Chapter 388

Maisie knew that if this were to continue, the lustful spark crackling in him would turn into a forest fire.

Although there was no one in the company at this time, she could not be sure about whether Kennedy would suddenly appear, so she quickly changed the subject. "Speaking of which, have you found out who that man is trying to protect?"

Nolan raised his head, and his watery eyes turned gloomy as he replied, "It's someone from the training camp."

"Someone from the training camp, could it be..."

"You know the person." Nolan lowered his head and gave her fair neck a peck.

Maisie placed her arms on his shoulders and could not help but tighten her fingers. "Does the person have the same rank as Cherie and the others, Mmmh."

"Huh?" Nolan stopped what he was doing as if he was doing so deliberately and stared at her flushed cheeks that resembled a sunset.

Maisie bit her lip, looked away awkwardly, and said, "Can you answer me properly!?"

He smirked. "Then don't make any noise. It's very risky to do so."

Maisie was about to die of wrath.

Nolan did not tease her anymore and replied, "It's Instructor Leach."

"It's actually him?"

Maisie's eyes dimmed "Could it be that Instructor Leach is the person who had a hand in Wynona's matter?"

'I do know Instructor Leach, but I can't believe that it has something to do with him. He was there to supervise the shooting assessment the whole time that day.

"And when I saved Logan from the pit viper, Instructor Leach and Hans were the first ones to rush up to me. If he knew in advance that someone would release a snake to hurt me.. 'But if Logan hadn't startled the snake back then, the others at the assessment would have also startled it by accident and got bitten. Wouldn't he be worried about this problem? 'But Instructor Leach seemed to be unaware of the pit viper's existence back then.'

"Why did Instructor Leach do that?" Maisie was obviously puzzled. "If that man were willing to protect Instructor Leach to that extent, he'd definitely not let him take all those risks." Nolan stared at her. "You should know that some people were being forced into doing so. There are reasons why he had to do that."

Maisie remained silent as everything had come to light.

'Just like what I guessed the other night. The mastermind behind the scheme has something on the man in his hand, and that something is the person who he values. His brother is Instructor Leach, so the same applies to Instructor Leach too.

'It's very likely that Rowena is taking advantage of Instructor Leach's relationship with that man. I didn't expect that she was plotting such a huge scheme.

'She had planned everything and even had everything under her control ever since I got into the training camp,

'As for why she killed Wynona, it's just that she needs someone to take the blame for the pit viper incident. Wynona's bad relationship with me made her the most suitable candidate. Regardless of whether I was bitten and killed by the pit viper, Wynona had to atone for the incident.

'Willow, Dad, the kids, and even Wynona's parents, every move that she's made seems smooth. All those evil thoughts and such a vicious mind are hidden under the pretty body, yet Titus has never discovered it.'

She then asked softly, "Did Instructor Leach kill Wynona?"

"No," Nolan answered quietly. "He saw her that day, but he lied because he's the one who brought her there."

Maisie now realized that Instructor Leach was not the murderer but an accomplice. She suddenly asked, "Can you expose her with just this piece of evidence?"

Nolan let off a grin as he pinched her lower jaw with his fingertips and kissed her lips. "Don't worry, I've arranged everything with Quincy."

At the Summer Pavilion..

The man who was locked in the room had been left starving for a few days, and he was already on the verge of dying. He licked his dry lips, and the famine had caused him to be disorientated.

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