Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 45 Luke Crawford Was A Drug

Before they headed off to the lunch meeting, Bianca and Sue made a trip back to the design department.

Bianca walked to her workstation and put down the laptop she had brought upstairs earlier. After that, the phone she had left on the table rang once.

It was an unknown number.

The number began with 138 and ended with 6688. The contents of the message was, “Miss Bea, I'm almost on my summer break. Will you be free ten days from now?”

Bianca guessed that the number was Blanche's.

She quickly replied, “I'm really busy with work, and I just got assigned with an important project. I have to earn money so I can eat and live, so I can't take you out to play. Sorry.”

She clearly expressed her reluctance to have too much to do with Luke Crawford's son.

She hated the way Luke misunderstood her. She had never approached his son because she wanted to seduce him.

In this society, any man as wealthy and powerful as Luke Crawford was probably used to having his guard up against women with ulterior motives approaching him.

If such a woman was lucky enough to not earn his ire, there was a chance she could start a relationship with him. However, such a relationship would only be limited to an exchange of money and bodies.

In short, the heart would never be involved.

Bianca had seen plenty of gossip surrounding these rich and powerful people, and she knew very well that it was not a game a woman like her could play.

Luke Crawford was a taboo, a taboo deep in her heart.

No matter how tempting he was, he could only ever be opium to her, a drug to avoid.

After that intense fight several days ago, he had regretted it and worried that he had misunderstood her, but after the voices he heard with own ears that night a few days ago, he was certain that she really was a dirty b*tch!

There was no way he wanted to touch a filthy whore like that.

Still, he was angry and resentful at her for playing him like a fiddle over the past five years.

No man would be able to brush off a grudge like that!

Bianca went downstairs, utterly dejected.

Sue glanced at the office door and asked her, “Are you alright?”

Bianca simply nodded.

“I just came out of the bathroom, and I was too close to you, so I heard everything... I'm sure you're not the kind of woman he says you are. Your ex is nuts, methinks,” Sue said.

Bianca did not want everyone to think of her as a whore. She wanted to explain, but she did not know where to start.

Eventually, she decided on telling Sue what she really thought. “Jean wasn't completely wrong. He did find a man at my place, but that was after we had a huge fight and officially broke up.”

Sue looked at her, surprised.

Bianca forced herself to continue, “I think that man might like me a little, but he doesn't really love me, I know that for sure... I can't tell if it's just a whim of his or anything else, but my refusals pale in comparison to his overbearing approach.”

Sue was not surprised that Bianca had a suitor.

What did surprise her, though, was the type of man trying to pursue her...

What kind of a man would make her use words like “on a whim” and “overbearing approach”?

The two of them walked to the door, and Sue asked out of concern, “Jean is in the same department as you are, so how will you deal with him from now on? You can avoid him, but he won't avoid you.” Bianca made a decision. “Once I get my salary, I think I'll resign.”

Sue immediately stood still and looked at her evenly. “That won't do. You can't joke about that! I gave you all these opportunities, so you'll be letting me down if you resign.”

The moment she said that, Bianca instantly felt guilty.

However, it would really be hard for her to untangle some relationships unless she resigned.

There were two luxury cars waiting outside the T Corporation door. When Jason saw Bianca and Sue walk out, he first said, “Miss Rayne, get into this car.”

He had Sue take the other car, saying that she was in charge of chatting with their partners. Nevertheless, Sue could tell what was really happening at a glance.

Jason stood outside the door, opening it for Bianca respectfully.

Bianca looked at the man sitting at the back of the Bentley. She was terrified, but she had no choice. She had to go inside.

Luke had been resting with his eyes closed. When he sensed a slender shadow falling over him, he opened his eyes.

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