Chapter: 271

Cole knew he would surely have an opportunity to debut and these classes were a waste of his time.

And to think, this loser of a teacher was lecturing him on body shaping. The very idea made Cole scoff

in contempt.

Cole had no doubt that he would soon debut and Donna would arrange for the best teachers to

promote his image.

The teacher, who Cole viewed as one of the losers, had no interest in getting involved in the drama. He

was only there for his paycheck and chose to ignore Cole’s antics.

As Cole was about to put on his earbuds, he caught a glimpse of a figure sneaking outside the open

glass window. With lightning reflexes, he grabbed the cup beside him and flung it in the direction of the


‘There was a sudden loud crash as the cup shattered into a million pieces, sending shards flying


The other trainees in the class immediately turned their heads in surprise, wondering what was going


Outside, Tyler winced in pain, unable to dodge the sudden attack that landed squarely on his forehead.

His hand instinctively went to his forehead, feeling the pain that radiated from it. As he looked up, he

saw Cole standing there with a group of his cronies, smirking at him in a way that made Tyler’s blood


Cole raised a sardonic eyebrow as he looked at Tyler, who stood before him. “It seems you can’t get

enough of eavesdropping on our lessons. The company didn’t sign the contract with you but you

refused to leave. How many times must we catch you before you learn some shame?” ©

Standing beside Cole, a blonde with a neat brush cut joined in the mockery. “Your audacity is

unmatched. But when it comes to being a destitute beggar who can’t even afford new clothes, you’re in

a league of your own.” He gestured toward Tyler’s washed-out and faded attire, the implication clear.

Tyler kept his dark eyes lowered, trying to hide the anger that boiled within him. His lips were thin and

tightly pursed, revealing his stubborn streak.

“Why the silence, Tyler? You have the audacity to spy on us but lack the courage to own up to it,” Cole

sneered with a raised eyebrow, his followers snickering in agreement.

But another among them spoke up. “Perhaps we should leave the poor boy alone.

It’s not right to gang up on him.”

“I’m not afraid of him,” Cole retorted with a sneer. “He’s just a pauper from the slums.”

‘The group around him snarled with viciousness, hurling insults and jeers at Tyler.

Tyler, however, remained steadfast and unflinching in the face of their cruelty.

Without a word, he turned to leave, but the blonde caught him by the hood of his faded, threadbare


“Did we say you could leave, pauper?” the blonde spat with disdain. “What kind of upbringing have you

had to be so uncivilized?”

Tyler forcefully pulled away from the blonde’s grasp, his handsome features twisted in anger.

The blonde sneered and shoved Tyler’s shoulder, “Oh, look who’s getting all worked up. What are you

going to do about it? Punch me? You probably can’t even afford it.”

He raised his chin in a defiant manner, like a street thug looking for a fight.

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