Chapter: 358

Ariana stared at him in annoyance. He knew what her reply was. It was obviously rude to disturb

Horace at this hour, but she didn’t want Theodore to stay.

“Fine, I’ll leave if you want me to. But your crew members should be back by now. If I meet them along

the way, don’t blame me if I can’t explain my presence properly,”

Theodore said as he pretended to leave.

However, Ariana grabbed his wheelchair in a hurry and cried, “Wait, I didn’t say that you must go.”

“So you agree to take me in?” Theodore asked expectantly.

Ariana hesitated again.

“Well, I’d take my leave now.” Theodore sulked and was about to wheel himself out.

“Forget it. It would be better for you to stay,” Ariana said in resignation. She wanted to avoid any

unnecessary questioning from the crew members. She couldn’t risk Theodore meeting someone from

the team on his way out.

Fortunately, they didn’t have to share a bed as the room had two.

“Let’s turn in,” Theodore said in satisfaction as he headed for the bed with a cup beside it. Ariana had

slept in that bed the previous night.

She was about to stop him when something flashed across her mind. “Oh, no!” she shouted abruptly.

“What’s wrong? You can’t break your promise,” Theodore said as he looked at her warily, thinking she

had regretted her choice.

“It’s not about that. I was wondering if Francis will tell others about our relationship,” Ariana muttered.

She didn’t want her private affairs to be a topic for gossip the following morning.

Theodore relaxed a little and said meaningfully, “Don’t worry. Someone will handle him.”

Meanwhile, Francis was still unaware of the danger that was approaching. He was still cursing the

couple as he retumed to his room. Thinking how Theodore interrupted his plan really pissed him off.

He had assumed Ariana to be sweet and innocent. He never expected her to be Theodore’s plaything.

She was a bitch who sold herself to Theodore for money.

Francis puffed out a column of smoke, his eyes shining as he plotted more evil schemes.

He was a patient man. Theodore was just a CEO without any shares in the Anderson Group. Francis

became complacent at the thought that it wouldn’t be long before Theodore became homeless.

As for Ariana, it was a matter of time before he got her.

Suddenly, his phone in his pocket rang. It was his father.

That was strange. His father was over 70 years old and usually went to bed early.

Why would he call at this hour?

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