Veiled Infant of Alpha Hunter
Chapter 38 Lucifer's Family


The wounds of the woman healed and while the woman stirred awakening, Valentine on the other hand had her eyes going back to her natural brown ones.

She groaned about to fall to the ground from being weak and I instantly caught her with my speed, carrying her bridal style.

Lilith Ra P.O.V

I was screaming out loud as the doctors struggled to pull the bullet out of my body, more blood oozed from my thighs.

They placed something onto my nose making me drowsy and darkness to cloud my vision.

I woke up to the heart monitor beating beside me, I looked over to see bandages wrapped around my thigh where the bullet was pierced.

How long was I out for?

I noticed a pack doctor enter the room with some food on the tray that she was holding. She smiled as she looked at me being conscious, placing the tray at the table beside the bed.

“Are you experiencing any more pain?” She asks and I shook my head no.

She motioned for me to sit up as I did, pushing my upper body away from the bed.

She neared towards my figure before examining my thigh, unwrapping the bandage and feeling relieved that my wounds were fully healed, before throwing the bandages away into the trash.

“You’re going to be fine.” She tapped on my leg, getting up to leave the room.

“Wait.” I called her resulting her to turn around to face me confused.

“I need another help.” I spoke.

“Anything for the young alpha’s mate.” She smiled at me.

“I’m four weeks pregnant and I want an abortion.” The words left my mouth.

Her smile instantly dropped to a frown.

“Gabriel does not know and I need your help not to tell him about this.” I said.

Kiara Mane P.O.V

I jolted awake as breath once again entered my body, snapping my eyes open. I was back in our room in the clan.

“Kiara?” Shane asks from above me, his eyes were red and puffy.

“What happened?” I questioned, looking around before everything rushed back inside my head.

“How am I alive?” I asked.

Shane disregarded my confusion as he just hugged me, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

‘Mate’. Something uttered inside my head.

What was that?

‘I’m your wolf.’ It speaks.


“I’m hearing voices.” I spoke, worried.

Shane retrieved his figure, caressing my cheeks.

“It’s your wolf.” He stated.

I raised an eyebrow at him before scoffing. “Yea, right.”

He, on the other hand, was serious about it.

My expression dropped, replacing it with a confused one.

“How?” I questioned.

“How is it that I’m even alive?” I asked.

“You did die.” Shane responded.

“It is a long story, but you’ve been given a second chance at life, however as a wolf, another soul had also entered your body, your wolf’s soul.” He explains.

“It was so self-centred of you though.” He suddenly accused looking elsewhere.

“You were ready to just leave me here alone in this world.” He huffed.

“I-I just had to do something.” I tried.

He shook his head looking at me. “You have no idea how I felt. I thought I lost you forever and for a moment I did over there.”

I sighed.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized looking down in guilt.

“B-before you make a choice the next time, do think about how it would affect me.” He specified.

I nodded.

Shane sighed and neared me to hug my frame once more while I laid my head on his chest.

“We do have a problem though.” Shane voiced after a few seconds.

“Since you are a wolf now, you can no longer stay in the vampire’s clan.” Shane pointed.

“I could not have stayed either way since I made a blunder before.” I told.

“I know. That’s why I have already searched for a house for us far away from here.” Shane spoke.

I pulled my head away from his chest and looked up to see his eyes.

“Are you serious?” I questioned and he nodded his head, giving me a small smile.

“Would you still love me though, knowing that I am a werewolf now?” I asked looking down for a moment before meeting his eyes once more.

Shane pressed his lips on mine. “Always and forever.” He promised.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V

Valentine and our babies were brought back at the packhouse while I and a few others stayed to handle the newly transformed wolves in place.

The ones that stayed were a few alphas, betas and deltas only as all of them had their lower half clothed.

Lucinda commanded the surviving members of their vampire clan to return while she and Lorraine remained.

“I missed a lot while I was recovering, didn’t I?” We heard a voice.

We turned to see the vampire’s clan queen, or as I know now, my biological mother arriving at the scene.

Lucinda and Lorraine were immediately at her side.

“Laverna?” My father, Zades, calls with disbelieving eyes.

“The one and only.” She gave a half smile.

This was weird.

My biological father and mother being within the perimeter yet I had no emotions to display nor did I feel any excitement of how I thought I would have felt when I was young, yearning for a complete family.

However, here I was.

A werewolf father.

A vampire mother.

A werewolf half-brother.

A werewolf half-sister

And finally, two vampire half-sisters.

Never in my life would I have ever imagined my life turning out to be this way. All in one fucking year.




- Valentine Winters

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