The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 460

The dial tone barely sounded before Mila abruptly ended the call, her actions leaving Phoebe puzzled. "Why did you hang up, Mila?"

Mila's voice was heavy with sadness. "He doesn't want to see me or have any contact with me. You speak to him."

Phoebe's disbelief was evident. "How is that possible?"

Mila remained silent and retreated under the covers to seek solace in the darkness. Her emotions were weighed down by sorrow as she closed her eyes to rest.

Still bewildered, Phoebe answered the incoming call, discovering it was Nathan returning the call. "Mr. Morrison, it's Phoebe."

Nathan paused briefly before inquiring, “Is Chubs awake?"

Phoebe replied, "Yes."

He then asked about her physical condition, to which Phoebe replied, "She's fine, just quite upset.”

Nathan then asked, "Was there something you needed to discuss?" Glancing at Mila, who remained hidden beneath the covers, Phoebe hesitated before answering, "Mila suspects there might be a spy in your research team."

Nathan responded calmly, "I'm aware.”

Phoebe was surprised. "You knew?"

He explained, "We've been investigating since the imposer Sally was exposed.”

Phoebe smiled, impressed by Nathan's efficiency.

"Mr. Morrison, would you like to speak to Mila?" Phoebe asked. Nathan fell silent, and Phoebe sensed a shift in the atmosphere. In a detached manner, Nathan replied, "No need. Take care of her." Phoebe was puzzled by Nathan's sudden change in demeanor. He had shown such concern for Mila earlier.

Phoebe ended the call and acknowledged Nathan's instruction.

Hiding beneath the covers, Mila couldn't hold back her tears. Her grief over Loretta's passing was compounded by Nathan's deliberate distance.

The next day at noon, Mila met Oliver's alleged new wife, Avery. She was unassuming in appearance but exuded a sharp and astute aura. Accompanied by her team, she confidently assumed control of the company, announcing her identity and presenting the official documents confirming her inheritance.

The headlines that day was dominated by the Hoffis family, with even Chubs, a citizen of Sunterland, making headlines for not inheriting any assets.

Speculation ran rampant online about the billionaire family's struggles for wealth, yet the true motives remained veiled from the public eye.

In the Hoffis Manor, Mila calmly observed as Avery and her assistants approached. One of her assistants handed over the inheritance documents to Mila.

Avery cast her eyes over the lavish mansion, a glimmer of satisfaction in her gaze. "As of today, this billion-dollar estate will be inherited by my husband and me. Those not involved must vacate immediately.”

Mila observed the signatures and handprints of Zach and Loretta on the documents, recognizing them as genuine but made under duress. Should Mila pursue legal action and prompt a police investigation, these documents would lose their validity. But she couldn't risk it. Another disruption to Oliver's financial affairs could put her loved ones in danger.

Composed, Mila asked, "How long have you known Oliver?"

Avery replied, “Not long, about half a month.”

“You've only known him for half a month. Do you truly know who he is?" Avery smirked, crossing her arms confidently. "Our marriage is purely transactional. I don't need to know his true identity."

“You'll regret this," Mila warned firmly.

Avery scoffed in response.

Without further engagement, Mila guided Phoebe upstairs to gather their belongings.

Avery's voice lingered behind them, "Oliver's demands must be met today."

Mila hesitated for a moment, then pressed on, suppressing her emotions. After packing their belongings and delivering the fake material to Avery, they left Hoffis Manor by car.

Inside the car, Phoebe asked, "Mila, are we heading to Sudvilla?"

Mila leaned against the window with her emotions subdued. She stared at the landscape with a heavy heart, feeling as though the world had turned dreary.

“Let's check into a hotel,” she replied softly.

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