Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 509

Chapter 509

Gale looked around, picked up the phone, and lowered her voice. “Hello, Mr. Lefting”

“I went to the hospital to look for you, and the nurse said you went out.” "Yes"

Aurum said, “l want to tell you everything has been arranged on my side.”

Hearing that, Gale felt a sense of security in her heart.

However, at the same time, she felt lost.

After all, it had come to this stage.

“Okay. Then according to the plan, it's up to me to make arrangements,” Gale replied.

“Yes, the sooner you can, the better.”

Gale lowered her eyes and said, “I'm afraid... Shawn was suspicious. He has already sent a few more bodyguards around me.”

Aurum comforted, “It's okay. Our plan is perfect, and even if he sends hundreds of people, they can’t do much.”

After repeated discussions, every detail and step has been changed so it would be foolproof.

Gale even remembered the locations of the major intersections in the city.

Moreover, if the plan was exposed and Shawn found out, she had backup plans of how to escape, which way to go, who to support, etc. This was the complete escape plan.

Only Aurum could help her.

“Gale, the only thing I am worried about is the child in your womb. If anything. happens, I will feel guilty and blame myself for the rest of my life. But to leave Shawn alive from Shawn is too difficult,” Aurum said. She sighed and said, “Jumping into the sea is already the best solution.”

Ever since Aurum mentioned the idea of “fake death’, they have been discussing how to “die’.

Car accident?

Charter sow


It would be difficult to control the car during a fake accident. Once something goes wrong, the fake car accident could easily become a real car accident.

So, no.

Sudden illness?

With Shawn's degree of paranoia, if he heard the news that Gale “died of illness’, he would most likely hold her body and not let go for three days and three nights.

How could Gale pretend for so long?

That would not work.

After much deliberation, Gale finally came up with the method of “jumping into the


Fortunately, the weather was not too cold. The plan was to jump into the sea and then let the people who had been lurking at the bottom of the sea pick her up and swim to another port to go ashore.

Then, she would drive away from Sea City along the path without anyone noticing.

After leaving Sea City, Aurum would arrange everything so that she could leave smoothly, go to a small town where no one knew her, conceive and have a baby, and live a brand new life.

“You... aren't you afraid? Because you can only jump at night, you can hide from prying eyes in the dark. But... it is still a long height to jump,” Aurum asked.

Gale sighed for a long time and answered, “Mr. Lefting, of course I am afraid.”

Her voice was small and soft.

Aurum felt a sudden pain in his heart.

He...was feeling sorry for her.

“However, I'm more afraid of being trapped by Shawn's side and becoming his canary.”

Gale said, “It seems that I live a life that everyone envies, and I can get whatever I want, but in my heart, I am empty, without a sense of solidity.”

“So, compared to closing my eyes and jumping recklessly, I am more afraid that I will live like this for the rest of my life.”

Shawn hurt her too deeply.

The thing that scared her the most was to live dependent on Shawn, living a life

where she could see the end at a glance.

Thinking that she would live like this for the rest of her life, Gale would jump off without hesitation, even at the height of 10,000 meters.

Was it not just a matter of closing your eyes!

“Gale...” Aurum did not know what to say for a moment. “You should have had a great life.”

“I won't mention it after it's all gone. God has taken away a lot from me and given me a lot. For example, you.” Gale smiled, and her tone became more relaxed. “When I was the most desperate and helpless, Mr. Lefting, you showed up and helped me regardless of anything in return.”

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