The Supreme God of Martial Arts
Chapter 268 You'll Offer Me Exactly What I Need (Part Three)

Hmm! Austin Lin, do you think that the five of us are here by accident? one of the inner disciples said coldly and arrogantly while his eyes were fixed at Austin.

"Ha ha! You must be kidding, right? This is a quiet and lonely place to be and only a few people come here. Why would I think the five of you are here accidentally? I am not so naive.

Actually I knew that you were coming for me. Johnson, Steward Su has sent you to find and capture me. Am I right?" Austin asked with a smile. "What?" the inner disciples had not expected this answer and looked at each other, confused about how Austin knew their intentions.

"How do you know that the five of us have been sent by Steward Su and that we are here to catch you?"

"Why don't you attempt to run away?" another inner disciple asked, totally puzzled by the calmness on Austin’s face.

The faces of the five inner disciples had expressions of shock and astonishment. They were unable to understand how Austin was so relaxed while he stood before them. He showed no fear and no regret! "Run away? Why should I run away? After seeing the five of you here, I am overjoyed. How can I run away? " Austin retorted.

"What are you talking about? You know we are here to capture you, still you are happy to see us? Are you insane?"

The five inner disciples were stunned by each word that Austin spoke. “What was wrong with this guy?’ they wondered.

"Isaac, I think Austin has realized that he will not be able to escape from Steward Su after killing Marvin. The pressure and fear, the distress and terror have made him go crazy. I think, he has become deranged.

I have heard people say that Austin had been a fool for three years. No one knows how he recovered.

So, according to me, he has lost his mind again and has become crazy again. Considering his state of mind, he can do such an unreasonable thing,” another inner disciple made his assumptions aloud

Hearing the inner disciple talk in such derogatory manner, Austin got furious. He couldn't stop himself. "The crazy person present here is no one else, but you! You are really an idiot! All of you are!"

He shouted at them with fierceness they had never seen.

"Don't talk too much. I challenge you all. I challenge any one of you to come forward and hit me on my body. Spare no effort in doing that. Put in all your strength,” Austin rebuked them.

He took a step ahead and put both his two hands behind his back, exposing his body to the five inner disciples. He nodded at them to signal that they could start hitting him. His hands were at the back and he wasn't going to stop them from attacking him.

“What is happening?” the five inner disciples were totally confused by the actions of Austin.

Unable to understand Austin's strange behavior, they looked at each other without speaking anything. They were bewildered by the way he stood before them, waiting for them to attack him.

“This guy has truly become a fool again. This time he has changed completely, * the five of them thought.


The sound of a slap echoed around.

They were perplexed at what had just happened. Austin looked like a ghost when he moved so quickly. None of them could understand what had just happened. They were wide-eyed to see how Austin moved his body and did the unthinkable. Their eyes were now on Merlin. It was the face which had been slapped by Austin. Immediately, Merlin's face became red and started to swell by the strength of the attacker.

"Go and die, stinker! How dare you offend me? I will not forgive you. You should die!" Merlin shouted filled with rage.

Being slapped on his face, Merlin was extremely furious. He was mad with anger.

All his vital energy started to rush strongly inside his body. The vital energy force of the ninth level of Energy Gathering Realm flowed out. Merlin's clothes were flying across with the energy emanating from his body. They looked like flags fluttering in a strong wind though there was no wind at all.

"Demonic Bone-chilling Claw!"

As Merlin shouted these words, his right hand moved towards Austin like a punch. All the black vital energy present in Merlin appeared in his right hand. It changed and took the shape of a claw, full of demonic aura!

He came at Austin swiftly and angrily. His anger took control of his senses.

"Merlin, don't hit him too hard. A few injuries are enough. Do not kill him. We better catch this guy and take him to Steward Su. Let Steward Su torture this guy and make him pay for his mistakes," Isaac quickly reminded Merlin what they were supposed to do.

"It's too late! This guy must die! I cannot let him live after what he did to me!"

Merlin had become so enraged that he did not want to hear anyone's advice. He could not let this guy get out alive from there. It was not enough for Merlin to take him to Steward Su. Merlin had to kill him to avenge the insult. No one dared to slap him ever. Austin had to die for doing such a thing!

"Ha ha! Don't save your strength. Try your best," Austin said calmly with a smile. Merlin's anger had no impact on Austin. He had slapped Merlin deliberately and now he was waiting for Merlin to attack so that he could test his new physical power.

While he was calm inside, his body started to become hard. Sensing the toughness overwhelming his skin, Austin was confident of himself. He did not use his vital energy at all. He was going to take in the heat and power being projected at him by Merlin. Austin had decided to face it only with his physical body. He knew what he was doing and was eager to show them all that they were totally unaware of!

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