After getting out of the car, Izabella took out the checkup report that was originally in her bag. She looked at the ultrasound photo, which showed a tiny shadow. Izabella gently touched her belly while looking at the photo, still finding it hard to believe that there was a little life growing inside her.

She gave a bitter smile, crumpled up the pregnancy report in her hand, and threw it into the trash can.

By the time Izabella got home, it was already quite late, almost six o'clock. But since it got dark later in the summer, it didn't feel that late. Brett came home early and didn't see Izabella. He asked Trista and remembered that Izabella had gone to the orphanage today.

He kept checking the time, feeling restless. It was just a trip to the orphanage, why was she taking so long to come back? Suppressing the urge to make a phone call, Brett waited for another half an hour before finally hearing someone coming through the door. Izabella changed her shoes, and before she even walked into the house, she heard Brett questioning, "Why did it take you so long to come back?"

Izabella replied, "I was delayed playing with the kids."

"Do you like kids?" Brett asked.


What kind of answer was that? Did she like them or not?

Carrying her bag, Izabella went straight upstairs. Brett saw the things in her hand and thought they were gifts from the orphans, so he didn't think much about it.

After dinner, Izabella went for a walk. There were many people walking in the park at this time.

Looking around, she saw couples and lovers everywhere. She couldn't help but gawk at the surroundings, her eyes showing a hint of emotion.

Brett and Kaley also went for a walk, not far in front of Izabella. The two of them were holding hands and looked very loving and well-matched. Izabella lowered her head, not wanting to look at them but couldn't help but follow Brett's shadow with her eyes.

She went for a lap and then went back. When Brett thought of her and looked back, Izabella was already gone.

Izabella went back and took a hot bath, looking at her flat belly. What she wanted was to get back at Brett, not have his child.

Pregnant women shouldn't stay in the bath for too long. After 10 minutes, she got up, put on her bathrobe, and her wet hair hung down her back. She opened the closet and pulled out an old photo album from the bottom shelf. The photos were a little yellowed but well preserved and still clear. Izabella opened a page, looked at the woman in the photo, and her eyes immediately blurred.

"Mom, today is my 24th birthday and the 24th year since you left."

"I had a lot of people with me today, and I got so many gifts, like a paper crane, a wishing bottle, a music box... Oh, and I had a cake too, but I didn't buy it myself."

"Mom, I miss you so much." Izabella grabbed the album and rubbed her face against it, tears spilling from her eyes and onto the photo.

"Why did you give birth to me? Wouldn't it be better if I went with you?"

She couldn't let the child in her belly become the second her. She must not give birth to him.

When Brett came back, Izabella was still immersed in the photo album. He quietly walked over and looked at the young woman in the photo, who looked kind of similar to Izabella, and immediately knew it was Izabella's mother.

Why bother looking at the photo album? Izabella seldom looked at it, only when something happened.

Brett glanced at the date on his phone: May 21st. He remembered that today was the day of Izabella's mother's memorial and her birthday.

He had forgotten her birthday again this year. In the past, he didn't care about it, but this year he felt a little guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me that today is your birthday?"

Izabella's body stiffened as she looked up at Brett who had silently come to her side.

"What's the point of telling you? You don't care."

Brett's heart felt like it had been bitten by something, stinging but not fatal, and very uncomfortable. Just as he tried to explain himself, Izabella spoke again. "Besides, I went to the orphanage today. I don't need your company."

That pissed Brett off. He was narrow-minded and liked to dwell on things. Izabella would rather have a bunch of kids accompany her than have him by her side.

He grabbed the album from Izabella's hand and threw it on the ground.

Izabella's face paled immediately. It felt like Brett threw away not just the album, but also half her life. Just as she tried to pick it up, Brett grabbed her wrist and threw her onto the bed. The bed was soft, but being thrown on it still hurt. Izabella felt dizzy and tried to prop herself up.

Before she could straighten her back, Brett pressed her down on the bed heavily.

Leaning down, Brett locked his eyes on Izabella, his calm gaze filled with strong determination and ferocity.

"Izabella, your period's over, right?" He hadn't seen her use any sanitary pads for the past couple of nights.

Izabella instinctively moved back. "Brett, what are you doing?"

"Today is your birthday, so consider it a reward." Brett grabbed her thin shoulders, loosened his tie, and unbuttoned his shirt.

He had a good figure and was definitely a handsome guy among men. He was broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted, and radiated a strong, confident aura.

However, Izabella didn't think that was a reward. She was pregnant, and Brett was unrestrained. She was afraid that this might cause bleeding and miscarriage.

Just thinking about that scene, Izabella shuddered, her face turning pale.

"I don't need it. Just go staywith Kaley."

"Why are you mentioning Kaley? Jealous?" Brett leaned in, his husky voice sounding like a satisfied big cat.

Izabella dodged the hot breath approaching her. "I'm not."

"You're not? Then why were you secretly watching me while walking behind me earlier? Can't resist seeing Kaley and me holding hands and not paying attention to you?"

Izabella's chest tightened, and she was speechless for a moment. Eventually, she moved her lips and asked, "You knew?"

"With such a hot gaze, it's hard not to be noticed."

Brett scooted closer, his fingers working even faster, and in no time, he had all the buttons on her shirt undone.

Izabella's panic grew even more. Brett had always been domineering, and without even saying a word, he'd thrown her off her game.

She placed her hand on her belly to unconsciously protect her unborn baby, her mind racing. Brett was the type who responded better to gentle persuasion than resistance. The less she appeared willing, the more aggressive he'd be.

Izabella reached up and hooked her arm around Brett's neck, smiling like a lovable cat. With half-lidded eyes and a sweet voice, she said to him, "Brett, you need to know how to control themselves." "Yeah?"

Taking advantage of her grip, Izabella slowly lifted herself up to plant a kiss on Brett's forehead. "Think of this as my birthday present from you. My period is irregular, and I asked Dr. James. She said I need to abstain from sex."

It had been a long time since Izabella had tried to please him like this. For a moment, Brett had been overwhelmed with lustful thoughts. But when he heard about the ban on sex, he instantly grew disheartened.

Furrowing his brows, Brett stared at Izabella's soft lips before bending down to kiss her again.

Even though she feared him, Izabella had to make herself look like she was enjoying it. Suppressing her real feelings, she let out a couple of moans that sounded like a cat in heat.

Brett almost lost control, as the sensation of Izabella playing along was exciting and satisfying for him.

Panting for breath, Izabella's cheeks turned an unnatural shade of red. Just as she grew more and more uncomfortable, Brett finally released her mouth.

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