleb, stop the car,” she mutters.

“No.” Her begging only makes me hit the gas harder.

“Why? Why are you doing this?”

Because I’m not supposed to be fucking doing this.

I’m not supposed to have my fingers inside the girl I hate.

The one girl my father told me to be nice to.

The one girl my best friend, my lover, wants to keep for himself.

The one girl responsible for all of my fucking misery.

I’m not supposed to want her …

And it makes me want to kill and die.

“Doesn’t fucking matter,” I say through gritted teeth. “All you should worry about is the fingers between your legs driving you insane and your hand stroking my cock. Now give me your orgasm.”

I’m high on the adrenaline fueling my growing lust as we race up the mountain, the edge of the road coming into view.

“I can’t,” she murmurs, shaking her head.

“Yes, you fucking can. Give it to me. Now,” I growl, circling her clit fast and hard until she finally releases all of that pent-up energy, filling my car with so many fucking moans that I combust with her.

I can feel her thump against my fingers as my balls squeeze, and I let out a harsh groan while my cum shoots out over my steering wheel.

“Fuck, keep going,” I tell her.

Her hand slides up and down my shaft, saliva and cum mixing together as I empty my balls and finally don’t feel like I wanna die anymore.

“Caleb, the cliff!” she screams.

Right before the road stops in front of a steep drop down the mountain, I hit the brakes, and the wheels screech against the gravel.

When the car comes to a stop, we’ve already gone past the last curve. A certain death was avoided just at the last fucking second. The bright lights from the city down below almost makes it feel serene.

Crystal slowly untangles her hand from my shaft. Her chest rises and falls with every deep breath she takes, and for some reason, I home in on it, my eyes flickering past her ample breasts hiding beneath that thin black dress, that sparkling little neck, and those luscious lips practically begging me to kiss them.

So I pull my hand out, grip her chin and smash my lips onto hers, claiming her mouth just like Ares did. For a moment, she’s too stunned to react, but when my tongue pierces through her closed mouth, I can feel her kiss me back.

Even though I can taste her hatred on my very fucking tongue, I need more, I need so much fucking more, and it fucking scares me to the point where I can’t fucking breathe.

I lean away and look into her eyes, searching for answers she can’t fucking give me because all I see is the hatred I’ve instilled in her reflected right back at me.


A harsh hand comes down against my cheek.

“How dare you,” she hisses. “How fucking dare you actually kiss me after almost driving us off a cliff?”

A smirk forms on my lips. Not just from the way she’s raging, but also from the sting of the palm of her hand. This girl can hit hard.

“How dare I fucking kiss the girl who sold her soul to me?” I say, tilting my head. “Sounds to me like you regret your decision. Too bad your pussy doesn’t agree.”

A blush creeps onto her cheeks. “That wouldn’t have happened under normal circumstances. And you literally threatened to kill my mother if I didn’t do what you wanted.”

The smirk on my face only deepens. “Then why did you kiss me back?”

Her face contorts, and she gasps in both annoyance and shock. “I did not.”


“Whatever.” She jerks open the door handle.

“What are you doing?”

She hops out. “Leaving.”

“Crystal. Get in the car.”

“No.” She slams the door shut.

I push the button so the window goes down. “Get. In.”

“No, thanks. I’d rather not die.”

“We didn’t die.”

“No thanks to you,” she retorts and starts walking.

I back up my car and drive alongside her. “Because you finally let yourself go. Stop walking.”

She continues her strut. “Leave me alone.”

“It’s dark. We’re almost there. C’mon. Let me drive you.”

“I don’t want to be anywhere near you,” she hisses.

“Your body still belongs to us whether you want it to or not.”

“You’ve had your fill, haven’t you?” she says, peering inside at the cum all over my steering wheel.

I wipe it off, then lick it off my hand. Watching her eyes almost bulge out of her head is the best thing I’ve seen tonight. Okay, maybe second best, after the orgasmic face she made.

“You underestimate my lusty needs,” I say.

“Whatever. You can take care of them yourself. I’m done. I’m not willing to risk my life too. I didn’t sign up for that.”

I keep driving beside her despite her walking off. “I won’t kill you.”

She stops in her tracks. “You almost did. I’m no better off with you than those dudes you shot.”

Now that … that fucking hits hard.

“Crystal …”

“I don’t fucking trust you.” The look in her eyes is so cold it makes me recoil, and I don’t fucking understand why. “You wanted me to hate you? You got your wish.”

I’ve never cared about any girl before.

But those words she just uttered make me turn my car around.

“Fine. Suit yourself. Fuck you.”

And I drive off to get as far away from her as fast as possible.

I dropped her off at Spine Ridge U safely. What more could she want?

I slam my hands against the steering wheel and yell, “Fuck!”

None of it will curb my rage.

For a moment there just after we both came, all the coiled-up emotions that had entangled around my heart were released … just for a moment …

Before it all came crashing right back into my chest the second she opened her mouth and told me she hated me.

Fuck her.

Fuck that woman who I’ve been trying to haunt so badly I didn’t realize she started haunting my soul instead.

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