Ariana immediately sensed what Donna was up to.

Sarah was a talented singer and songwriter. She won the Golden Melody Awards only two years after

she debuted as a singer.

At the peak of her career, she married a D-list actor named Lynch Bush. She took some time off work

to cater to her newborn child and husband. After five years of hiatus, she only returned to the music

scene earlier this year. But her popularity declined considerably.

On the other hand, Lynch went on to become an A-list actor after their marriage. He won a lot of fans

with the help of his wife. He acted in many blockbuster movies that earned him numerous awards.

Not too long ago, the paparazzi released some intimate photos of Lynch with a strange woman. He

was cheating!

The news spread like wildfire. It was the talk of the town for weeks. Social media users felt sorry for

Sarah and cursed Lynch to no end.

However, things suddenly took an unexpected turn. Someone leaked a video of Sarah having sex with

a man at her residence.

Lynch immediately put out a statement saying that he and Sarah had been divorced for over a year and

a half. He alleged that she cheated on him several times during their short marriage.

Everyone who supported Sarah before turned against her in no time. Calls were even made for her to

be canceled forever.

Sarah was an outcast now. No one wanted to work with her.

“Thank goodness you are here, Ms. Scott. I have been waiting for you for ages. It seems you are so

busy these days,” Sarah said. She put out the cigarette on the ashtray and sat up straight, her beautiful

eyes sweeping coldly over Donna. “The company has suspended all my work and had my agent

transferred to manage other artists. Is this a witch-hunt? What is going on?”

Donna immediately walked over and sat beside Sarah. “There’s no cause for alarm. We are currently

short of hands. A lot of budding artists had no agent, so your agent had to be transferred. It isn’t a

witch-hunt at all.”

Sarah snorted and squinted at Donna. “You seem to forget that I’m not new here. That excuse of yours

can only work on the newcomers. Don’t put up an act in front of me. Everyone knows better than to

believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Why don’t you just come clean? The company has given

up on me, isn’t that right?”

Seeing that Sarah wasn’t falling for it, Donna’s smile vanished. She pointed at Ariana and said firmly,

“Of course not! Look, I brought you a new agent.”

Sarah raised her eyebrows and turned to inspect Ariana.

“Hello! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Flynn.” Ariana greeted her politely.

Donna did an introduction excitedly. “This is Ariana Edwards. She graduated from a prestigious

university. Although she may not look it, she’s very capable. She’s sure going to be a good agent!”

Sarah sneered, “I have never seen or heard of her before. What hole did she crawl out from? What

makes you think she’s qualified to be my agent? Oh, I get it. You are handing me leftovers as if I’m a

beggar! I won’t take that, Ms. Scott. I don’t need an errand girl. What I need is someone who can help

me revive my career and get me to the very top!”

“Please calm down. This is just the company’s arrangement, not mine. There are no other agents

available now. Since you don’t want her, I’d advise that you go home and wait for news about a free

agent!” Donna lost her patience and said in a frosty voice.

Sarah flung the teacup she was holding to the wall.

“What the fuck are you trying to do? Is this your way of getting rid of me for good? This is because of

the scandal, isn’t it? I told you guys many times that I’m the victim here. That bastard 1 married set me

up! Why don’t you believe me?”

In a fit of pique, Sarah overturned the coffee table. Everything on it crashed to the floor.

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