The Ultimate Husband
Chapter 5667

Chapter 5667 'What?!" Chester, Debra, and the others were all surprised after knowing the situation.

It took them a long time to figure out that Prince Auten had taken over another continent's body. Knowing that, Debra suddenly had a thought. "If that's the case, maybe Prince Auten took on a new body, and that's why we can't find him?" Debra was smart and immediately thought of the crux of the problem.

"Oh, yeah!" Darryl's eyes lit up, and he immediately slapped his thigh.

"Debra's guess is very likely." Rachelle had severely injured Prince Auten. His previous body would be

rendered useless, and he would undoubtedly need a new one. 'How did I not think of that?" "Bad news!" However, an Elysium Gate disciple ran over at that precise moment, his face drenched in sweat.

"It is not looking good, Brother Darryl.

The Begonia Residence is surrounded by many godly soldiers and generals!" The disciple's legs were weak, and he struggled to stand while speaking.

'What?' Darryl's and everyone else's expressions changed instantly. He recovered and quickly walked out, with Chester, Debra, and everyone else close behind.

When Darryl arrived outside the Begonia Residence's gate, he could not help but take a deep breath when he

saw the scene in front of him. The same could be said for Chester and the others, who were astounded to see thousands of elite godly soldiers and generals encircling the Begonia Residence like an iron bucket.

Master Magaera, dressed in purple- gold armor, led the godly soldiers and generals, suspended in mid-air with a proud expression and awe-inspiring aura.

'Sh*t!' Darryl frowned and cursed silently in his heart. "What is Master Magaera doing here when he should be looking for the whereabouts of Archfiend Antigonus?' Darryl took a deep breath and asked Master Magaera loudly, "Magaera, what is the meaning of this?" Master Magaera snickered in response

to the question. He looked down at the crowd and asked, "Darryl, need you ask?" Master Magaera pointed to Debra, who was behind Darryl. "You told me before that the Elysium Gate had nothing to do with the Hidden Hero Sect, and yet the woman behind you is the Sect Master of the Hidden Hero Sect. The evidence is solid that you've colluded with them. What else is there to say?" During that time, Master Magaera sent his subordinates to search around for Archfiend Antigonus's whereabouts and, at the same time, paid close attention to the situation in the Begonia Residence. Half a day ago, his subordinates discovered that Debra, the Sect Master of the Hidden Hero Sect, was Darryl's wife, and she was

EE recuperating with Darryl in the Begonia Residence. Master Magaera was incensed when he heard the news and wasted no time rushing over with his army.

At that moment, Darryl took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

""Magaera, Debra is my wife. Yes, she is the Sect Master of the Hidden Hero Sect, but it had nothing to do with the Yellow Emperor's confrontation with the Godly Region. Besides, the Hidden Hero Sect had hidden from the world for thousands of years and had no dispute with the Godly Region." Darryl looked at Master Magaera with a burning gaze. "It all happened thousands of years ago. Must you hold on to that grudge?" His words were loud and clear.

Master Magaera frowned and then smiled. "Darryl, after all that, you just want to find excuses for your woman and the Hidden Hero Sect. When the Nine Heaven God was still alive, he passed down an order to eradicate the remnants of the Yellow Emperor." Then Master Magaera raised his finger and pointed at Debra. "I don't care about other people, but that woman must be taken away." It was natural for him not to let Debra go easily, given his frustration with the futile search for Archfiend Antigonus.

Debra's tender body trembled, and she felt nervous in that situation. She had anticipated such a day since becoming Sect Master of the Hidden Hero Sect.

Still, she had not expected Master

Magaera to bring so many elite soldiers and generals.

Darryl became enraged. He stepped forward to stand in front of Debra and said coldly, "And what if I won't let you take her?" Debra was his wife. There was no way he would hand her over to Master Magaera.

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