The minute seemed like an eternity, but then Dave’s voice appeared: “Okay, you guys get ready; I’m lowering the harness.”

The rain drops became more frequent and a chill formed in the air. The clicking noise was then accompanied by a slight crunchy sound. Jul and Richard looked at each other in agreement; they were not alone.

“Jul! Get into the harness.”

“No Dad! I’m not leaving you here.”

“Just go! The other harness will be down shortly now get into the harness,” he demanded.

She reluctantly slipped into the harness and pulled the straps tight.

“I’m waiting for you at the top.”

“Good! It won’t be long. Dave; Pull up the second harness.”

“Okay Richard; the other harness is on its way.”

He no sooner spoke than Jul began moving upward.

Richard stood looking up while his daughter rapidly moved away. The clicking stopped and the crunchy noises settled causing Richard to look around. A lightening flash followed by the subsequent rumble revealed that the chamber was filled with creatures standing motionless on either side save for one moving in the space between the formations. It was only a glimpse but he was able to make out some of the creature’s form.

It was like a tapered cylinder narrower at the bottom than the top supported by thin multi-jointed limbs serving as legs. He was not able to form a clear picture of it in his mind as of yet.

The crunchy sound was more distinct at that time and he saw a figure moving in the darkness. The harness was nearing him and the communication device sounded.

“Jul is up and she insists on waiting for you.”

“That’s okay, Dave; I’ve got company so we’ll be moving along more quickly.”


“I’ll explain later.”

Richard reached out for the harness as the rain came crashing down. The creature came ever so nearer and was now in the spotlight. He kept his eye on the encroaching figure as he quickly slipped on the harness. He studied the creature and saw its body clearly. The tapered abdomen was covered with a fur which repelled the pelting rain. He didn’t see anything resembling a head but he saw a cluster of black eyes pushing up from the top of the fur and they glistened, wet with rain.

He also saw that its multi-limbs made it appear quadruped but he was able to make out that it was actually biped with large multi-jointed appendages jutting out from its two legs.

The creature let out a loud bellow from a large orifice on top of its odd shaped body. The sound was like a long low note of a tuba and water sprayed out in a rapid moving mist probably due to the rain. His first reaction to the creature was that it was hideous and grotesque; somewhat frightening to say the least. The creature was almost within reach when the harness thrust him upward. The creature bellowed again; mournfully.

“Dave I’m on my way up so run and get the plane ready.”

“But Jul refuses to go without you.”

“Just go Dave I’ll deal with her when I get there and the winch will stop automatically.”

“Okay; you’re in charge.”

The rain was dripping from her hair and clothes but she somehow did not notice. The lightening flashed again to reveal that Richard was passed the halfway point; she also did not notice the flock of creatures at the bottom. It seemed to Julia that the last few seconds were moving slowly and she was well aware of the beating of her heart but at last Richard was within reach. Shortly Richard was on the walkway and tugging at Julia’s shoulder.

“Let’s go dear; Dave has the plane ready; judging from the ready lights on the wings,” he said loudly over the force of the rain.

They ran down the access ramps then went toward the plane swiftly. Directly in front of them appeared a portal; suddenly. Oddly it was not affected by the rain. The two noticed but simply tried to avoid it trying to run to the plane.

It was some kind of suction that grasped them and pulled them in. There was a man standing in front of what looked like a podium which was actually an instrument panel.

Richard was hurled as was Julia who was directly behind him. Richard tumbled and fell through another portal on the opposite end of the space. The man was able to grab Julia’s shoulders before she was able to follow Richard through.

Jul was stunned for a moment then she let out a loud shriek.

“You let my father fall,” she yelled with emotion at the strange man.

“I believe your father is safe at the moment, but the portal was shifting; if I had allowed you to go through you would have been transported into open space,” the man said calmly.

“So, where is my father?” she said in a calmer tone.

“He was teleported to the moon he had named ‘Lachesis’; what my people call ‘Vearone’.”

“Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“I am Challote, I was sent here to study the creatures your father had just encountered.”

“Were you sent by Aumrill?”

