Chapter 474

Briar stood up and went to the door. Outside stood William, her biggest admirer.

"I'm here for my reward!" William barged in and pressed Briar against the wall. He began kissing her passionately.

Briar lifted her arms and let him do what he wanted without any expression on her face. She even seemed annoyed. After a few kisses, William found it pointless and harshly let her go.

"If you don't like me at all, why did you promise you would give yourself to me as a reward for completing the mission?" William asked.

He pinched her cheeks with his long fingers. "You're like a log. There's no warmth and no response from you. Are you rewarding me or humiliating me?" he asked through clenched jaws.

Briar sneered. "What's the rush? I've always kept my promises. If I promised you something, I'd give it to you, but not now..." "What's your excuse this time?" William was losing his patience.

"I've considered you my one and only love interest for many years. I've never let myself forget that. Back when you were young and naive, I didn't even dare to kiss you. I only realized how much of a bitch you were after we broke up...

"Why could other men easily get their hands on you, but I couldn't? This is my only regret, and it's the only thing driving me mad. I even dream about you. I've done so many things I swore I'd never do just to be with you. In fact, I even hurt a kind girl. Are you telling me that you want to change your mind now?" The more he said, the more extreme he became. His grip also tightened. "Don't force me. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing us both.

Well go to hell together!"

Briar wasn't afraid. She snickered. "William, you're losing control. Look at your crazy self. Are you still the same gentleman who dreams of becoming a doctor?"

"Do you finally realize that I've lost control? It's all your fault. Is my love for you so cheap?! Why must you toy with my feelings?" Briar's gaze became increasingly cold. She cut to the chase. "You lost control over that bitch's friend, Leia. You didn't expect to actually fall in love with her. You say you loved me and would do anything for me, but you so easily developed feelings for someone else. You've only known her for a few months... Men who claim to be devoted like you can never stay true to their words!"

"T-That's not true!" William was initially furious, but he now seemed frantic. His gaze darted around, "I-It's impossible. I'm sure I was only acting. I was using her to gain access to Renee's secrets. I intentionally got close to her, and I even recorded a video o us sleeping together, just so I could blackmail her into hurting Renee... I did all of this to make you happy and to make you mine. I've already proven that I love you the most!" William argued.

"Well said and well done too. Unfortunately, you can fool others, but not me. Even if I really do give myself to you, you still won't be satisfied. Not only that, but you'll fall into despair. You'll be in pain because you're afraid of losing Leia..." Briar said while lifting her phone up.

"I recorded everything you just said. If you really meant what you said, send this voice recording to Leia," she added.

"What? You're insane!" William panicked. He snatched her phone away and deleted the voice recording. He was so nervous that his fingers were trembling.

Briar observed all this before bursting into laughter. "Hahaha! See? Men like you never mean what you say. You're full of lies. To you, love is like a bubble that pops with a single poke. I've known long ago that there are no men in this world who could love only one woman. The day men can be trusted is the day pigs fly!"

After making sure the voice recording was deleted, he finally calmed down. "Leia is a kind, naive girl. I've hurt her enough. I don' want to keep playing this game. From now on, I won't do anything for you."

William finally realized how laughable his attempt to be with Briar was.

For the sake of this pursuit, he had done many wrong things. He had turned from an upright, kind person into a demon. He hurt the innocent Leia.

He didn't want to keep making these mistakes...

"Hmph. Do you think you can call it quits whenever you want?" Briar asked sarcastically.

She began mocking William for his naivety. "You've fallen into the abyss from the time you started getting close to Leia, for my sake. You'll be naive to think you can climb out of it now!

"Did you think you could wipe away all the ugly things you did by deleting this voice recording? Hahaha! I've always been careful with everything I do. I already uploaded this voice recording to the cloud. Not only that, but I also have a copy of the video of you having sex with Leia. It's all saved on my cloud disk. Do you think your naive Leia would have a breakdown and kill herself after publish it online?"

"You wouldn't dare!" William reached for Briar's neck. "What is your cloud disk's password? Delete those videos right away. I don't want to play your game anymore. I'm counting down from three... Tell me the password, or I'll strangle you!"

"I don't care if you finish counting down from three. It took me so much effort to draw a card I could use against Renee. Did you think I'd give it up so easily? Unless... You do one last thing for me." Briar noticed the hesitation in William's eyes. "As long as you complete this task, I'll delete everything, be it a voice note or a video. You can also use me however you want. If you think I'm an eyesore, I can even disappear from your life completely. I wont get in between you and Leia. Nobody will find out about all those nasty things you did..." She added.

William gulped. His willpower wavered. "Are you sure you can keep your promise?"

"Yes, but only if you carry this task out perfectly."

'What do I have to do?" William asked.

Briar didn't answer him. Instead, she looked in the direction of the bedroom where Adie was sound asleep. She didn't need to say anything further..

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