Chapter 421

Stefan gripped his dislocated left leg, breaking out in a cold sweat.

However, he still managed to plaster an arrogant expression onto his face.

'That's good." Renee felt more relaxed now.

'That man sure is tough - he's fine even after falling a few miles down a cliff. That's impressive, not going to lie!'

"How are you feeling?" Stefan endured the pain and shifted towards Renee in the dark.

"Terrible! I'm pretty sure I have a concussion, and my leg is fractured! I'm tired, cold, and starving! I feel like I'm going to die soon!"

Renee tried to get up a few times, but her leg didn't allow her to move at all, so she could only lay there helplessly. She thought she was about to see the light when the hunger kicked in.

"How could you fall from just walking? How stupid are you? Couldn't you have called someone for help?' Stefan was so worried that he wanted to beat some sense into the woman.

'It's been four years and she's still the same - she can't take care of herself!'

"My phone is broken!" Renee retorted in annoyance. "As if you're any better - you fell too, you know? You were just lucky enough to not hurt yourself!"

"I fell because I..." Stefan started heatedly, then suddenly became silent.

"Because of what?" Renee teased with a smile, seeing how the man wasn't speaking. "Heh, you don't want to admit that you're just as stupid, right? I already warned you, but you still rushed over like there was a ghost chasing you!"

"Fine! I, Stefan Hunt, am the stupidest person in the world. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come over at midnight just to save you!" Stefan scoffed coldly.

'How could she not know that I only got into this situation because I was worried about her?!' He thought frustratedly.

"Well, I didn't ask you to save me! My throat felt dry so I had to cough! You're the one who rushed over, so don't blame me," Renee said stubbornly, as she really didn't want to owe him any favors.

The two of them were finally even with each other, and she didn't want to get involved with the man anymore.

"Lend me your phone. I'll call my friend to come and save you."

Stefan could feel the pain in his left leg worsening, and realized that his injuries were probably much worse than he thought. He wouldn't be able to walk much, let alone get Renee out of there.

Thus, he handed the phone to Renee, saying arrogantly, "I'd like to see who else would come to your rescue, apart from me." Renee immediately took the phone and dialed Liam's number, but soon noticed that there was no signal around, and felt despair dawn upon her once more. "What the hell even is this place?! There's no signal at all!" fast update

"No signal?" Stefan frowned right away.

'If we can't call anyone to rescue us... With both of us hurt, all we can do is just sit around and wait in this secluded place. Since this place is so remote, and we're at the bottom of a cliff, it's understandable that there's no signal around here. I think it'd be better if we could climb to a higher place."

Renee figured that since she had still been able to receive Kevin's texts on the main road, it was likely that they'd be able to find a signal as soon as they got out of this pit. However, it was likely half a mile away from where they currently were. Moreover, it wouldn't be an easy trip with the forest and darkness around them.

"If we have to climb out, then so be it." Stefan's voice sounded especially determined.

"But my leg... I can't move at all. If I could, I would've climbed out a long time ago..." Renee trailed off when Stefan came and squatted in front of her.

The man ordered, "Put your arms around my neck, I'll carry you up there.

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