The Wife Assignment (Rogue Protectors Book 5)
The Wife Assignment: Chapter 14

After Kelso left, sleeping arrangements seemed to be up in the air.

“But, Mom, I want to make up with Ruger,” Ashley said. “Besides, Nana is bringing Mr. Snuffles home.”

I glanced at my grandmother.

“I’d love to have them over.”

My attention returned to Ashley. “Nana will fix Mr. Snuffles tomorrow.”

Ash’s lower lip trembled and tears came to her eyes. “But I want to sleep with Mr. Snuffles.”

“It’s late,” Whit told her sister.

“No, no, it’s okay,” my grandmother said. “I’m not sleepy at all.”

Levi, who was talking to Bristow and my grandfather, approached our huddle. “What’s going on?”

“Kids want a sleepover at Nana and Gramps.”

“Excellent!” my grandfather boomed.

“Wait a minute.” I glanced at my husband. “Are you okay if the girls are there without us—?”

“I’ll stay over,” Bristow said. “And the patrol car will be making the rounds anyway.”

He and Levi exchanged a look.

Hmmm …

“Great, we can shoot the shit and drink whiskey,” Gramps told Bristow.

“I’m up for it.”

Bristow was Irish. He seemed to hit it off with my grandfather. They would’ve shared the same hair color if Gramp’s ginger hadn’t faded to golden.

I glanced suspiciously at Levi, who, interestingly enough, had averted his gaze to look at the girls, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He tousled Whit’s hair before crouching in front of Ash. “You behave for Gramps and Nana, baby girl.”

“I will, Daddy.”

“No more taunting Ruger,” he added.

Ash gave a series of vigorous nods.

“Who knows?” Levi glanced over his shoulder at me and winked. “Your mom might be so impressed with your dog care-taking skills, she’ll agree to a puppy.”

“Nice try, Dad.” I joined their trio and addressed Whit. “You need your iPad? I saw it on the charger upstairs.”

My eldest daughter shrugged and left to get the device.

“They still have clothes at our house, so no need to pack,” Nana informed me with a knowing smile on her face before pushing Ashley out the door. Gramps and Bristow mumbled they would wait out front.

“You guys don’t have to rush off,” I called after them, partly from amusement, but mostly from embarrassment because it was so obvious they were pushing for Levi-and-me alone time.

And judging from my husband’s expression, I had a feeling he was the instigator of the sleepover.

Our gazes locked. The smolder in his eyes was enough to melt an iceberg. It certainly turned my legs to goo.

“One of our … girls is still upstairs.” And apparently electricity zapped my brain too since I had momentarily forgotten my daughter’s name. “Whit.”

His eyes crinkled at the corners. “I know.”

“Do you want cheesecake?” I scrambled for something to say as the implications of being left alone with my husband elicited a wet spasm between my legs. “You haven’t had dessert yet.” He loved Nana’s cheesecake.

He raised a brow, the corners of his mouth twitching. “I had a different kind of dessert in mind.”

Footsteps plodded down the stairs, and Whit appeared. I glared at my husband to behave.

His twitching mouth became a full-on smirk.

“Did everyone leave?” Whitney asked.

“No. They’re outside.” Levi put a hand on our daughter’s shoulder and accompanied her to the walkway where Gramps and Bristow were waiting.

“Have fun. Don’t stay up so late with that iPad.” I watched them for a beat before deciding I was the one who needed some cheesecake. Or maybe I was just delaying the inevitable.

In the kitchen, I busied myself and plated a slice.

A voice rumbled behind me. “So, where were we?”

I jumped and spun around. “Don’t sneak up on me.”

“Can’t help it.”

I put a hand over the hammering in my chest. I knew that. It was part of being a SEAL. Stealthiness was part of his training. Doing it while being the biggest man on the team was hard, so he’d worked harder on it than most, and it had become second nature to him.

I sat on the barstool and dug into my dessert.

“I’ll have a bite of yours.” He sat beside me.

“Who said I was sharing?” I mock-glared at him, spooned cheesecake into my mouth, and watched him watch me draw the spoon slowly from between my lips. I savored the whiskey-infused sweetness around my tongue before swallowing.

His eyes hooded. “Fuck, that’s sexy.”

I regarded my spoon and gave it another lick.

“Babe,” he groaned.

Grinning wickedly, I lowered my eyes and spooned the dessert and held it up to him, catching his gaze.

“Thought you weren’t sharing.” Levi opened his mouth, and the spoon disappeared into its depths. He ate while holding my eyes. I slowly extracted the spoon. A crumb of cheesecake settled at the corner of his mouth.

“You missed a spot.” I tipped my chin to where sticky creaminess decorated his lips.

He made no move to clean up.

I bit my lower lip before I edged closer. “Allow me.”

I leaned in and licked at the crumb. His tongue shot out and tangled with mine before fully capturing my mouth. Groans filled the kitchen. I wasn’t sure if they were from him or me, but when my hand landed on his chest, I felt its vibration all the way to my core.

He dragged me closer until I was straddling his lap. His fingers dug into my hair and I started squirming on his rapidly growing erection.

I jerked away. “Dammit, I’m not done with dessert. Why are you so hard already?”

