Chapter 312 I Don't Know What You're Saying

The personal trainer looked at Simone. He obviously knew her. "You mean Ms. Bloom? I know her. Her trainer is my brother. They're close. They even go out to eat together sometimes." He emphasized the part about them eating together, and Jenny got the hint.

She took out yet another wad of cash from her wallet and said softly, "Bring your brother over. Don't let her notice."

"Alright. You can count on me." The trainer was happy with the easy money.

Not long after, Simone's trainer was brought over. Jenny got straight to the point, bribing him while asking about Simone. She was surprised to know that they had a pretty problematic relationship. Problematic, in the sense that this trainer had a girlfriend, but Simone told everyone that she was single.

With a clear understanding in mind, Jenny walked toward Simone.

Simone was still running, and when Jenny went over, she paid her no mind. She thought she was. just another gym goer. Only when Jenny stood behind her for two minutes did Simone finally look over. "There are treadmills over there. You don't have to wait for me."

"I'm not here to run," Jenny said, smiling. "I'm here for you."

In the break room, Simone drank water and looked at Jenny. Calmly, she asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I'd like to talk about the Blooms," Jenny said, not beating around the bush.

Simone frowned immediately. She didn't look too happy. "The Blooms? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're part of the Bloom family. How could you not know what I'm talking about?" Jenny smiled, knowing that Simone was just playing dumb.

Simone's face darkened. She didn't seem to want anyone to know about her identity. "What do you want? I've never cared about what went on in that family."

Although she worked at Bloom Conglomerate, she didn't tell anyone of her status as the Bloom family's daughter. She separated herself from them very well. She didn't think that she'd still be sniffed out.

"I'm quite curious to know why you've never disclosed your identity as a Bloom. They've never mentioned having you as their daughter, either." Jenny could find everything there was to know on the surface, bu she wasn't able to find out the inner workings of things.

Simone drank her water and glanced at Jenny. "Why should I tell you that? Who are you?" She still didn't know who Jenny was, only that she was a weird woman saying weird things.

"I'm Jenny Walter. You may call me Jenny." Jenny smiled at her, expressing her kindness.

'Jenny Walter?" Simone murmured her name and came to her senses quickly. "Alec's ex-wife?"

Jenny was speechless. Was she doomed to be known as Alec's ex-wife, no matter how hard she


"What do you want from me? Say it." Simone's attitude didn't change even after knowing Jenny's identity. She didn't care who she was.

Jenny said straightforwardly, "I think it's a pity that the Blooms have fallen under Sam's control. Aren't you just the tiniest bit interested in them?" Simone's face shifted slightly at these words, but not in a good way.

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