Chapter: 288

Theodore was about to respond when Ariana, unable to bear the tension any longer, abruptly cut in,

“I’m full and I feel exhausted. I’ll head back, you two continue.”

With a hasty apology, Ariana bolted from the room, leaving Theodore staring after her in silence.

The landlady shook her head, her lips pursed in a knowing smile. “She’s your wife, isn’t she?” she

remarked wryly. ©

Theodore tummed to the landlady, his expression a mix of disbelief and confusion.

Sighing, the landlady leaned forward, her voice low and sympathetic. “I may be old, but I’m not blind.

You two may not have exchanged many words, but the way you looked at each other—it was obvious

that there was still something there. Your wife is scared. She wouldn’t have fled the room if she didn’t

care.” ©

Theodore was lost in contemplation, his mind chuming with conflicting emotions.

“You’re fond of her, yet you refuse to admit it. I can see you’re rich; your life is one of luxury and

comfort. If it weren’t for that woman, you wouldn’t have rented this old apartment at such a high price.”

The landlady’s sharp perception was uncanny, and she was quick to identify the crux of their

relationship. “Although I don’t know what transpired between you two, I’ve lived long enough to know

what young people like you go through. As a man, it’s important to know your heart’s desires.

There’s no shame in putting aside your pride to win the heart of the one you love.

Otherwise, you’ll live with regret when they’re gone.” @

The landlady heaved a heavy sigh. Rising from her chair, she made a move to tidy up the table but

Theodore intervened, waving her off.

“Leave it be. The housekeeper will take care of it.”

Though she respected Theodore’s wishes, the landlady couldn’t help but carefully store the uneaten

food in the fridge before departing.

“You and your wife must come downstairs someday, and I’ll make something delicious for you two,” she

said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

Theodore accompanied the landlady to the door, a faint smile adorning his lips.

“Well, you go have a rest.” The landlady waved her hand and descended the stairs with nimble steps,

chattering to herself, “It’s good to be young. I remember my husband was also stubborn.”

Theodore noticed the light in the staircase flicker on and off, indicating that the landlady had made it

safely downstairs. He smiled to himself.

As he tuned his gaze to the window across the hall, his heart sank. Despite the dim yellow light spilling

out of it, the figure he longed to see was nowhere in sight.

Was it love? Theodore sat there, his thoughts consumed by the enigmatic concept of love.

He was unsure if what he felt for Ariana was love or just a primal, possessive desire. All he knew was

that he could not bear the thought of her leaving him, of another man winning her heart, or of her ever

being unhappy. ©

She belonged to him and only him, and he wanted her by his side for eternity.

As he sat there lost in thought, the phone suddenly rang, jolting him out of his reverie. He hastily fished

it out of his pocket, only to find that it was not his phone that was ringing.

Following the sound, he discovered Ariana’s phone sitting on the table, adorned with a pinky-white

phone case featuring a cat pendant.

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