Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 3062 A Reason To Continue Staying Here

"Three days. Well, that's not too bad, not too long," replied Nina, already calculating in her mind that when they were on a business trip, she would have to go back to her own place.

After all, the master's family was not around, and it would not be appropriate for her to stay here.

"Yes, there's one more thing I'd like to ask of you," added Luca.

"What is it?" Nina looked at her with curiosity, unsure of how she could help Luca.

"I was wondering if you could take care of the kids for these three days," Luca stated her request. Worried that Nina would reject her, she added, "The kids are well-behaved, and they have a certain routine, so you won't need to do much. Just having an adult around in the evenings for safety would be great."

Luca agreed to Luke's request not only to avoid troubling Old Master Crawford but also because it gave Nina a reason to stay here.

After all, Percy would not be back in A City for several more days. If she went back now, Karen might come looking for her.

"Sure, no problem." Nina did not want to go back, especially considering that it might be awkward for her to be here without Luca and Luke.

"Now, that's great. Thank you, Nina," Luca expressed her gratitude.

"I should be the one thanking you. I know what you're doing. Asking me to take care of the kids is just giving me a reason to continue staying here. If I'm not here, I might be bothered by Percy's mother at any time," Nina understood the situation. If she had to express gratitude, it should be her thanking both of them.

"Oh, don't mention it. You've really helped us a lot," replied Luca, "Old Master Crawford wants to live peacefully lately. If the kids went back to stay for three days, it would disturb the old master. So, it's better for them to stay here. But Aunt Neile also has her own family to take care of. Your willingness to help is a big favor to us."

"Let's not talk about that. I have a question to ask," Nina shook her head. She did not want the gratitude exchange to go on indefinitely and had another question to address.

"What is it?" asked Luca.

"I'm just curious. Why would Mr. Crawford attend a not-so-important industry networking event and even bring you along?" asked Nina.

If Luca were Luke's secretary, it would make sense for her to accompany him to such events.

However, Luca was not his secretary at the moment, and it was not a particularly important industry networking event.

So, why would both of them go together?

Even though Nina was aware of the special relationship between Luke and Luke.

Nina knew Luke was not the kind of man who would bring a woman along just for his personal needs during a business trip.

Hence, she could not understand.

"Mr. Crawford heard that there will be an influential figure participating in this industry networking event. That's why he decided to join," Luca fabricated a lie.

Nina exclaimed, "Oh, I see. A big shot, huh..."

"You know, in the pharmaceutical industry, Watson is just a newly emerging company, not that well-known. So, when a big shot in the industry decided to attend this networking event, Mr. Crawford thought it would be a good idea to bring me and the company's general manager along," explained Luca.

Nina furrowed her brows. Something still felt off.

Even though Watson was a new player in the industry, it had the support of the T Corporation, which was a considerable advantage compared to many others.

Even if the industry big shots are attending, they could ask Watson's general manager and a few research professors to participate. Was there a need for Luke to personally attend the event himself? Was all this just for that big shot?

Was Luke going to cozy up to this industry big shot?

Nina refused to believe it.

Others may try to curry favor with Luke, but this was a bit too much!

However, since Luca said so, Nina, though still skeptical, did not press further. She simply nodded and said, "Oh, I see. That makes sense, no wonder you're going together."

"Yes," Luca let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she managed to talk her way through.

However, Luke's participation in such a small-scale networking event would indeed raise suspicions.

Even if Jason leaked information to attract top executives from pharmaceutical companies to participate, people would still find it strange.

Why would Luke be there...

Could it be that T Corporation was planning to make pharmaceuticals a major development industry in the future?

Luca stared at the garden, lost in her thoughts.

Nina noticed that and picked up the psychology book again, letting out a sigh, "I guess I'm just not cut out for studying." "What's wrong?" Luca came back to her senses.


"I've been reading this book for days, and I still haven't finished it. People say that psychology is not difficult when you first encounter it, it's only hard when you specialize. I thought I could handle it when I started, but now it's clear that I'm just not cut out for it." Nina sighed.

She could understand each word and sentence in this introductory book, but putting them together seemed forced for her.

Reading it carefully would make her understand, but once she accumulated the knowledge, it all became confusing again...

"Just read these books when you have some free time and are bored. You don't have to force yourself to understand everything. Maybe, after reading a lot, it'll all come together for you," advised Luca. "Yes, you're right. I'll let it go," Nina smiled, deciding to follow her advice and find a way to finish the book. Understanding or not, she would deal with it later.

The following day.

Luca and Luke set off for X City.

Since X City was not too far away, Luke and Luca decided to drive there.

Luke did not personally drive. Instead, Warren took the wheel.

Along with them, Gale also joined the journey.

This time, they were meeting with Abel, and Gale tagged along to gather more information about Abel.

As for Evan, he drove himself there and did not depart at the same time as them.

The trip to X City would take several hours, and Luca found it boring. She picked up her tablet and looked at some information about the industry networking event.

This networking event has always been held in X City because the naturopathy culture in X City has a certain level of nationwide recognition. Together with the surrounding mountains rich in herbs, the event chose X City.

It also served as an opportunity to open up markets for X City's herbal products.

Luca recalled what Amur had told her. He said that Shanks was also in A City.

Shanks unexpectedly left the island. Did that mean he will also attend this industry networking event?

Luca was not too sure about that.

Compared to socializing, Shanks preferred conducting research in the laboratory.

If it were not for the herbs he needed, and considering that Abel's men still had not found them, Luca assumed that Shanks might not have left the island at all.

Luca thought that even if Shanks did come out to search for the herbs, she was not certain that he would attend this industry networking event. If X City had the herbs Shanks needed, those people would have found them long ago, and they would not be empty-handed until now.

Even though X City was surrounded by mountains, it was not an isolated place. The herb farmers in the mountains, the types of herbs they grow, and the buyers were all well-known.

Moreover, every inch of the mountain ranges in X City had been fully developed.

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