Chapter 975 "Hello, Mr. Zeke," Caroline greeted. ; Zeke's sincere yet humble voice resonated. "Have I disturbed your rest by calling you suddenly?" Caroline checked the time on her computer. "You're joking. It's not even lunch break yet." Zeke remarked, "That means I've interrupted your work then." "Nah. I just came out of a meeting, so I'm free now," Caroline explained.

"If that is the case, do you have time to grab lunch together?" Caroline was astounded. "Are you in Angelbay?"

"Yes, I'm here to handle some affairs.

Are you available?" Zeke confirmed.

"Yes! I'll make a reservation at the restaurant and send you the location later," Caroline said.

"It's fine. I've already booked us a place. I'll pick you up from your building at 11:30 p.m." Caroline agreed, "Alright." At 11:30 p.m., Caroline headed downstairs to meet Zeke, followed by Elvira.

Elvira frowned and asked Caroline when they approached Zeke, "Who is this?" Caroline ignored her and told Zeke

with a smile, "Thank you for giving me aride, Mr. Zeke." Zeke glanced at Elvira. "Whois this?" Caroline said smilingly, "Air." Zeke was briefly stunned. Soon afterward, he chuckled. "You've acquired a sense of humor." He opened the car door for Caroline and said, "Let's talk more in the car." Caroline nodded.

Elvira hailed a cab and followed Caroline's car.

Zeke checked the rearview mirror and said, "Is this woman supposed to be someone monitoring you?"

The smile on Caroline's face grew rigid.

"Yes." Zeke took a glance at Caroline's chest and looked away soon after. "Has your wounds healed?" Caroline nodded and blushed.

"Almost." "The man named Scott did it, right?" Zeke asked in a confident tone.

Caroline looked at him in puzzlement.

"Do you know something?" Zeke said, "No, I'm just speculating.

After all, you, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Xander, and Scott were mentioned in the trending topics on the same day. It's not a simple matter anymore." Caroline smiled bitterly. "You're right.

My brother and Evan are dead. I was shot and lost a good friend, all thanks

to him." Zeke fell silent, pondering with a frown for a moment. "If you've been shot, it means he wants you dead. Yet, he assigned someone to monitor you instead of ending your life. This is contradictory indeed." Caroline said, "Is it possible that he wants to kill me without drawing too much attention?" Zeke asked, "What do you mean?" Caroline explained, "I received intel that the woman following me, Elvira, is working with Scott's fiance, Azure, to kill me." Zeke's expression turned solemn.

"How did you find out about it?" "My son took a video of Elvira saying it in person and sent it to me," Caroline


Zeke asked, "How is she planning on doing it?" j Caroline revealed, "She's going to use a drug named Agent BHN-37." Zeke frowned deeply upon hearing the drug's name. "It doesn't sound good.

To put it bluntly, it sounds like poison." Caroline was stunned. "Poison?" Zeke said, "There are criminal organizations that use drugs to torture certain individuals." Caroline's heart raced. "Torture?" Zeke explained, "Yes, it causes unbearable pain to its users, leading them to end their lives. However, I'm not too sure about this particular drug

you mentioned. I will have to verify whether the effects are the same."

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