They both laid back to enjoy the sun soaking their bodies. There were only a couple of hours left before the sun would start to go down.

“Have you ever been in love Zane?”

Eyes closed he answered. “Once.”

“Really, so what happened?”

“I was sixteen and I had the hots for one of the cheerleaders. I asked her but she kind of laughed in my face.”

Jade lay on her side to look at him. “That was mean of her. So what did you do?”

He turned his head to look at her. “I got angry and so I started working out, and changed my appearance. I was a geek in high school, scrawny and on the shy side. A couple of years later we met and started dating. She broke my heart when a year later she dumped me for someone else and ever since then I swore I wouldn’t fall in love again.”

“So now you’re a player, jumping from one woman’s bed to another.”

“Yes, until now.” His eyes traveled over her face and reaching up he stroked her cheek. “I’ll race you to the water.” He didn’t want to continue this conversation since he wasn’t sure how he really felt. He was now twenty-six years old and for years he had cut off any feelings he might have for a woman. The harder he tried to ignore what he was feeling for Jade the stronger they became.

Later that night as she was putting on her nightgown Zane lit a fire and blew up the air mattress. He was making smores and thought it would be nice to lay in front of the fire. His mouth watered when he saw her in a sheer nightie, she hadn’t bothered to put on a robe. Her perky breasts were so perfect and he could see her nipples through the material. Her panties were a thong, leaving nothing to the imagination.

“What’s all this?” she asked, sitting down next to him. She could hear him starting to breathe heavily and sweat was forming on his forehead when he looked her up and down. Yes, she knew what she was doing to him and was enjoying his reaction.

“I’m making smores, want one?”

“I love them,” she said, reaching over him she grabbed the bags of marshmallows. He was sitting on his ass, his legs were outstretched. As she was grabbing the bag she made sure her ass was sticking up and heard his breath catch in his throat. She let out a squeal when his hands clamped down on her ass, lifting it up and his mouth nipped on her tender flesh.

“You little vixen, you’re doing this on purpose to entice me. It worked so now I must punish you and teach you not to tease.” Flinging her down on the mattress he asked. “Is this nightie expensive?”

“Very much so,” she answered, her body trembling with anticipation of what was to come.

“What a shame I have to destroy it.” The material was so flimsy it tore easily when he grabbed the top and pulled it apart. He did the same to her panties and removed his own clothes. Pinning her hands above her head laid on top and sucked on her neck, feeling her squirm underneath him.

“Stop, that tickles.”

“Oh, so you’re ticklish,” he said as he started tickling her.

Thrashing about she laughed and begged him to stop. “Ok, ok please stop and I’ll do whatever you want.”

Stopping he looked down at her. “Or I can do whatever I want to you.”

Out of breath, she couldn’t answer so she nodded.

“Good, now go to the bedroom and lay on the bed and wait for me.”

“What for?” she asked, bewildered.

“No questions, just do it,” he ordered her.

Obeying she got up and marched into the room and laid down. Curious and a little scared of what he had in mind. He walked in carrying a bag and went over to her. “What’s in there?” she asked, pointing to the bag.

“Never mind, just close your eyes.” He placed a blindfold over them and pushed her back down on the bed and taking her hands handcuffed them to the bedpost.

“What are you doing?” she cried out, excitement building and her core began to throb, she felt the dampness pooling between her thighs.

“Quiet,” he barked. His mouth went to her neck, his hand moving down her slender body till he reached between her legs and felt how wet her pussy was. He started stroking, sliding his finger inside her. “You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you say or do will be used against you. Do you understand?” When she didn’t answer he pushed his finger into her deeper, making her gasp. “I asked if you understood, do you?”

“Yes,” she said, her breathing becoming raspy. Her body quivered, she knew she was about to come when he stroked her faster. Her teeth chewed on her bottom lip and she growled in disappointment when he stopped. But then felt what she believed to be a feather moving over her breasts and down over her stomach. Her legs were parted and he tickled her over her pussy with it, making her shiver. “Zane,” she called out.

“Hush,” he ordered.

She heard him shaking something and then felt something cold being squirted onto each of her nipples. His mouth clamped down on her nipple and he started sucking, lapping up what was whip cream. Arching her back, giving him encouragement to keep going. His teeth grazed her nipple and he moved to the other breast. She ran her tongue over her lips, her moans getting louder when he ran his tongue down her body till he reached her pussy that was throbbing and she squirmed with desire, her body was on fire and she couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “Zane, oh my God will you put me out of my misery and take me already?”

