The Wrong Woman
Chapter 326

Chapter 326

Oliver was a doctor, so he was capable of sedating a person easily.

Oliver adjusted his glasses. He said leisurely, "Nate, you've always been calm and rational. Why are you so reckless this time? "Storming into my house with so many people, I can sue you for trespassing."

Nathan walked over and sat on the sofa. He remained composed as he said calmly, "You might as well add one more charge."

Oliver was confused. He asked, "What do you mean?"

Nathan ignored his question. With a commanding presence, he calmly said, "Search."

His men quickly dispersed, searching every corner of the house. Phoebe also rushed into the


Oliver stood up abruptly. Oliver's face turned pale as he saw this. He looked at Nathan with disbelief, "Nathan, are you really going to break the law deliberately?" "I'm enforcing the law," Nathan calmly responded.

"You'd better find something," Oliver warned. "If you don't, I'll take legal action against you you to the end."

Nathan wore a serious expression. He remained silent.

Oliver leisurely sat on the sofa, with his arms resting on the armrest. He said confidently, "I never expected you to break the law for a woman. It seems you really love her." Nathan still remained silent and composed.

Oliver laughed as he said, "I used to think your love for Sally was worth respecting. But I didn't expect that once your heart changed, all that affection became nothing but a joke." He asked again, "I just can't understand. If you love her so much, why did you divorce her?"

Nathan calmly replied, "If you truly love someone, you would want them to be happy.

"You would let them do what they want, and respect their choices, instead of keeping them to yourself."

Oliver suddenly realized the truth. He exclaimed, "So, she didn't love you, that's why she divorced you?"



Nathan's expression became gloomy. He glanced toward the second floor to avoid Oliver's scornful gaze. Indeed, Oliver saw through the truth and burst into laughter.

After a long search, Nathan's subordinates returned to the living room one by one to report

to him.

"General Morrison, nothing was found on the second floor."

"General Morrison, we searched the first floor and outside, but found nothing."

Phoebe rushed over. She asked angrily, "Oliver, where did you hide Mila?"

Oliver sighed. He said with a tinge of emotion, "You should think about how to explain to the judge. Trespassing without a search warrant is a serious offense."

Nathan remained composed. He stood up and said, "Let's go."

Phoebe immediately panicked. "Mr. Morrison, we can't leave! Mila is in his hands. If we don't save her now, something bad will happen later!"

Nathan ignored Phoebe. He simply led his team and walked away with long strides.

Phoebe was frustrated as stomped her foot. She watched Nathan nonchalantly leading the team away. Then, she looked back at Oliver's arrogant smirk, she felt lost and helpless. Oliver said, "You refuse to leave? Are you waiting for the police to come and get you?"

Phoebe gritted her teeth. She angrily followed along as they left.

Oliver stepped onto the balcony

with a smug f


He leaned against the railing, basking in the sunlight. He smirked sinisterly as he watched. several military vehicles slowly drive away.

He muttered, "Nathan, you can't even protect the woman you love. That's all you've got."

Once all the vehicles had left, Oliver walked back into the house. He then headed toward the study.

When the study door was closed, Nathan slowly walked out from a hidden corner of the balcony. He leaped inside from outside. After that, he fixed his gaze on the study door and strode steadily toward it.


Chapter 327

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