Chapter: 116

She observed him silently.

He was quite tall. He had innocent eyes that enhanced the overall delicate look of his face. Although

his hair was messy and his cheeks were stained with streaks of tears, it could be seen that he was

good-looking. He would give many models a run for their money if he was cleaned up.

Ariana looked down at the information he just put down. She muttered to no one’s hearing, “Tyler

Brewer, what a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. And his handwriting is so good, too.”

Seeing that he skipped the space for an email address, Ariana uttered, “Don’t forget to leave your email

address so we can contact you later.”

Tyler looked up at her in confusion.

She let out a hollow laugh and explained, “It’s just in case there’s a legal dispute…”

Tyler understood what she meant before she finished her words.

He frowned again, but he put down his email address without ado.

This made Ariana smile. She reasoned that he was a good boy even though his present expression

said otherwise. Since he dared to speak ill of Brielle, it meant that he wasn’t a coward and definitely

hated people who trampled on others.

“If I may ask, have you ever considered taking up a career in the entertainment industry? You have the

face of a celebrity. Even though I don’t know you well, I can already picture you on TV. Your future is

very bright the way I see it,” Ariana inquired, throwing in a few flattering words.

Tyler didn’t say a word, nor look at her. He continued to write until he was done. After shoving the pen

and paper into her hands, he got on the bus and left.

Ariana had no choice but to back down. The poor boy had just experienced such an outrageous thing.

It was expected that he hated the entertainment industry a lot now. Besides, he probably wasn’t

thinking of anything else. He just had to get to his sister, whose life was currently hanging by a thread.

Ariana sighed, folded the paper, and put it in her bag. Then she went back to the building.

The crowd soon dispersed. Since Ariana didn’t have a lot of tasks to do this morning, she was watching

a video on her phone.

It was a recording of the moment when Lynch tried to bathe Brielle with acid. Ariana had just wanted to

capture her half-sister’s scandal, but she happened to record what turned out to be solid evidence.

The video clearly showed how Brielle dragged Betty in front of her to shield herself from the acid.

Brielle would be outed for the liar that she was once this video was released.

However, the video was horrific. Since it captured how Betty got injured, it would break the hearts of

her family members to see the video online. Ariana felt that she had to get their consent first before

doing anything. She didn’t want her hatred for her half-sister to drive her to cause some innocent

people more pain than they were already in. @

Ariana edited the most important part of the video, saved it, and sent it to the e-mail address that Tyler

put down.

As soon as she hit send, her phone rang. It was a call from Ivan. Ariana shut down her laptop and

answered the call.

Ivan sounded enthusiastic as usual. “Guess what, Ariana? I just got news about the necklace buyer

you asked me to contact before!”

“Who is it?”

Ariana was elated. She had been worried about receiving the necklace for no reason, so she wanted to

find the buyer and return it to them as soon as possible.

“I managed to get in touch with the mysterious buyer through a sponsor, All the buyer said was that he

would contact you in person when it comes to returning the gift.” @

Ariana’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. She didn’t expect to wait for the buyer to come to her.

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