The Wrong Woman
Chapter 523

Wendy chuckled. "That's right, Chubs, no need for tears now. Crying too much might damage your eyes and could even contribute to postpartum depression."

Pressing her lips together, Mila forced a smile. "Thank you, Wendy. I'll try not to cry."

Wendy encouraged further, "That's the spirit! Premature babies aren't a cause for concern nowadays. With advanced medical technology, they just need a few months in the hospital, and then they'll be ready to come home.

"I have experience in childcare; I can lend a hand. I'll ensure your baby grows up chubby and healthy."

Florence quickly chimed in, "I'll take care of him too. I've raised kids just as well as Wendy. Just consider Nathan, Taylor, and, of course, Daniel..."

Patting Daniel on the back, Florence added, "He's as strong as a bull."

Caught off guard by the sudden pat, Daniel instinctively covered his chest, looking bewildered.

Mila couldn't resist stealing a glance at Daniel. She was moved by his gesture to visit her despite being blind. A wave of emotion washed over her, and she managed a faint smile.

"Chubs, congratulations to you and Nathan on the new addition to your family," Daniel said.

Mila replied warmly, "Thank you, Daniel."

Taylor joined in with congratulations, playfully teasing, "Chubs, even though he's only three pounds six ounces, that little guy looks surprisingly strong. I could hear his cries from outside the glass; he's got quite the set of lungs. And his kicking and flailing... impressive, to say the least."

Mila's smile widened, genuinely uplifted by Taylor's words about her son. "Thank you, Taylor," she replied gratefully.

Florence gently squeezed Mila's hand, her heart swelling with empathy and admiration. "Chubs, you've been through so much. You nearly lost your life bringing this baby into the world.

"The doctors said you had severe bleeding and almost needed a hysterectomy to survive. It's all thanks to your resilient platelets and the dedicated obstetricians that you're here with us today. Thankfully, they managed to stop the bleeding in the end."

Little did they know, Mila had extensively researched the dangers of childbirth even before becoming pregnant.

After all, wasn't a brush with death a common occurrence for women during labor?

As long as the child was healthy, all the challenges were worth it.

However, Mila promised herself she would remember the pain of today. In the future, she vowed never to endure childbirth again.

Mila offered a gentle smile and shook her head reassuringly. "Florence, I'm feeling better now."

"Don't downplay it, Chubs. You're still recovering," Florence insisted earnestly, her tone gentle. "Come home with me. I'll take care of you, along with the maternity nurse."

Nathan, consumed by guilt and remorse, couldn't help but interject, "Mom, Chubs is staying-"

"That sounds wonderful, Florence. Thank you," Mila cut him off.

Nathan froze, surprise flickering across his face as he glanced at her.

Was she not planning to return to Sudvilla? Did she no longer need his care and support?

Nathan could sense Mila's lingering resentment toward him. When she woke up, she briefly glanced at him. But since then, she hadn't acknowledged him or even spared him a second glance. Her evident indifference weighed heavily on Nathan, and he grappled with the guilt he felt toward Mila and their baby.

Meanwhile, Florence's enthusiasm overflowed. "I'll have the maids clean your room thoroughly and set up a nursery for my precious grandson."

Mila expressed her gratitude with a smile, "Thank you, Florence."

Florence waved her phone dismissively. "We're family; there's no need for formalities. Just make yourself at home."

As the doctor and nurses entered to check on Mila, the rest of the family gathered outside the ward.

In the corridor, Nathan stood by the window, feeling a weight of remorse as he looked out at the scenery.

Just then, Daniel approached, tapping his cane rhythmically with each step.

"Hey, Daniel," Nathan greeted him.

Daniel stood beside him, folding up his cane. "What's going on between you and Chubs? She seems to be avoiding you," he observed.

Nathan's tone turned bitter. "You could tell?"

"My sight may be gone, but my hearing's sharp," Daniel replied.

"Well, I've let her and our son down. I'm always absent when she needs me the most," Nathan admitted.

Daniel furrowed his brow, pondering for a moment. "Is missing the birth of your child the only issue here? Chubs isn't one to make a fuss without reason. Could there be something else going on?"

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