The Wrong Woman
Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Dylan's hands were tucked into his pockets, looking indifferent. He shrugged and glanced admiringly at Mila.

Mila didn't engage him any further. She walked away with Phoebe on her heels. They met 'Sienna at the other end of the room.

It was Sienna's first time at such a lavish party among the upper crust, and she was nervous because she didn't know anyone there. Mila walked over to her and greeted, "Sienna." Sienna quickly took Mila's hands and said, "I finally get to see you." Mila gave her a gentle smile. She could feel the sweat in Sienna's palms.

"Don't be nervous. Everything will be okay." Mila tried to calm Sienna, who nodded in


"I've no idea where your mom has gone to. She was just right here," Sienna looked around. "Sienna, after today, Betty's no longer my mom, and I'm no longer Suzanne," Mila said. "What's your name, then?"

"Wanda Hoffis," Mila whispered into Sienna's ears.

Sienna smiled. "What a beautiful name. Wanda, your parents gave you such a lovely name.

"It was Nathan's idea," Mila giggled.

Sienna looked confused. Suddenly, the entire party was shrouded in mystery as the music changed and the room dimmed.

All eyes were drawn to the stage. Stage lights slowly emerged from the backstage door as the music grew melodious.

Sally, dressed in a stunning red evening gown, walked arm in arm with Dylan to the center of the stage. Her smile was radiant.

Dylan made a formal speech thanking his family, friends, and his fiancée, Sally. I Everyone applauded enthusiastically despite the cliché remarks.

Basking in happiness, Sally had the sweetest smile and was glowing like a princess.

Mila surveyed the crowd and saw that all the important guests had arrived-television executives, lawyers, prosecutors, policemen, the mayor, and the very influential Defense General, Nathan. Phoebe leaned in close to Mila's ear and asked, "Mila, when do we start?"


"Where's my grandparents?" Mila asked.

Phoebe pointed at the side of the stage. "They're sitting over there. They'll be doing the speeches soon."

After a moment of thought, Mila said, "Let's not wait any longer and begin."

Phoebe's excitement grew, and a smile slowly spread across her face. It was finally time for the big move. She pulled out a remote control and pointed it at the screen on the stage before pressing a button on


All the dreamy images on the screen vanished immediately, leaving only a line of text reading, "She's not Sally Hoffis. She's a fraud."

Murmurs erupted from the crowd as they pointed at the screen. Dylan and Sally were stunned. on stage. They followed where everyone looked and slowly turned around.

Dylan was dumbfounded, while Sally was flustered.

Her face went pale as she angrily demanded, "Who's behind this? Who did this? Turn it off now!"

"It was me." Phoebe calmly made her way out of the crowd.

All eyes in the room turned to her, eager to know who she was.

Phoebe leaped onto the stage. With her hands clasped behind her back, she radiated an air of authority as she approached the two of them.

A shadow fell over Dylan's face. The sight of Phoebe reminded Sally of Suzanne, which deepened her guilt. She couldn't hold back her rage. "Security! Remove this woman. She's not my guest. Remove her now!"

The guards stormed onto the stage to arrest Phoebe. But as soon as they touched her, she effortlessly threw them over her shoulders and slammed them hard to the floor.

Five guards sprawled across the stage in a matter of seconds.

Sally panicked further. "What a useless lot! They can't even deal with a woman! Dylan, your dad's the mayor. Let somebody take her away! Call the cops!"

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