Chapter 31 Over My Dead Body

Scott typed. [Your father came over last night and had a big fight with your mother. He even forced the

hospital to give him your mother’s medical fees.]

Caroline furrowed her brows in concern. [Is my mother alright?]

Scott explained. I’m here with her. Don’t worry. I gave him 150 dollars, and he backed down.]

Caroline was taken aback. She couldn’t fathom how her dad could have the audacity to take money

from her mother’s doctor.

Although she disapproved of Scott’s independent actions, she couldn’t argue with the fact that he did it

for her mother’s sake.

However, since it had happened once, she feared it might happen again.

Pondering over it, she made up her mind to talk to him about it.

After transferring 150 dollars to his account, she typed. [Dr. Wilson, thank you for helping my mother in

this situation. But please don’t give my father any money again. If he approaches you, tell him to come

to me. Thank you]

Scott didn’t decline because he knew Caroline disliked being indebted to others.

If he didn’t promise her, she might try to convince him all night, so he simply agreed.

Afterward, he asked a question. [Got it. So… when will you be coming back?]

Caroline replied. [In a few days.]

Before she could finish typing the sentence, she heard the bathroom door open.

Evan emerged, wearing a black bathrobe and drying his short hair with a towel.

Quickly, Caroline hid her phone behind a pillow, pretending to watch TV.

However, Evan caught sight of her action.

He approached her and stared at her with his penetrating eyes. “What are you hiding?”

She tried her best to suppressing her anxiety and replied calmly, “The pillow wasn’t very

comfortable, so I was just adjusting it.”

Evan narrowed his eyes. Then he tossed the towel aside and forcefully pulled her off the sofa.

As a result, the pillow fell, and he happened to see the conversation between her and Scott, as she

hadn’t had time to close her phone.

When he noticed Scott’s name, a cold aura suddenly emanated from him.


He picked up her phone. Fury consumed him as he read the final part of their conversation.

Clenching the phone with his slender fingers, he glared at her fiercely. “How dare you lie to me!”

Caroline felt frightened by his gaze, but she realized she hadn’t done anything wrong, so she

responded calmly, “I knew you would be angry, so I chose to keep it from you.”

Unfortunately, he didn’t even give her explanation a chance.

His voice grew colder and more intense. “Are you so eager to see each other?”

Caroline pressed her lips together. “Evan, please try to calm down.”

Just as she was about to turn away and leave, he grabbed her arm and forcefully pushed her back

onto the sofa.

Then, he sank his teeth into her shoulder with brutal force.

Caroline cried out in pain. “Evan, have you lost your mind?”

She raised her hands to push him away, but he seized her wrists.

With a face that was both dark and handsome, he looked up, gritting his teeth, and uttered each

word forcefully, “Caroline, this is the price you must pay for deceiving me!”

Abruptly, he leaned down and kissed her, biting her lips forcefully to unleash his anger.

The taste of blood flooded her mouth, mingled with the bitterness that pricked her nostrils. !

Brimming with anger, she cursed at him with a mix of frustration and defiance, “Evan, you’re a

damn pervert!”

“Pervert? Well, I’ll show you something even more outrageous!”

Caroline curled up on the sofa, her lower body throbbing with excruciating pain.

She shot a resentful glare at the retreating figure of the man before her and asked hoarsely,

When will you let me go?”

Evan, now clad in a bathrobe, cast a cold sidelong glance at her. “You want to leave? Not a chance.”

He squatted down, his fingers tightly pinching her chin. “Caroline, take this as your final warning. If I

catch you involved with him again, he will cease to exist in Angelbay City.”

Caroline defiantly pushed his hand away. “All you ever do is threaten me.”

Evan sneered, straightening himself up. “No, I also enjoy tormenting you.”


“You despicable and shameless jerk!‘ She swallowed the curses that swirled in her heart and silently


She knew that provoking him would lead to unimaginable consequences. She had to hold on until

the day her mother was discharged from the hospital.

After spending five arduous days in Florencia City, Evan brought Caroline back.

During her time confined there, she managed to complete her design drafts. Now, all that remained

was to submit her design concept.

As they arrived at Florencia City Airport, Daniella and Paige were already there, awaiting them.

A tinge of envy glimmered in Daniella’s eyes as she observed Caroline approaching, accompanied by


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