He tugged on my hair exposing my throat and nibbled his way up my neck to my jaw. “Because I’ve done nothing but think of fucking you. I want my dessert, woman.”

“Slow down,” I gasped. My nipples felt scratchy against my bra.

“Stop riding my crotch,” he growled.

Oh right. I was rubbing my pussy against his erection, but I was so close, the pinnacle was right there. The friction and his big dick. Oh my God.

Before I knew it, he was lifting me up and sitting me on the island.

“We shouldn’t let good cheesecake go to waste.” His voice was strained.

“What are you proposing?”

He snatched the spoon, and cut through the dessert, and held it in front of my mouth. “Open.”

I obeyed and opened my mouth, but, apparently, my legs did the same and my opportunistic husband immediately wedged his hips between my knees. He teased the edges of my mouth with the cool silverware before he smeared the cheesecake against my upper lip, dropping crumbs of crust into my low neckline. They settled between my cleavage.

“Oops,” he murmured, lowering the spoon. “Guess I need to clean you up.”

He leaned closer and licked my upper lip. I started panting, my breath hitching when he trailed kisses down my neck again, lingering on my collarbone before sweeping up to where my pulse was beating, giving it special attention. When he pulled away, I was on fire, my insides screaming for him to take me right then and there.

He dragged his knuckles against the dampness between my thighs. “Are you wet, sweetheart?”

“You know I am.”

His eyes were dark pools of desire before I lost sight of his face. When he lifted my top over my head, a bra strap fell to the side. His eyes followed its movement before glancing down at his fingers. He was too busy getting me naked. He tugged on the ribbon holding up my light linen lounge pants.

“I guess we’re doing it right here?”

“No. But I want to eat you before I pound the fuck outta you.” He freed my pants from my legs and then leaned into me, our mouths a hair’s breadth away. “But I want to make sure you’re soaking and limber.”

“How considerate.”

“That sass,” he growled before he shut me up with a deep devouring kiss that stole my breath. Our tongues dueled and explored each other. I tasted sweetness and Scotch. My fingers clutched his shirt, desperation evident in my movements. I was chasing my orgasm, rubbing against his hard length … almost there.

He tore his mouth away and growled. “The first time, you come on my mouth. Got me?”

Then all I could see was the ceiling. Cool air caressed my nipples before his hot mouth took over. He sucked on a taut peak while his other hand kneaded the one that was free. He licked my cleavage, before he moved to my other breast.

“Levi,” I moaned, my fingers digging into his hair. “… need more.” Why was he torturing us with slow mode? That wasn’t our speed.

He released the nipple he was teasing and said, “What’s the matter, sweetheart, you hurting right here?”

His knuckles stroked through my panties.


“You want me to suck this needy pussy?”

I nodded, still staring at the ceiling. His head started going lower, and I let go of his hair.

“Let me see how wet you are, beautiful.” His fingers nudged the fabric aside and slid through my folds. “Damn, babe, you’re soaked real good.” He inserted a thick finger, and I could tell just how slick I was.

“Fuck me,” he groaned. His mouth was below my belly button, lips moving in a rhythm timed to the pumping of his fingers in and out of me.

I rotated my hips to hurry him along, but he pressed down on my pelvis to keep me steady. When his warm breath fanned the apex between my thighs, I was breathless with anticipation and my legs started to shake.

“Goddamned beautiful … all this wet for me.” The first hard lick had my back arching again. No tentativeness. Levi knew where all my trigger points were.

“Oh …oh,” I moaned. He hit them every single time. Lick, flick, and stab. Roughness circled around my clit. Pleasure, indescribable pleasure, built with his fingers doing magic inside me while his tongue masterfully danced around my sensitized flesh. The pressure increased. I was breathless with my need to come until he scraped my clit just as his finger rubbed that sweetest spot inside me.

My hips bucked against his mouth as starbursts exploded behind my lids. My climax rippled through me. Clenching my thighs against the head that gave me a second rush of pulsing sensations, I cried out. I sobbed for him to stop because I couldn’t breathe. And yet I kept pushing against his mouth to give me more.

“Oh my God, ahhhh,” I yelled again as another wave washed over me. I struggled to draw in oxygen. “Stop … enough … I can’t take anymore.”



I couldn’t stop eating my wife’s pussy. Every drop that fell on my tongue left me craving for more. Her agonizing cries of pleasure only spurred me to lick harder. And my fingers loved getting sucked inside her.

“… enough!”

She’d been screaming that for a while, but I was an addict with an insatiable need. Her clit swelling against my mouth exhilarated every goddamned cell in my body. I could’ve come while tongue-fucking her. But I was a fan of delayed gratification, edging to the point of losing control.

I was dangerously close to that limit.

After giving her clit one final pinch between my lips, I surfaced from between her quaking legs to see her naked tits rising and falling from exhaustion. Damn, I loved this view.

“You’re the devil,” she mumbled. Her flushed face glistened with sweat, her arms cocked beside it in total surrender.

It was possible I grew even harder.


“Up,” I dragged her to a sitting position.

“Ah …” she moaned.

