Chapter 1851

"You fought them, but you're saying you didn't do anything wrong?" It was the first time Renee had seen Adie be so rebellious, s naturally, she was furious and worried that he was getting out of her control. After all, Adie had just graduated from kindergarten. It was already difficult to handle him compared to other children, but if he always thought he was right even when he did something wrong, it would be harder to educate him once he became a teenager.

"Mommy, I know you would be mad if I fought someone, but I still don't think I did anything wrong. If I get into a situation like that again, I would still choose to fight!" Adie put his hands behind his back and lifted his chin stubbornly, refusing to back down.

"I see how it is. You think you're all grown up now since you're going to elementary school, and you can do whatever you like. Well, I think it's been a while since you've enjoyed a good beating." While talking, Renee started looking around.

"Mommy, you can use this." Abby climbed down from Stefan's shoulders and considerately picked up a small branch for Renee. She was very used to this-Renee would always end the conflict with Adie by beating him, and only then would Adie learn from hi mistake and Renee's anger would subside.

Adie glared at Abby, gritting his teeth. "Abby, what a good sister you are!"

Abby blinked and held Adie's hand, trying to persuade him. "Adie, you shouldn't have made Mommy mad. You know how Mommy is when she's mad. If you don't want her to beat you, just admit you were wrong."

"No, I don't want to!" Adie bit his lip, fighting back tears. "I didn't do anything wrong, so why should I say I did? Mommy can just beat me up if she wants to!"

Renee clenched the branch tightly, her anger deepening. "Adie, do you think I won't beat you just because there are many people around?" She felt that Adie needed to learn to respect rules. If she felt sorry for him now, it would be hard to discipline hin in the future. Making up her mind, she raised the branch over Adie's palm.

When Stefan saw that, he gripped

Renee's wrist. "I know that you want to show your authority in front of the

kids and I don't have a say in it, but... shouldn't we listen to Adie first

before we decide to punish him?"

"Didn't you hear him? He fought

people and felt it was the right thing

to do. What's there to discuss?"


Renee put her hands on her waist


and tried to calm herself. "Do you know how good he is at fighting now? He can fight a grown man easily. If he fights his peers, it's considered bullying. I don't care what the reason is, it was wrong of him to fight!"

Stefan remained silent but didn't let go of Renee's hand. He turned to Adie and asked him seriously, 'Adie, this is a good chance for you to explain. Why did you fight? Make it clear to US, and I'm sure your

mommy wont be mad anymore."

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