The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 393

Nathan leaned back in his chair. He felt somewhat weary as he said, "You're so busy, you don't have to come here every day. I'll be fine. I just need to rest for a couple of days.”

Fenna smiled as she nodded. "Okay, then rest well."

Mila remained silent.

As Fenna opened the door to leave, she glanced back at Mila. Mila glanced at her too. Their eye contact was like a silent battle of wills, and the atmosphere grew even more tense.

Once the door closed, Mila finally breathed a sigh of relief. She used a fork to pick up some grilled potatoes, together with a meatball, and offered it to Nathan.

Nathan didn't open his mouth. His expression was slightly gloomy as he said, "She's gone, you don't have to pretend anymore.”

Mila was stunned. She said, "Nate, I..."

She wasn't pretending. She genuinely wanted to take care of him. Of course, she couldn't deny that she also wanted to provoke Fenna.

Nathan took the cutlery from her and began to eat. He felt a bit gloomy as he murmured, "It's okay. I don't mind being used by you.”

Mila was puzzled. She asked, "Use you for what?"

"To annoy her."

His words rendered her speechless.

"You should go back. Don't force yourself to do things that make you unhappy. It's meaningless," Nathan said, subtly urging her to leave.

Mila felt uneasy and asked, "Nate, why do you think I want to provoke Fenna like this?"

Nathan stared at the food on the table. He had no appetite at all. “I don't know about the conflicts between you two, and I don't want to guess,” Nathan replied.

The atmosphere became somber and heavy.

Suddenly, Mila's phone rang twice. After looking at her phone screen, she stood up and said, "Nate, Phoebe brought some clothes for me. I'll go down and get them. You eat first. I'll come back later to help you bathe after you finish eating."

As Mila took a few steps toward the door, Nathan said, "Don't do anything that could give me the wrong idea, Wanda."

Mila paused for a moment and turned to look at him. She explained with a heavy heart, "Nate, I've already submitted my resignation to the Sunterland Research Institute.

"I've also applied to return to Norvania with the State Department. Although it's not an easy process, I've been working hard on it. Give me some time. I'll come back.”

Nathan concealed his excitement and asked calmly, "Do you need my help?"

"No one can help me," Mila said with a worried expression. "I just hope Sunterland will show some magnanimity and allow me to return."

"But what if Sunterland refuses to let you go?" Nathan asked.

Mila smiled bitterly as she replied, "Then I'll have to go back. Otherwise, I'll be considered a spy betraying Sunterland. I'll also be an international fugitive for the rest of my life.”

They fell silent. Their eyes met, and they exchanged tender glances, lost in their own thoughts. After a while, Nathan asked, "If you could come back, could we still..."

Be friends?

He paused for a few seconds but didn't finish the sentence.

Mila replied with a shy smile, "Yes, we can still be husband and wife.”

After speaking, Mila opened the door and left.

Nathan was stunned. He just sat there silently. He was so happy and overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events.

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