He had to laugh at the urgency in her voice. “I warned you to be quiet, now you will have to wait longer. No, don’t protest or it will be even longer.”

She bit down on her lip lightly so as not to speak. His hands caressed and rubbed her in places she had never been touched before and she felt herself coming and had no power to stop it. After what seemed like forever she heard the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open. She let out a deep breath, her torture would be over, or so she thought.

He entered her with one hard thrust, making her gasp. As he pumped slowly up and down he watched her face. God, she looked so friggin hot the way her mouth formed an o shape and the way she licked her lips, sweat covered her body. “Have you had enough playing? Do you want me to take you now?”

“Yes, oh God yes,” she screamed out.

He grabbed both her legs and put them on his shoulders, getting on his knees he cupped her ass in his hands and raised her as he started pounding his hard erection into the depth of her, filling her to the core as she screamed out his name, music to his ears. Her muscles clenched around his cock, he couldn’t wait another minute, he had to have her. His ears were ringing, his muscles tensed he came fast and hard, bringing her with him.

His heart was pounding in his chest and his body was drenched in sweat. Placing her legs down he stayed inside her as he laid on top, taking off her blindfold. “That was amazing, you were wonderful.”

She looked at him and smiled. “It was you who was amazing. All I did was lay here and let you do all the work. Now, uncuff me.”

“In a minute,” he said, resting his head on her chest.

“No now Zane, this isn’t funny anymore.”

Grunting he pulled out of her, removed the condom and tossed it into the wastebasket. Getting up went over to his bag and looked in, then over at her. “Shit, I forgot to bring the keys with me.”

“What?” she cried out.

“I forgot to bring them, I’m sorry. You’ll have to stay that way till I can figure out what to do.”

“Damn you, Zane, you get me out of these right now, and for crying out loud will you cover me up?”

“I kind of like you this way, naked and tied to the bed,” he said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

“I am going to slap that grin off your face the first chance I get.” She started shaking her hands trying to get loose. “I don’t find this funny at all. Oh, I am so mad at you I could scream.”

Still smiling he knew he had to stop this before she got so mad that she wouldn’t talk to him again. “OK calm down, I have the keys.” Grabbing the keys from his pant pocket went over and sat on the bed. “Now before I free you, you have to promise not to stay mad or hit me.”

“I won’t hit you, but I can’t promise I won’t be mad.”

“Alright then, never mind.” He got off the bed and pretended he was leaving the room only to hear her speak in that sexy way she had of doing.

“I promise not to stay mad. Please, Zane, free me.” She looked at him and licked her lips seductively.

Smiling he sat back down on the bed and uncuffed her.

She rubbed her wrists. “That wasn’t very nice of you to tease me like that.”

“You’re not mad are you?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

“No,” she answered. Both still naked she pushed him down on the bed and got on top, kissing his neck, then his mouth. It was a deep passionate kiss and when he was so absorbed in it she reached for the cuffs. Snapping it to his wrists cuffed him to the bed but she wasn’t fast enough to tie up his other one. Before he could grab her she jumped off the bed, taking the key with her.

“You’re sneaky, ” he said and sat up. “Now untie me.”

Slipping on a robe she put the key in her pocket. “I don’t think so. You need to be taught a lesson so it’ll do you good to stay here, go to sleep.”

“Wait, aren’t you going to sleep with me?”

“No, I’m not. I lied to you, I am mad at you so you can lay here alone and think about what you did.”

“You liked what I did to you.”

“Of course I liked it, but not the pretending you were going to keep me tied up all night. Goodnight Zane. See you in the morning.” Blowing him a kiss she walked out and shut the door behind her.

“Ah come on Jade I’m sorry honey.” Well at least I have one hand free and she did leave me with a blanket,” he said to himself as he covered up. Smiling he closed his eyes, God he loved her spunk, and he figured he deserved it.

The sun was coming up when he opened his eyes and knew he wasn’t alone. Jade was laid curled up next to him and his handcuff was removed. Putting his arm around her pulled her to him, against his chest. Her naked flesh felt so warm against him and he kissed the top of her head when she made a whimpering noise and snuggled in closer.

Earlier: As she tossed and turned on the air mattress she thought about Zane. She didn’t want to sleep alone so she decided to stop being mad at him. Going into the bedroom she found him fast asleep. Unlocking the cuffs she took off her robe and climbed in next to him.

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