My heart plummeted. “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

She glared at me. “Not that. My ass feels numb and—”

I chuckled and tossed her over my shoulder.

“Levi!” she screeched.

“Heads up, babe. First time is going to be rough and hard.” With her muttering unintelligible phrases, I might’ve heard the word ‘caveman.’ I took the stairs two at a time, passed the landing, and turned into her bedroom. We needed a bed. Having her sore before we even fucked was a travesty, because I had many plans that involved making up for lost time and blue balls.

Prowling toward the bed, I threw her onto the mattress, watching her bounce once before landing on her back, legs cocked at an angle.

Impatience tormented my every move as I turned away from the breathtaking sight of my wife and sat on the edge of the bed. Unlacing my boots, I kicked them off along with my socks. I stood, taking a deep breath, as I tore my shirt over my head and started undoing the button of my jeans, wincing as I lowered my zipper over my bulging erection.

I could feel her eyes on me, so I glanced over my shoulder.

Yep, she was up on her elbows, and she was eating me up with her eyes. The need in them became my undoing. She was begging for a fuck all right.

I stared straight ahead again, clenching my jaw. “You keep looking at me that way and it’ll be over before I even get started.” This was it, I was claiming my wife again. And I was making sure she knew I was the only one capable of fucking her the way she deserved. Stomping out of my clothes, I turned around and couldn’t help the corner of my mouth lifting when her lips parted and her eyes widened.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered. “I forgot how big that thing was.”

“Thing?” I raised a brow.

“It could be its own entity.”

I choked on a laugh and put a knee on the bed. “You make it sound like an alien.”

“Monster,” she whispered. “Are we having monster sex?”

“Need to spread those thighs wider, babe.” Her legs fell open, and I fell on top of her. My hands tangled in her hair, framing her face and tipping it up so I could see her eyes. “Should I be jealous of monsters now?”

“No. Not if you give me that hard pounding.”

Damn … this woman. Could she be more perfect? I rocked into her, wetting the tip of my cock against her entrance. “Feel that, babe?”

“Yes.” Her eyes glazed with need.

So responsive, so perfect, so fucking mine.

I shoved inside her. We both groaned—mine strangled and hers breathless.

“Jesus, you’re tight.” I gritted as wet heat clamped down on me.

“Haven’t had sex in … in a while.”

“I don’t think I’ll survive the first stroke.”

“Don’t move yet.” Kelly hissed, her eyes scrunching shut. “I take back what I said about monster sex.”

I buried my face in her hair and smothered pained laughter because my dick was aching to thrust. “Too late.”

“Give me a few seconds.”

The seconds felt like an eternity until she whispered, “Okay.”

I lifted my head and searched her eyes for any sign of discomfort. There was none, only need, impatience, and excitement.

“Grab my shoulders and round my ass,” I ordered. “You want to hang on for this.” I shoved my hands under her ass to pin her in place for my thrust. “Tap my shoulder if it hurts.”

“Hell, we’re not stopping.” Her eyes flashed.

Her heels dug into my ass, and I sank deeper. “You’re so fucking beautiful, taking every inch of me.” I rotated my hips and ground against that spot I knew was still sensitive.

Her breathless cry was all the answer I needed. Withdrawing my shaft was agony, her channel suctioning tight around me. With my next measured thrust, heaven jolted from the base of my neck and zapped the length of my spine.

I wasn’t going to last if I concentrated on how her pussy gripped my length.

I concentrated on the expressions of her face, matching my rhythm to how her mouth opened, how she moaned my name, how she cursed me for being such a beast in bed while praising me for it.

My pounding accelerated, and in the back of my mind, the mattress was unsteady and damned creaky. But I was beyond caring. I drove into Kelly over and over, making sure to grind against the sweet trigger sitting behind the tip of her clit. Her head tilted back, mouth gaping in another sob, and she rippled around my cock.

Then the weirdest thing happened.

A cracking noise filled the room.

The mattress tilted to the side.

What the fuck? My pumping slowed.

“Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” Kelly yelled.

“Not stopping, but holy fuck …” I increased my pace, but it was getting hard to bottom out since, apparently, we’d broken the damn bed and were sliding to the corner.

“I need more,” Kelly wailed. “Harder.”

“Jesus, fuck, your pussy’s greedy.” Staying buried inside her, with my left hand gripping her ass, I stretched my right arm overhead and gripped one of the headboard railings and hauled us against it. Her back was against the pillows, and she was partially sitting up.

I resumed pumping, desperation trickling sweat down my face as I clung to the headboard for leverage while I hammered into her over and over.

Her muscles clenched around me, and I felt her go over the edge with another cry. When her screams faded, all that was left was creaking, and the strokes and slapping of wet flesh.

“You good?” I grunted.

“Yes,” she moaned. I wasn’t even sure where her head was positioned, somewhere against my chest. The way I had her curled couldn’t be comfortable. But at least she was responsive, and I hadn’t suffocated her.

I gave in to my own beast and chased my climax. It didn’t take long since I’d been riding the edge all night. I emptied inside her for what felt like forever. Months of frustration followed by hope poured into her.

I was slowing down my strokes, preparing to ease off my wife, when the headboard broke.

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