Chapter: 471

Jasper also noticed that and continued with a complacent smile, “I am well acquainted with Andrew. I

also know that his investment strategy is to cast a wide net in search of potential targets. The head

office probably doesn’t know about your project. Andrew and I go way back. I believe that Andrew

wouldn’t refuse a favor from me. You should probably call him now and ask him to come over. We can

have a chat to see if he will compete with me for the investment.”

Jayson hesitated, acknowledging the truth in Jasper’s words.

Following the BRD Group’s investment interest, Jayson inquired about their venture capital subsidiary’s

investment process, which seemed excessively procedural.

The subsidiary would invest in thousands of potential projects concurrently, with numerous limitations

and essentially a semi-monopoly. The BRD Group possessed overwhelming control and could meddle

with the casting process.

It was this apprehension that made Jayson hesitant to cooperate with the BRD Group. He feared losing

the film copyright by partnering with them.

Given the BRD Group’s robust background, offending them as a director would be disastrous. He’d be

the only one to bear the brunt of any conflicts or disputes.

Although Andrew expressed complete sincerity, Jayson refused to sign the contract without even

inspecting it.

Fortunately, Andrew did not insist, but it remained to be seen if he held a grudge.

Jasper’s confident demeanor indicated a good personal relationship with Andrew, leaving him no

reason to side with Jayson.

As negotiations hit a stalemate, Jasper narrowed his eyes and observed the anxious Jayson.

Ariana let out a silent sigh, knowing Jasper had come prepared and was adamant about acquiring the

script. Jasper had gone all out, and he wouldn’t back down.

She whispered to Jayson, “Forget it. Tyler won’t take part in the movie. You have an excellent script

and strong capabilities. If you pick another actor, you can still create an excellent movie.”

Jayson shook his head. “I think Tyler is the perfect fit for this role. While there are a lot of good actors

out there, it’s rare to find the one I need. I don’t want to give up.”

With determination, Jayson picked up the phone on the table and dialed Andrew’s number in front of


The phone rang for an extended period before connecting, and a young man’s voice echoed from the

other end.

“May I know who I am speaking with?”

“Hello, I am Jayson Spears.”

In silence, Jasper observed Jayson and Andrew conversing on the phone to understand the situation.

A contemptuous smile played across his face.

“Would it be convenient for you to come over now? It’s better to discuss this matter in person,” Jayson

requested in a composed tone. He ignored the others and concentrated on the call. It was unclear what

Andrew said, but Jayson’s expression changed abruptly, and he gazed up at Jasper.

Ariana’s heart sank at the sight. Despite Jasper’s spoiled upbringing, he had an endless stream of

resources. Although unscrupulous, he had amassed numerous connections as a member of the

Anderson family.

She suspected that Andrew and Jasper were friends.

If that was the case, then Jasper had already won the negotiations.

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