The Wrong Woman
Chapter 191

Suzanne lowered her head and grumbled weakly, "It's fine. I don't have work anyway. I'll just treat it as a vacation and head back after a few days."

"Why don't you rest for a while more, Mrs. Morrison? We'll be there in about an hour."

Suddenly reminded of Lucas' injuries, she asked anxiously, "Is Lucas alright? Are his injuries severe?"

Cole immediately turned solemn. "Quite, but his condition is stable now. General Morrison is watching over him in the hospital."

Suzanne didn't think he would be so loyal. She didn't expect him to care so deeply just because a subordinate got hurt.

"How did he get hurt?" she asked curiously.

Cole thought about it for a bit before replying, "A batch of our weapons was stolen while it was being transported to the military base. Lucas was in charge of this incident."

He continued. "He tracked the weapons to drug traffickers in the neighboring country, Muzat, a few days ago. He disguised himself as a buyer along with another soldier and went undercover to investigate. "Unfortunately, their cover was blown, and they were pursued by the drug traffickers. In order to get Lucas to safety, the other soldier sacrificed himself." His voice grew heavier, and he almost choked on his words.

Suzanne was angry. "Why not have someone wipe out their drug den? Even if they didn't take our weapons, drug traffickers all deserved to die."

Cole replied, exasperated, "If they committed the crime in Norvania, then we could've done that. However, this was in Muzat. For political reasons, we can't just take them out unless we can find concrete evidence."

She understood now. She felt anxious but couldn't do anything to help.

It was late in the night when they reached the Norvanian Military base. Cole sent her to Nathan's dormitory since they were husband and wife.

At four in the morning, the dormitories were quiet and deserted. The lights were dim. Other than the two soldiers standing guard, there was only the sound of chirping crickets.

The room door was gently pushed open and shut. The moonlight outside seeped through the window, adding a soft glow to the otherwise pitch-black room. A set of heavy, exhausted footsteps gradually approached the huge bed.

A man's muscular body sat on the bed. He propped his forehead up with his hands and slumped over. A wave of sadness washed over him-heavy and depressing.

Then, he leaned backward onto the bed and fell on top of a soft body.

"Ouch." A pained whimper escaped the woman's lips.

The man abruptly shot up in shock. He turned to look at the woman in the moonlight.

Suzanne was startled awake by a weight on her stomach. She sat up with her hand, clutching her abdomen, and stared at the man in front of her.

The moonlight was dim, but she could somehow make out the features of his face.

The pair were both stunned.

Why is Nathan back? Wasn't he in Phoenicia with Lucas?

Rubbing her eyes, she felt nervous. She wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

Nathan beat her to it and broke the silence. "Why are you here? Did I hurt you?"

"No." She pulled on the blanket and explained softly. "I fell asleep in the backseat. Cole didn't realize and drove all the way here."

Nathan's lips curved up into a small smile of relief. "If you're not in a hurry to head back, why not stay a few days? I'll be quite occupied for the time being. I won't have time to go get the divorce finalized."

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