Brett didn't help at all, just kept staring at Izabella busying herself. Finally, Izabella couldn't take it anymore, she went back to her bedroom, opened the drawer, and took out two bottles of medicine, having one pill from each.

"What are you taking?" Brett asked. He had seen the two glass bottles in the drawer before but had never asked about them out of curiosity.

"Stomach medicine, prescribed by the doctor," Izabella calmly said.

Brett didn't ask any more questions as he knew she had a stomach condition.

After a while, he continued, "Since you're not well, don't think about moving."

"I don't want to move, but I need to sell this house urgently because I'm short on money, Brett. You should know better than anyone why I need money." If only Brett had shown some consideration for their marriage and left her an option, she wouldn't have had such a hard time during this period.

"How much do you want to sell this house for?"

"I bought it for 5.69 million, I'll sell it for 5 million." The current housing prices are much higher than three years ago, it would have buyers even if she sold it at the price of 6 million or even 8 million, it just takes some time.

But time was what Izabella didn't have. She couldn't afford to wait.

Brett crossed his arms, his piercing gaze making it difficult to meet his eyes. After a moment of contemplation, he addressed Izabella, "I'll purchase the house. Let's consider it our shared property." "Are you buying it?" Izabella responded swiftly, a hint of eagerness in her voice. "Alright, as long as you compensate me, the house is yours."

Brett retrieved a cigarette from his pack, ignited it, but merely toyed with it in his hand, the faint orange-red glow dancing in the shadows. Smoking wasn't a habit for him; he only indulged in a few puffs when confronted with vexing situations. With the cigarette held between his lips, he extracted his wallet from the inner pocket and withdrew a bank card.

"There's 5 million on this card," he disclosed.

Izabella approached and accepted the card. "I'll arrange for a lawyer to expedite the property transfer process," she assured him.

She couldn't stand the smell of smoke. When doing business in the past, she would inevitably encounter smoking people and could bear it. However, now that she had stomach cancer, any irritating smell would trigger a stress response.

Brett noticed she didn't like the smell of smoke either and left the room, "You don't have to move anymore. You can stay here. Also, Kaley will be moving in here in a couple of days."

Kaley moving in? Brett wasn't discussing it with her, just stating it as a fact. Izabella's eyes filled with inquiry, and a disgusting thought suddenly came to her mind.

Did Brett refuse to divorce her so that Kaley could live together with them?

Izabella gave a wry smile, "Alright, as long as you're happy."

Brett had come home today just to talk to Izabella about this. Yesterday, Kaley had asked about their divorce again, and upon knowing he wouldn't divorce; she suggested they live together, even if Izabella were there, she wouldn't mind. So he could only agree.

Brett was taken aback by Izabella's surprisingly easy acceptance, as it went against her usual character. Izabella was known for her outgoing nature and had held a position of authority at the Salotti Group for years, exuding a strong presence. Her pride made it difficult for her to submit to anyone, especially to live under the same roof as Kaley.

Brett found himself unsure of his own emotions, unsure whether he was happy or unhappy about the situation. He muttered an unnecessary explanation, hoping to justify the arrangement, "Don't think too much about it. Kaley is moving here to take care of you."

Izabella struggled to control her emotions, her eyes filled with disdain and sarcasm. She couldn't help but question how Kaley, with her occasional bouts of anemia, could possibly take care of her.

She had clearly seen what kind of person Kaley was four years ago, and she couldn't bring herself to like such a woman. But if Brett wanted her to move in, then so be it.

Not having to move, Izabella felt relieved and put back the items she had packed in the morning. Just as she was about to discard the wedding photo into the storeroom, Brett took it from her hand and said thoughtfully, "Hang this picture on the head of the bed in the bedroom."

Without asking Izabella for her consent, he went to the bedroom to find a spot.

Izabella leaned against the wall, watching Brett's busy figure, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that Kaley will make a scene when she sees this wedding photo?"

Brett seemingly didn't care. He didn't stop what he was doing and said with his back to Izabella, "Kaley is different from you."

Izabella chuckled and couldn't help but make a sarcastic remark, "She must be really generous, being able to tolerate the person she likes being glued to another woman all day." Her words were mocking both Kaley and herself.

She continued, "I'm indeed different from her. At least Kaley still likes you now, but I don't like you anymore."

No one likes self-torture or to have feelings for someone who is not committed.

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