Joe could see she was becoming upset and saw how Zane took her hand and held it. “I know this has been a horrible experience but is there anything else you can tell us? Like Trevor’s death, or the explosion at the cottage.”

“Just that he didn’t do it.” She looked from Zane to Joe. “He was trying to make me comfortable, lengthening the rope so that I could go to the bathroom. Brought me books to read and said he’d hook up a small TV for me. I have no idea how he would manage that, then again I don’t understand how he got electricity in the place.”

“I think I have everything I need. If you remember anything else you can give me a call, or let Zane know.”

“So what happens now?” she asked, still holding Zane’s hand.

“It’s over, we have our man and the case is closed,” Joe said, standing.

“What the hell are you talking about? We don’t know for sure Kenny is the one who wanted Jade dead.”

“Zane, it’s over. Also as of Monday, you are to return to work in full uniform. I’m sorry Zane, I’m only passing on the information.”

“I can’t leave her alone yet. Kenny says he’s innocent and if that’s true then the killer is still out there and she needs protection.”

“You don’t have a choice. If you don’t show up for work you can kiss your career goodbye, there goes your promotion.”

Jade couldn’t stand by and let what Zane worked so hard for disappear. “It’s over, you need to go back to work. I’ll be OK now that Kenny’s in jail.” Getting up she went and started making lunch while Zane walked Joe out. She felt a stabbing pain in her chest at the thought of Zane not being here with her. It wouldn’t be the same without him, and the nights would be so lonely. But she knew this wasn’t going to last forever, that eventually, he’d have to leave.

Opening the door for Joe Zane placed his hand on the door. “I still can’t stop thinking that we missed something.”

“Look, Zane, I know how you feel, but we went through everything, talked to everyone. Is it possible that you’ve gotten so close to her that you want to believe there’s someone else involved so that you have an excuse to stay?”

Closing his eyes he shook his head. “Maybe.”

“I’ll see you on Monday Zane,” Joe said and walked down the hall and got into the elevator.

Going back to the kitchen he leaned against the doorframe, watching as she heated up some leftovers. His eyes scanned her body, she wore jeans, tight ones that showed off an amazing ass and a buttoned-up top, and her hair was in a ponytail.

Sensing him there looked over her shoulder. “I guess you’ll be leaving now,” she said, trying to hide the disappointment she was feeling.

Walking over he put his arms around her waist, his lips going to her neck he spoke softly. “We still have the weekend. I could stay and we could hang out. Watch movies or go out somewhere, that is if you want to.”

She turned around to face him. “I’d like that very much.” Putting her hands behind his head drew him down so that she could kiss him.

His one arm went around her, his free hand turned off the burners on the stove and lifting her up she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her back to bed, the food forgotten.

Later when he came from the bathroom she was just getting off the phone. “Everything ok?” he asked when she hung up.

“That was Reggie, he heard what happened and wanted to come over.”

“He does, does he?” he said, rolling his eyes.

She knew that Zane didn’t like Reggie and it was kind of sweet how he got jealous whenever his name was mentioned. “I told him no, that I wanted to be alone.”

“Good,” Zane said as he climbed back into bed. “This is our weekend and I don’t want to share you.” Pushing her back down tore the sheet off her naked body and positioned himself on top of her.

Monday morning she woke alone in bed, Zane was dressed and packing his bag. “What time is it?” she asked, yawning as she got up and slipped into a robe.

He looked over at her and his heart did a weird little flip, she looked downright gorgeous. “It’s not quite seven o’clock yet, go back to bed.”

“You’re leaving so early?” she asked, feeling sad.

“I have to go home and get into my uniform.” He stopped packing and going over he took her in his arms. “Getting to know you, was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I can’t tell you how much I’ll miss you.” Placing his lips on hers he kissed her with tenderness.

“Same here Zane.” Taking the hand he held out she took it and walked him to the door. “You be careful out there, don’t get shot again.”

“You take care and promise me you’ll watch out for anything suspicious and if you ever need me for anything, night or day call and I’ll be right here.”

“I will,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

As he was walking out the door he stopped, his heart was breaking and he dropped his bag and turned to look at her. “I can’t leave like this. I can’t walk away from you.” Before she could get out a word he put her up against the wall, his mouth came crashing down on her mouth and he felt her arms going around him. His kiss was forceful, and demanding and made her toes curl.

Coming up for air she touched his face with the back of her hand. “Oh, Zane what are you saying?”

“I want to see you again, as much as I can until you leave town. Let me take you to dinner Thursday night.”

“Like on a date?” she asked coyly.

“Yes, a date,” he said, his arms still around her waist.

