Jade’s hands went to her mouth and she let out a gasp. Her place had been broken into, everything was turned upside down. Furniture was tipped over, lamps smashed and pictures littered the floor.

Zane turned sharply to her in anger. “I thought I told you to wait by the door?”

“Why would anyone do this?” she cried out.

“Stay here, I’m going to check the other rooms,” he ordered her. He checked the kitchen, the bathroom and finally the bedroom. Coming from the bedroom he shut the door behind him, he didn’t want her to see what was in there. “I’ll call the police.” He made the call and told her a squad car would be right over.

When he saw her heading to the bedroom he grabbed her arm before she could open the door. “No, don’t go in there.”

Frowning she raised an eyebrow. “Why not?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to go in there.” He hadn’t known her for that long but he sensed that she was not one to be told what to do, or not do.

“Let go of my arm now,” she snapped. When he released her she opened the door and went inside. She screamed at the sight in front of her. Muffin, her beloved cat lay dead, covered in blood. The letters UN were written in its blood on the white carpet next to the body. She became lightheaded and her legs gave out but Zane was there, lifting her up and carrying her back to the living room. He placed her on the sofa and then went and got her a glass of water.

“Here, drink this,” he said, handing her the water.

Closing her eyes she tilted her head back, tears filled her eyes and ran down her face. A moment passed when she opened them and drank the water. “Why? Why would anyone kill an innocent animal so brutally?” she asked, looking him in the eyes.

“I don’t know. I’m so sorry Jade.” Sitting next to her wiped her tears away.

“Those letters, UN, what does that mean?” When he didn’t answer she swatted his hands away. “Tell me, Zane. I want to know.”

“You’re next,” he said, hating the look of fear in her eyes.

“Oh my God, someone wants me dead. How did they even get in here?” She stood up and went to the window and looked out. With all the bright lights from the city shining it looked so lovely, but inside her apartment there was ugliness. A place she once felt safe in now held fear, a chill raced through her veins and she shivered.

Going over he put his arms around her from behind. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.” When she turned around and buried her head in his chest he held her in his arms, stroking her hair when she broke down and sobbed. He only released her when he heard the other officers coming in, she hadn’t shut the door.

Helping Jade back over to the sofa he went through the scene with the others. Men were brought in to dust for fingerprints as she was being questioned.

An older officer asked her the questions and when he was finished asked if she had somewhere she could stay for a few days until the place was cleaned up. Zane showed the officer his badge and told him he and Joe Brown were working on her case. He saw her body go rigid when the cat’s body, wrapped in a plastic bag was carried out, along with the brass candlestick holder which was used as the murder weapon.

“Go pack a few things. You’re coming with me,” Zane said, taking her hand and helping her up.

“Where to?”

“You’ll stay at my place until things are cleared up here.”

“I can stay at a hotel,” she answered.

“Look, Jade, it’s best that you stay with someone, you shouldn’t be alone.”

Once everyone had left he carried her bag out to the car and opened the door for her, then going around got into the driver’s side. His heart ached for her, she looked so sad, her eyes swollen and she was holding back more tears. He reached out and took her hand in his and held it, she didn’t pull away.

He pulled out his keys to his apartment, opened the door he stepped aside, letting her enter first.

Jade looked around the dimly lit room. It was a mess, with clothes lying everywhere, and dirty dishes sitting on the coffee table in the living room. It was in dire need of a good cleaning. “You live here alone?” she asked, already knowing the answer. No woman in her right mind would put up with this mess she thought as she ran a finger over the dust covering the end table.

“Yup, just me.” He started picking up the dirty clothes off the floor. “Sorry about the mess, I wasn’t expecting company.” The kitchen’s over there, the bathroom down the hall next to the bedroom.”

“You only have one bedroom?”

“Yes. You can take the bedroom and I’ll sleep on the couch. Would you like anything? A glass of wine or coffee?”

“I could use some wine. Would you mind if I slip into something more comfortable before going to bed?”

“Not at all.” Turning he went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of red wine, wiping the glasses first. Shit, why hadn’t he cleaned up before now? he cursed to himself. Smiling he went and sat waiting for her to come out. A smile crossed his face at the thought of her coming out in a slinky nightgown. But it disappeared when she returned wearing cotton pyjama bottoms and a sweatshirt, her hair done up in a bun.

Taking the glass he offered her. “Thank you.” She looked down, her fingers playing with the bottom of the sweatshirt. “I’m glad you were there with me. I wish I knew who was doing this to me.”

