Izabella thought of many outcomes, but she never expected that Brett would blatantly mock and ridicule her in order to defend Kaley.

Her heart ached like hell, but still, she couldn't help feeling lousy. Izabella coughed a couple of times, wiping the blood on her hands onto her clothes. She was lucky that she was wearing a black jacket today, so even if it got stained with blood, it wouldn't show.

"Brett, this is the lesson you taught me. Haven't you beaten me up enough times yourself? Your slap was much worse than hers." Izabella leaned back on the edge of the bed and slowly propped herself up. Her body was swaying, but she didn't fall back down.

Brett completely ignored Izabella's pale face. This woman was good at pretending, always faking sickness to gain sympathy. He had been fooled by her once before!

People are like that - once you've been tricked, it leaves a gap in your impression of them, and all the previously ignored things break through that gap like a flood, wiping away all the good memories. Not only was Brett angry and frustrated, he even felt like he was a laughing stock.

His attitude towards Izabella became even harsher, as if he wished to turn into a sharp knife and stab her full of wounds.

"Can Kaley's body be the same as yours?" Brett sneered.

"What's the difference? We're all human. We have blood, flesh, and can feel pain and die. If Kaley is made of fragile glass, is my body made of cement? You think I can't feel pain or die?" By the end, Izabella's voice was starting to choke up, her eyes turning red and tears pouring into her mouth. The salty taste in her mouth made it difficult to tell whether it was the taste of blood or tears that was stronger.

The bitterness of these two tastes mingling in her mouth was something she had never thought of before, more bitter than any medicine she had ever taken.

"Brett." Izabella clenched his clothes in her hand and looked up at him. "What the hell do you think I am? The real person who hurt Kaley is you, not me. If you were willing to divorce me, I'd never get the chance of bullying her?"

Her words seemed to have hit a nerve with Brett. He narrowed his eyes, a cold gaze that could cut people.

"Izabella, don't twist the truth and evade responsibility. You have to pay for your actions!" Brett had already made up his mind about Izabella's wickedness, so anything she said or did was wrong. Izabella was the kind of person who wouldn't learn her lesson until it hurt. And so, Brett was determined to punish her thoroughly today - he wouldn't stop until she was bleeding and pleading.

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