The Wrong Woman
Chapter 703

Sienna rode her electric scooter home, tears streaming down her face the entire way. She hadn't expected to cry so much, but Daniel was her first love.

It was the first time she had ever felt such intense emotions for someone, the first time she had truly invested herself in a relationship. It was like fireworks-beautiful, but over far too quickly.

Back at home, Sienna retreated to her room for days on end. Apart from coming out for meals, she refused to leave her room. Each time she did go out, her eyes bore the telltale signs of tears, puffy and red. Seeing Sienna in such a state, Shelly figured out that Sienna and Daniel must have ended their relationship. As a result, she chose not to mention blind dates or concern herself with Felix's debts. Instead, she focused on peacefully managing her corner store. In her view, life would become better and more stable from here on out.

On a sunny afternoon, Shelly was busy inspecting the expired items in the corner store when the bell at the entrance chimed. This bell was a sensor Sienna installed. It always rang whenever someone came in.

"Can I help you with something?" Shelly asked, emerging with the expired goods she had been sorting.

When she spotted the young man standing before her, she paused briefly.

The man had striking, attractive features, and a well-built, confident posture. He was neatly dressed and carried himself with an air of sophistication.

He didn't seem like a local. His appearance was more akin to someone from the city. He held several large bags in his hands, his smile gentle as he nodded at Shelly.

No matter a woman's age, encountering a handsome man usually had a certain effect, and Shelly was no different. She smiled and approached, asking softly, "Can I help you with something?" Daniel returned her smile warmly. "Hello, Mrs. Lawson. My name is Daniel, and I'm Sienna's ex-boyfriend."

His words caused Shelly's smile to freeze instantly.

Daniel carefully set down the items he was carrying and spoke politely, "I'm sorry it's taken me so long to visit. I'm not here to cause any trouble for Sienna."

Feeling awkward and unsure of what to say, Shelly pointed at the gifts he brought. "What's all this for?"

Daniel calmly explained, "I've been wanting to meet you in person for a while now, but the right moment never seemed to come up. I realized that waiting might mean missing out entirely.

"It might seem forward of me, but I didn't want to regret not making this effort to meet Sienna's mother."

Shelly sank into the chair behind the cash register, her spirits dampened. "Have you two really broken up?"

"Yes, we've broken up," Daniel replied, pursing his lips with bitterness.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Morrison. You're a good man, and my daughter doesn't know what she's missing. You deserve better," Shelly said guiltily.

Judging solely by his appearance, Shelly couldn't help but feel that Daniel was genuinely a good person. Unfortunately, his profession happened to be as an anti-drug officer.

"Mrs. Lawson, please don't feel sorry. Relationships involve both parties. There's no clear right or wrong," Daniel replied politely.

He retrieved a business card from his pocket and extended it to Shelly. "Here's my contact info. If your family ever needs help, feel free to reach out. I'll do whatever I can to help." Shelly slid the card back to him. "You and Sienna are no longer together. It wouldn't be appropriate for us to stay in contact. It just doesn't feel right."

"I promise I won't reach out to her again," Daniel assured sincerely. "All I want is to ensure her safety without causing any disruption."

Shelly was momentarily at a loss for words.

With utmost sincerity, Daniel placed the business card in front of her. "Mrs. Lawson, if she's living her life peacefully and doesn't need my involvement, I'll silently wish her the best. "But if you ever face challenges you can't overcome and need help, I'll be there unconditionally."

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