“I’d like that.”

Letting her go he picked up his bag. “Can I call before then?” He smiled when she nodded her head. “Just be careful, don’t take any unnecessary chances. I’ll talk to you soon,” he said, leaning over to kiss her goodbye.

Tuesday night she was watching the news on tv when the phone rang, seeing it was Zane smiled and said hello.

“Hi, how are you doing?” he asked.

“OK,” she answered.

There was a moment of silence between them.

“I miss you, Jade.”

She felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “I miss you too. So how is everything going?”

“I’ve been busy with work and studying for the detective exams.”

“I know you’ll pass with flying colors. I’m going back to work tomorrow.”

“Isn’t it a bit soon for that?”

“I’m going crazy sitting here, I need to keep busy.”

“We still on for Thursday?”

“I can’t wait,” she answered.

After talking for a while they hung up. Talking to him only had her missing him all that much more. She missed having him around and also missed having him beside her at night.

Wednesday Zane decided to pick up a drink for Jade and drop by the studio. Getting out of the squad car walked up to the entrance, Mike was standing there smoking a cigarette. “Taking a break?” he asked him.

“Yeah,” Mike said as he stomped out his smoke. “With these new bylaws, we can’t smoke inside so I sneak out every now and then. Are you here on official business? I thought they got the man?”

“We did. I just thought I’d drop by and surprise Jade, see how she’s doing.”

“I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you. Come, I’ll walk in with you. She should be in her dressing room, changing into the new line of bathing suits.” He held the door open and let Zane go ahead of him.

Knocking he walked in and was pleased that no other models were in the room with Jade and his heart melted when she turned around, smiling when she saw him.

“Zane, what are you doing here?”

“I was in the neighbourhood and thought I’d bring you that herbal tea you like so much.”

“Thank you,” she said reaching for it but he pulled it away.

“You only get it if you undo your robe and show me what you’re wearing.” His eyes felt like they were going to pop out when he saw the skimpy bikini she had on. “Wow, that is really nice.” He handed her the tea. “I can’t wait until tomorrow, I’ve booked us a table at that new French restaurant.”

“About that,” she said, grazing her teeth over her bottom lip. “I thought we could stay in and I’d cook us a nice dinner, pot roast.”

“Sounds good to me. I should get going,” he said and looking around to make sure no one had walked in put her up against the wall. His hands on either side of her he kissed her, leaving her moaning. He smiled, wiping his mouth. “Yes, staying in is a much better idea. See you tomorrow.”

Thursday night she had everything ready. The pot roast was cooking, the table was set with candles and she took extra care in getting dressed. She checked herself in the mirror before answering the door. She took in his appearance, he had on black dress pants, a white shirt and a tie under his jacket. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of her favourite wine.

“Are you going to let me in?” he asked when she stood, blocking his way and not speaking.

She let out a snicker. “I’m sorry, come in.”

He handed her the flowers. “For you,” God he sounded like a teenager.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful. Why don’t you go ahead and pour us a glass of the wine while I put these in water.” As she was about to walk away she felt him grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him. Only after he gave her a kiss did he let her go.

He loved watching her walk away, that way he could check out her amazing ass. Going over to the small bar in the corner of the room he opened the wine, poured two glasses and went and sat on the couch. He noticed some papers lying on the coffee table and he glanced down at them. He chewed on his bottom lip, he became lightheaded and he choked back tears. The papers were for the shop in Kansas, she had bought it. She had said she was going to but he was hoping to change her mind. Well, that thought flew out the window, knowing it was too late.

She came back into the room with the flowers, stopping in her tracks when she saw the papers in his hand.

“When did this happen?” he asked, setting them down.

Placing the vase of flowers down she went and sat next to him. “It was finalized this morning. I was going to tell you tonight. Reggie is releasing me early from my contract so I’ll be going then.” She lowered her eyes, not wanting to see the hurt in his eyes.

Zane took a swig of his drink. “How long before you leave?”

“Three weeks.”

His head turned so that he was looking right at her. “So soon?”

“Zane, you knew I was going.”

“I know, but I didn’t think it would be for another four months or so. You don’t have to go, stay. You don’t have to model, there are lots of other things you can do.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s what I want. This place holds so many bad memories for me and it’s always been my dream to go back home.” She cared for him and this was so much harder than she thought it would be.

Zane’s heart was torn, but he wouldn’t stand in her way. Putting his arm around her brought her close to his chest, stroking her hair. “Well, we have three weeks, let’s make the most of it. When’s dinner? I’m starving.”

He stayed that night with her, wanting every minute he could have till she was gone from his life forever.

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