“We’ll find him, and I’m sorry about your cat.”

She looked up at him. “You didn’t like my cat, muffin.”

Zane was not a cat guy, more of a dog guy but still didn’t like what happened. “Maybe not, but I would never harm an animal, including cats,” he said as he moved a strand of her hair behind her ear.

It was just a light touch but his hand on the side of her face sent a spark of heat coursing through her body. If she didn’t make a move to get away from him she would have melted into his arms. He had that effect on her, which she was sure he had on other women. “Well it’s late, I think I better go to bed now.”

Zane stood up. “Sure. Just let me grab a pillow and blanket first.” Grabbing what he needed came back out. “I’ve put fresh sheets on the bed and some clean towels in the bathroom. Have a good night's sleep and don’t worry about anything. I’m here for you.”

It felt like she had just fallen asleep when she heard a noise in the bedroom and opening her eyes she saw Zane by the closet. He had on a towel around his waist, his hair was still damp from an obvious shower.

He turned around. Uniform in his hands and he smiled when he noticed she was awake. “Morning, I hope I didn’t wake you. I tried to be as quiet as I could without disturbing you.”

Swallowing the lump in her throat she tore her eyes away from him when she realized she was staring. “You didn’t.”

“I made coffee if you want some. I’ll just go and get ready in the bathroom,” he said, walking out with a grin on his face. He liked the fact that she had a hard time taking her eyes off him. He was used to women ogling him but it gave him great pleasure when she did it.

Jade was sipping on her coffee when Zane came into the kitchen fully clothed in his police uniform. “You’re working today?” she asked, avoiding his eyes. “I don’t want to impose on you any further so I’ll check into a hotel.”

“No you won’t,” he said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. God, he just realized how that must have sounded so turning around went and sat down across from her. “What I mean is, you’re not imposing. No one knows you’re here so you’ll be safe. Just make yourself at home and whatever you do don’t leave the apartment. I have to leave but if you need anything call me.”

Zane met with his partner and they were called into the chief’s office.

“Because of the recent events on the Edwards case, it’s now a priority. Her manager feels her life is in danger and I agree. I’m going to assign another officer to her, she’ll be under twenty-four-hour watch.”

There was no way Zane wanted another man to stay with her. “It’s my case, let me stay on it.”

“Why?” the chief asked.

“I know the people involved and she trusts me.”

“OK then, but you’ll still be working with Joe. I want you both to go talk with the suspects again and starting tomorrow you stick with Miss Edwards, don’t let her out of your sight.”

Zane and Joe went but got nowhere with those in question, her ex was nowhere to be found so they would have to try getting a hold of him later. “What the hell are you doing Zane? I think you’re getting too close to Miss Edwards.”

“It’s just a job. Like I said she trusts me.”

Later when he returned home he walked into a clean apartment and the delicious aroma of beef cooking filled the small room. Walking into the kitchen he saw Jade stirring the gravy, she was wearing a cute little dress and was barefoot.

“Hi,” she said, turning around when she heard him enter.”

“You didn’t have to do all this you know, the cleaning and cooking.” Though he liked it he also felt guilty that she had.

“Don’t be silly, I wanted to. Besides I had nothing else to do all day. Dinner will be ready soon so if you want to go change feel free.”

Taking a quick shower he changed into jeans and a tee shirt. He sat down at the table as she dished out their food and he told her what progress they made in her case, or lack of was more like it.

“So you and I have to spend every day together and you’ll be following me around. Isn’t that like stalking me? I’m not sure I like the idea of that, I do like my privacy. You don’t expect me to keep on staying here do you?”

“No. We can stay at your place once it’s finished being cleaned up if you want to. Look, I know it’s not ideal but it’s for your safety and once we catch the prick your life can go back to normal.”

“I have a photo shoot tomorrow and I don’t think Reggie will want cops hanging around.”

“I won’t be in uniform but plain clothed and will blend in.”

“Fine,” she said, giving a wave of her hand.

“What’s in the bag?” he asked, pointing to a brown paper bag sitting on the counter.”

She smiled. “Some personal belongings I found when I was cleaning up, not yours I gather.”

Getting up he looked inside the bag, his face turned red. A bra and panties were laid inside. “Oh, my sister must have left them the last time she was here.”

“You don’t have a sister do you?”

“No,” he shook his head. He hoped to God he hadn’t forgotten to throw away the used condoms. He’d hate for her to find any. He didn’t want her to think he was some kind of sex manic.

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