“I do not know of Aumrill. I was sent by the exploratory authorities of my planet in the Galaxy you know as Andromeda.”

“You say my father is safe. How do you know? I have to know.”

“Come here and view my panel.”

She looked at him strangely and with apprehension.

“Are you frightened of me? Surely I mean you no harm and I only wish to help.”

“Ah! But you’re practically naked,” she remarked at the black stretchy material which resembled a leotard. It also revealed everything clearly including his gender.

“Oh, we very seldom wear any covering on my planet. This garment is a protective covering from the radiations of the area that are poisonous to our race. It seems to have no affect on the likes of you though.”

He lifted his hands and he suddenly was dressed in the same type of clothing her father was wearing; including the backpack.

“Is this more appropriate?”

She studied him readily.

“Thank you,” she said more at ease. She slowly walked over to the podium and saw Richard’s image on the screen. He had already slipped on the silver protective gear but still recognizable.

“It’s pretty bright and I’m sure it’s hot as well, but he seems to be unharmed.”

“He is evidently looking for shelter and there are numerous caves in the area and I am sure he will find one suitable.”

“Can you teleport him back to the compound on Moirae?”

“It is not that simple. What happened was an accident and it is fortunate that he was not teleported into open space. The ‘Neither’ is unpredictable and fortunately my monitors were focused on that area the moment he slipped through.”

“Does that mean I’m trapped as well? And what is the ‘Neither’?”

“We are in an artificially generated dimensional space that serves a vessel used for exploration; our scientists call it the ‘Neither’ and I do not have an idea why. No you are not trapped and I can teleport you back to the surface of Moiraé because the devise is more adjusted to sending than receiving.”

“But, how will we rescue my father? He is on Lachesis?”

“Yes; there is a vessel capable of making the journey and your friend Dave has been operating it since your arrival. You must tell him that your father is on Lachesis. I will teleport you to the surface near where you were just before teleportation. The time differential will be such that it will be daytime when you arrive so you must don your reflective protective gear.”

“Is it that simple?’

“Not really; but I can set the device to teleport you. You must put on your silver vestment to get ready?”

Julia reached into her backpack and brought out the suit and pulled it over her clothes.

“I’m ready,” she said after putting her Sun visors on.

The man touched the panel and Julia had vanished. She reappeared on the surface of the planet. She was unharmed but disoriented.

She stumbled; trying to get her bearings because the horizon seemed to ripple. She raised her hands on either side of her head in an attempt to remedy her dizziness.

Heat waves danced on the surface making it more difficult to focus. Having been born on Mars; a savagely cold planet; she was unaccustomed to the display. The image of her father appeared in her mind and the province of necessity outweighed the heat of the moment and she willed herself to focus.

She reached into her backpack and pulled out her electro-notepad. She switched on the homing signal and then looked around. There was a clump of trees between her and a mountain range in the distance. She instinctively walked toward the trees; which might provide a little shelter.

At that moment a light flashed and a beep appeared on the communications panel in the dome. Julia raced over. The indicator told her it was Jul’s homing signal. She pressed the communication button.

“Jul! Are you all right?” She waited a moment anticipating a response then tried again. “Jul! This is Julia. Can you respond?”

“Julia!” a voice rang out over the speaker. “Yes, I’m a little dizzy from the heat; but I’m fine! We’ve got to get to my dad.”

“Jul just stay in that area; we’re going to have Dave fly over and pick you up.”

“Okay, I’m headed for a clump of trees that are no more than fifty yards ahead.”

“Very good! Dave will bring the helicopter to pick you up. Try to stay in the shade.”

About that moment Dave and Donna walked in. “You’ve found Jul?”

“I just spoke to her. The coordinates of her location are still on the screen. You can reconnect communications if you’d like.”

“Of course.” Donna pushed the communicator button. “Jul? Do you receive me?”

“Mom? I’m fine! We need to find dad.”

“We will worry about your father after we pick you up. The question is; are you safe?”

“Yes I’m almost to a clump of trees where I will wait for you.”

“We will be there shortly; now stay in the vicinity of those trees.”

“I will mom,” Jul disengaged and then she sat in the needed shade.

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